Þe book of Amos.
Capitulum I.
The wordis of Amos, whiche was in ſheperdis þingus of Thecue, whiche he ſawȝ on Yrael, in þe days of Oſye, kyng of Juda, and in þe days of Jeroboam, ſone of Joas, kyng of Yrael, byfore two ȝeris of þe erþe mouynge. And he ſaide, Þe Lord ſhal rore of Syon, and of Jeruſalem ſhal ȝeue his voice; and þe faire þingus of ſheperdis mourneden, and þe top of Carmele is dried vp. Þeſe þingis ſaiþ þe Lord, On þre grete treſpaſſis of Damaſk, and on foure, Y ſhal not conuerte hym, for þat þat þei þreſhiden in yren waynes Galaad. And Y ſhal ſende fijr in to þe hous of Aſael, and it ſhal deuoure þe houſes of Benadab. And Y ſhal breke to gydre þe barris, or lockis, of Damaſke, and Y ſhal diſtruye þe dweller of þe feeld of ydol, and þe holdynge ſceptre of þe hous of voluptee and lecchorie; and þe peple of Syrie ſhal be transferrid to Sirenen, ſaiþ þe Lord. Þeſe þingus ſaiþ þe Lord, On þree grete treſpaſſis of Gaſa, and on foure, Y ſhal not conuerte hym, for þat þat he tranſlatide perfit caitiftee, þat he ſhulde cloſe to gydre it in to Ydume. And Y ſhal ſende fijr in to þe wall of Gaſa, and it ſhal deuoure houſis þerof. And Y ſhal diſtruye þe dwellers of Azotus, and þe holdynge ſceptre of Aſcalon; and Y ſhal turne to gydre myn hond vpon Accharon, and relikis of Philiſtiens ſhuln periſche, ſeiþ þe Lord God. Þeſe þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God, On þre greet treſpaſſis of Tyrus, and on four, Y ſhal not conuerte hym, for þat þat þei cloſiden to gydre perfit caytiftee in Ydume, and þouȝten not of þe boond of breþeren. And Y ſchal ſend fijr in to þe wall of Tyrus, and it ſhal deuoure þe houſis þerof. Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord God, On þree grete treſpaſſis of Edom, and on foure, Y ſhal not conuerte hym, for þat he purſuede in ſwerd his broþer, and defoulide þe mercy of hym, and heelde ouer his wodeneſſe, and kepte his indignacioun til in to þe eend. Y ſhal ſende fijr in to Theman, and it ſhal deuoure þe houſis of Boſra. Þeſe þingus ſaiþ þe Lord God, On þree grete treſpaſſis of þe ſonys of Amon, and on þe foure, Y ſhal not conuerte hym, for þat he karf wymmen wiþ chijld of Galaad, for to alarge his terme. And Y ſhal kyndyl fijr in þe wall of Rabba, and it ſhal deuoure his houſis, in ȝoulyng in þe day of bateyle, and in whirlwynd in þe day of meuyng to gydre. And Melchon ſhal go in to caitiftee, he and his princis to gydre, ſaiþ þe Lord.
Capitulum II.
Theſe þingis ſaiþ þe Lord God, On þree grete treſpaſſis of Moab, and on foure, Y ſhal not conuerte hym, for þat he brente þe boonys of þe kyng of Ydume vn to aſh. And Y ſhal ſende fijr in to Moab, and it ſhal deuoure þe houſis of Carioþ; and Moab ſhal dye in ſown of trumpe. And Y ſhal diſtruye þe domyſman of þe mydil þerof, and Y ſhal ſlea alle his princis wiþ hym, ſaiþ þe Lord. Þeſe þingis ſaiþ þe Lord, On þree grete treſpaſſis of Juda, and on foure, Y ſhal not conuerte hym, for þat he caſtide awey þe lawe of þe Lord, and kepte not his comaundementis; forſoþe her ydols diſceiueden hem, after whom þe faders of hem wenten. And Y ſhal ſende fijr in to Juda, and it ſhal deuoure þe houſis of Jeruſalem. Þeſe þingus ſaiþ þe Lord, On þree grete treſpaſſis of Yrael, and on foure, Y ſhal not conuerte hym, for þat he ſolde a iuſt man for ſyluer, and a poore man for ſhoone. Whiche breken to gydre on duſt of þe erþe þe hedis of pore men, and bowen awey þe waye of meeke men; þe ſone and his fadir wente to a wenche, þat þei defouliden myn holy name. And on cloþis leyde to wedde þei eeten byſidis eche auter, and drunken wijn of dampnyd men in þe hous of her God. Forſoþe Y diſtruyede Ammorey fro þe face of hem, whos hieneſſe of cedris þe hyeneſſe of hym, and he ſtrong as an ook; and Y brake to gidre þe fruyte of hym aboue, and þe rotis of hym byneþe. Y am, þat made ȝou for to ſtye vp fro þe lond of Egypt, and Y ledde ȝou out in deſert fourty ȝeer, þat ȝe ſhulde weelde þe lond of Ammorrey. And Y reyſide of ȝour ſonys in to prophetis, and of ȝour ȝunge men Naȝareys. Wher it is not þus, ȝe ſonys of Yrael? ſaiþ þe Lord. And ȝe ȝauen wijn to Naȝareys, and ȝe comaundiden to prophetis, ſayinge, Prophecie ȝe not. Loo! Y ſhal ſowne ſtrongly vndir ȝou, as a wayn chargid wiþ hay ſowneþ ſtrongly. And fliȝt ſhal periſche fro þe ſwift, and a ſtrong man ſhal not weelde his vertue, and a miȝty man in ſtrengþe ſhal not ſaue his ſoule, or lijf; and a man holdynge bowe ſhal not ſtonde, and þe ſwift in his feet ſhal not be ſaued; and þe ſtyer of hors ſhal not ſaue his ſoule, and þe ſtronge in herte amonge men ſhal flee nakid in þat day, ſaiþ þe Lord.
Capitulum III.
Sonys of Yrael, heer ȝe þe word þat þe Lord ſpac on ȝou, on al þe kynred, whiche Y ledde out of þe lond of Egypt, ſayinge, Oonly ȝou Y knew of alle kynredis of erþe; þerfore Y ſhal viſite on ȝou alle ȝour wickidneſſis. Wher two ſhuln go to gydre, no but it ſhal accorde to hem? Wher a lyoun ſhal rore in þe wijld wode, no bot he ſhal haue pray? Wher þe whelp of a lyoun ſhal ȝeue voice of his couche, no bot he ſhal cacche ſum þing? Wher a brid ſhal falle in to grane of erþe, wiþ outen a fouler? Wher a gnare ſhal be taken awey fro erþe, before it ſhal take ſum þing? Ȝif a trumpe ſhal ſowne in a cytee, and þe peple ſhal not dreede? Ȝif þere be yuel in þe citee, whiche þe Lord ſhal not do? For þe Lord God ſhal not do a word, no bot he ſhal ſhewe his preuyte to his ſeruauntis prophetis. A lyoun ſhal rore, who ſhal not dreede? þe Lord God ſpac, who ſhal not prophecie? Make ȝe herd in þe houſis of Azotus, and in þe houſis of þe lond of Egypt; and ſaye ȝe, Be ȝe gadrid on þe hillis of Samarye, and ſee many woodneſſis in þe mydil þerof, and men ſuffrynge fals chalenge in priuy chaumbris þerof. And þei couþen not do riȝt þing, ſaiþ þe Lord, treſourynge wickidneſſe and raueyn in her houſis. Þerfore þeſe þingus ſaiþ þe Lord God, Þe lond ſhal be in tribulacioun, and ſhal be cumpaſid; and þi ſtrengþe ſhal be drawen awey fro þee, and þin houſis ſhuln be robbid. Þeſe þingus ſaiþ þe Lord, Hou ȝif a ſheperd delyuere two hypis, or þe laſt þing of a litil ere of þe lyouns mouþe, ſo þe ſonys of Yrael ſhuln be delyuered, þat dwellen in Samarie, in plage, or wound, of þe litil bed, and in þe lappe of Damaſke. Heere ȝe, and witneſſe ȝe to gidre in þe hous of Jacob, ſaiþ þe Lord God of ooſtis. For in þe day, whanne Y ſhal bygynne for to viſite þe treſpaſſis of Yrael on hym, Y ſhal viſite and on þe auters of Beþel; and þe corners of þe auters ſhuln be kitte of, and ſhuln falle in to erþe. And Y ſhal ſmyte þe wyntyr hous wiþ þe ſomer hous, and þe houſis of yuer ſhuln periſhe, and many houſis ſhuln be diſtruyed, ſaiþ þe Lord.
Capitulum IIII.
Heer þis word, ȝe fatt kyen, þat ben in þe mount of Samarie; whiche don fals chalenge to nedy men, and to gydre breken poore men; whiche ſaien to ȝour lordis, Brenge ȝee, and we ſhuln drynke. Þe Lord God ſwore in his holy, for loo! days ſhuln cum on ȝou; and þei ſhuln reyſe ȝou in a dart wiþ out yren, and ȝour relykis in pottis boylynge. And by opnyngis ȝe ſhuln go out, an oþer aȝeinus an oþer, and ȝe ſhuln be caſt in to Arnoun, ſaiþ þe Lord. Cum ȝe to Beþel, and do ȝe vnpytouſly; to Galgala, and multiplie ȝe treſpaſſyng; and offre ȝe eerly ȝour ſacrifices for victorie, in þree days ȝour tiþes. And ſacrifie ȝe herying of ſour dowid, and clepe ȝe wilful offryngus, and telle ȝe; forſoþe þus ȝe wolden, ſonys of Yrael, ſaiþ þe Lord God. Wherfore and Y ȝaue to ȝou eggyng of teeþ in alle ȝour cytees, and need of loues in alle ȝour placis; and ȝe turneden not aȝein to me, ſaiþ þe Lord. And Y forbad rayn fro ȝou, whanne ȝit þree moneþis weren ouer, til to rype corn; and I reynede on oo citee, and I reynede not on an oþer; oo part is reyned, and þe part on whiche Y reynede not, dryede. And two and þree cytees camen to oo cytee, for to drinke water, and þei ben not fulfillid; and ȝe turnede not aȝein to me, ſaiþ þe Lord. Y ſmote ȝou in brennyng wynd, and in myldew, þe multitude of ȝour gardeyns, and ȝour vijn ȝerdis; and olyuetis, or placis wher olyues wexen, and fijge placis, eruke eete; and ȝee turneden not aȝein to me, ſaiþ þe Lord. Y ſente in to ȝou deeþ in þe waye of Egypt, Y ſmote in ſwerd ȝour ȝung men, vn to caitifte of ȝour horſis, and Y made þe ſtynk of ȝour caſtels, or multitude of armed men, for to ſtye in to ȝour noſe þrillis; and ȝe turneden not aȝein to me, ſaiþ þe Lord. Y diſtruyede ȝou, as God diſtruyede Sodom and Gomor, and ȝe ben maad as a brond rauyſhid of brennyng; and ȝe turneden not aȝein to me, ſaiþ þe Lord. Wherfore þis Y ſhal do to þee, Yrael; forſoþe after þat Y ſhal do to þee þis þing, Yrael, be þou maad redy in to aȝein cummyng of þi God. For loo! Y fourmynge hillis, and makynge of nouȝt wynd, and tellynge to man his ſpeche, makynge a morewe cloude, or myſt, and goynge on heeȝ þingis of erþe; þe Lord of ooſtis name of hym.
Capitulum V.
Heere ȝe, hous of Yrael, þis word, þat Y reyſe on ȝou a weylyng. Þe meyden of Yrael felle doun, ſhe ſhal not put to, þat ſhe rijſe aȝein; ſhe is caſt doun in to hir erþe, þer is not þat ſhal reyſe hir. For þeſe þingus ſaiþ þe Lord God, Þe cite of whiche a þouſand wenten out, an hundrid ſhuln be left þeryne; and of whiche an hundrid wenten out, ten ſhuln be left þerynne, in þe hous of Yrael. For þeſe þingis ſeiþ þe Lord to þe hous of Iſrael, Seeke ȝe me, and ȝe ſhulen lyue; and nyle ȝe ſeeke Beþel, and in to Galgala nyle ȝe entre, and into Berſabe paſſe ȝe not; for Galgal ſchal be led caityf, and Beþel ſhal be vnprofitable. Seeke ȝe þe Lord, and lyue ȝe, leſt per auenture þe hous of Joſeph be brent as fijre; and it ſhal deuoure, and þer ſhal not be, þat ſhal quenche Beþel. Whiche conuerten dom in to wermod, and forſaken riȝtwijſneſſe of þe Lord in erþe, and makynge Arture and Orion, and turnynge in to morewnyng derckneſſis, and chaungynge day in to niȝt; whiche clepiþ waters of þe ſee, and heeldiþ out hem on þe face of þe erþe; þe Lord is name of hym. Whiche ſcorneþ diſtruyinge, or waaſtneſſe, on þe ſtronge, and bringiþ robbyng on þe miȝty. Þei hadden in hate þe repreuynge man in þe ȝate, and þei wlatiden a man ſpekynge perfitly. Þerfore for þat þat ȝe robbiden þe pore man, and token fro hym þe choſen pray, ȝe ſhuln beelde houſis wiþ ſqware ſtoon, and ȝe ſhuln not dwelle in hem; ȝe ſhuln plante moſt amyable vyne ȝerdis, and ȝe ſhuln not drinke þe wyne of hem. For Y knewe ȝour manye grete treſpaſſis, and ȝour ſtrong ſynnes; enmyes of þe iuſt, takynge ȝiftis, and beringe doun pore men in þe ȝate. Þerfore a prudent man in þat tyme ſhal be ſtille, for þe tyme is yuel. Seke ȝe good, and not yuel, þat ȝe lyue, and þe Lord God of ooſtis ſhal be wiþ ȝou, as ȝe ſaiden. Hate ȝe yuel, and loue ȝe good, and ordeyne ȝe in þe ȝate dom; ȝif per auenture þe Lord God of ooſtus haue mercye to þe relikis of Joſeph. Þerfore þeſe þingus ſaiþ þe Lord God of ooſtis, hauynge lordſhip, In alle ſtretis weylynge, and in alle þingus þat ben wiþ outforþ it ſhal be ſaid, Wo! wo! and þei ſhuln cleepe an erþe tilier to mournyng, and hem to weylyng, þat kunnen weyle. And in alle weyes weylyng ſhal be, for Y ſhal paſſe by þe mydil of þee, ſaiþ þe Lord. Wo to men deſirynge þe day of þe Lord; wher to it to ȝou? Þis day of þe Lord derckneſſis, and not liȝt. Hou ȝif a man renne fro face of a lyoun, and a bere renne to hym; and he entre in þe hous, and lene wiþ his hond vpon þe walle, and a ſerpent dwellynge in ſhadewe byte hym. Wher not derckneſſis þe day of þe Lord, and not liȝt; and myſt, and not ſhynyng þerynne? Y hatide and caſtide awey ȝoure feeſt days, and Y ſhal not take þe odour of ȝour cumpanyes. Þat ȝif ȝe ſhuln offre to me ȝour brent ſacrifices, and ȝiftis, Y ſhal not reſceyue, and Y ſhal not byholde avowis of ȝour fat þingus. Do awey fro me þe noyſe of þi ſongis, or ditees, and Y ſhal not heere þe ſongis of þin harpe. And dom ſhal be ſhewid as water, and riȝtwyſneſſe as a ſtrong ſtreem of reyn. Wher ȝe offriden to me ooſtis, and ſacrifice in deſert fourty ȝeeris, ȝe hous of Yrael? And ȝe han born tabernaclis to Moloch, ȝour god, and ymage of ȝoure ydolis, þe ſterre of ȝour god, whiche ȝe maden to ȝou. And Y ſhal make ȝou for to paſſe ouer Damaſk, ſaide þe Lord; God of ooſtis name to hym.
Capitulum VI.
Wo to ȝou, þat ben ful of richeſſis in Syon, and triſten in þe hille of Samarie, ȝe beſt men in honour, hedis of peplis, proudly goynge in to þe hous of Yrael. Go ȝe in to Calamye, and ſe ȝe, and go ȝe þennus in to Emaþ þe grete; and go ȝe doun in to Geþ of Paleſtyns, and to alle þe beſt rewmes of hem, ȝif her terme be bradder þan ȝour terme. Whiche ȝe ben departid in to yuel day, and neiȝen to ſeete of wickidneſſe; whiche ȝe ſleepen in beddis of yuer, and wexen wijld, or iolyf, in ȝour beddis; whiche ȝe eete lombe of floc, and a calf of mydil of þe droue; whiche ȝe ſyngen at voice of pſautrie. As Dauid þei geſſiden hem for to haue veſſels of ſong, in vyols drinkynge wyne, and wiþ beſt oynement anoyntid; in no þing þei ſuffriden on þe contricioun of Joſeph. Wherfore now þei ſhuln paſſe in þe hed of men paſſynge ouer, and þe doyng, or treſoun, of men wexinge ioly ſhal be don awey. Þe Lord God ſwore in his ſoule, ſaiþ þe Lord God of ooſtis, Y wlate þe pride of Jacob, and Y hate þe hous of hym, and Y ſhal bytake þe citee wiþ his dwellers; þat ȝif þe relikis ſhuln be ten men in oon hous, and þei ſhuln dye. And his neiȝbore ſhal take hym, and ſhal to gydre brenne hym, þat he bere out boonys of þe hous. And he ſhal ſaye to hym, þat is in priue places of þe hous, Wher þere is ȝit anentis þee? And he ſhal anſwere, An eend is. And he ſhal ſaye to hym, Be ſtille, and recorde not þe name of þe Lord. For loo! þe Lord ſhal comaunde, and ſhal ſmyte þe gretter hous wiþ fallyngis, and þe leſſe hous wiþ keruyngis. Wher horſis mown renne in ſtonys, or may it be erid in wijlde oxen? For ȝe conuerten dom in to bitterneſſe, and þe fruyte of riȝtwiſneſſe in to wormod. Whiche ȝe gladen in nouȝt, whiche ȝe ſayen, Wher not in oure ſtrengþe we token to vs horns? Loo! Y ſhal reyſe a folc vpon ȝou, ȝe þe hous of Yrael, ſaiþ þe Lord God of ooſtis; and it ſhal to gydre breke ȝou fro entre of Emaþ vn to þe ſtreme of deſert.
Capitulum VII.
Theſe þingus þe Lord God ſhewide to me; and loo! a maker of locuſt in þe bygynnyng of buriownynge þingus of eeuen rayn, and loo! eeuen rayn after þe clipper of floc, or kyng. And it is don, whanne he eendide for to eete þe herbe of erþe, Y ſaide, Lord God, be þou mercyful, Y byſeche; who ſhal reyſe Jacob, for he is litil? Þe Lord hadde mercy on þis þing; It ſhal not be, ſaide þe Lord God. Þe Lord God ſhewide to me þis þing; and loo! þe Lord God ſhal cleepe dom to fijr, and it ſhal deuoure myche depneſſe, and ſhal eet to gydre a part. And Y ſaide, Lord God, reſte þou, Y byſeche; who ſhal reiſe Jacob, for he is lytil? Þe Lord hadde mercy on þis þing; Bot and þis þing ſhal not be, ſaide þe Lord God. Þe Lord God ſhewide to me þeſe þingus; and loo! þe Lord ſtondynge on a wall teerid, or morterd, and in þe hond of hym a truel of maſoun. And þe Lord ſaide to me, What ſeeſt þou, Amos? And Y ſaide, A truel of maſoun. And þe Lord ſaide, Loo! Y ſhal putte a truel in mydil of my people Yrael; Y ſhal no more putte to, for to ouer leede hym; and þe heeȝ þingus of þe ydol ſhuln be diſtruyed, and þe halewyngis of Yrael ſhuln be deſolat; and Y ſhal ryſe on þe hous of Jeroboam in ſwerde. And Amaſie, preſt of Beþel, ſente to Jeroboam, kyng of Yrael, ſayinge, Amos rebellide aȝeinus þee, in þe mydil of þe hous of Yrael; þe lond may not ſuſteyne alle his wordis. Forſoþe Amos ſaiþ þeſe þingus, Jeroboam ſhal dye in ſwerd, and Yrael caitif ſhal paſſe of his lond. And Amaſie ſaide to Amos, Þou þat ſeeſt, go; flee þou in to þe lond of Juda, and eete þou þere þi breede; and þere þou ſhalt prophecie. And in Beþel þou ſhalt no more putte to, þat þou prophecie, for it is þe halewyng of þe kyng, and is hous of þe rewme. And Amos anſwerde, and ſaide to Amaſye, Y am not a prophete, Y am not þe ſone of a prophete; but a neet heerde Y am, drawinge vp ſycomoris. And þe Lord toke me, whanne Y ſuede þe floc; and þe Lord ſaide to me, Go, and prophecie þou to my peple Yrael. And now heere þou þe word of þe Lord. Þou ſaiſt, Þou ſhalt not prophecie on Yrael, and þou ſhalt not droppe on þe hous of ydol. For þis þing þe Lord ſaiþ þeſe þingis, Þi wyf in cytee ſhal do fornycacioun, and þi ſonnys and þi douȝters in ſwerd ſhuln falle, and þin erþe ſhal be meetyn wiþ a litil coorde; and þou ſhalt dye in a polut lond, and Yrael ſhal paſſe caitif of his lond.
Capitulum VIII.
The Lord God ſhewide to me þeſe þingis; and loo! an hoke of applis. And þe Lord ſaide, What ſeeſt þou, Amos? And Y ſaide, An hok of applis. And þe Lord ſaide to me, Þe eende cummeþ on my peple Yrael; Y ſhal namore putte to, þat Y paſſe by hym. And þe herris of temple ſhuln gretely ſoune in þat day, ſaiþ þe Lord God. Manye men ſhuln dye, in eche place ſilence ſhal be caſt doun. Heere þis þing, whiche breken to gydre þe pore man, and maken needy men of þe lond for to fayle, ſayinge, Whan ſhal rype corn paſſe, and we ſhuln ſelle marchaundiſes? and þe ſaboþ, and we ſhuln opyn whete? þat we make leſſe þe meſure, and encreſce þe ſycle, and vndirputte gylfull balauncis; þat we welden in ſyluer nedy and pore men for ſhoon, and we ſelle clenſingus of whete? God ſwore aȝeinus þe pryde of Jacob, Ȝif Y ſhal forȝete in to þe eende alle þe werkis of hem. Wher on þis þing þe erþe ſhal not be moued to gidre, and eche dweller þerof ſhal mourne? And it ſhal ſtye vp as al þe flood, and ſhal be caſt out, and ſhal fleete awey as þe ſtrond of Egypt. And it ſhal be, ſaiþ þe Lord, in þat day þe ſunne ſhal go dounn in mydday, and Y ſhal make þe erþe for to be derk in day of liȝt. And Y ſhal conuerte ȝour feeſt days in to mournyng, and alle ȝour ſongis in to weylyng; and Y ſhal leede yn on al ȝour bac a ſak, and on eche ȝour hed ballidneſſe; and Y ſhal putte it as mournyng of an oon bigeten ſone, and þe laſt þingus þerof as a bitter day. Loo! þe days cummen, ſaiþ þe Lord, and Y ſhal ſende out hungre in to erþe; not hungre of breed, neþer þriſt of water, bot of heeryng of þe word of God. And þei ſhuln be moued to gydre fro ſee vn to ſee, and fro þe norþ vn to þe eeſt þei ſhuln cumpaſſe, ſeekynge þe word of þe Lord, and þei ſhuln not fynde. In þat day faire maydeyns ſhul faile, and ȝunge in þriſt, whiche ſweren in treſpas of Samarye, and ſayen, Þi god lyueþ, Dan, and þe waye of Berſabe lyueþ; and þei ſhuln falle, and þei ſhuln namore ryſe aȝein.
Capitulum IX.
I ſaw þe Lord ſtondynge on þe auter, and he ſaide, Smyte þou þe herre, and be þe ouer þrisfoldis moued to gydre; forſoþe auerice in þe hed of alle, and Y ſhal ſlea in ſwerd þe laſt of hem; þer ſhal no fliȝt be to hem, and he þat ſhal flee of hem, ſhal not be ſaued. Ȝif þei ſhuln go doun vn to helle, fro þennus my hond ſhal leede hem out; and ȝif þei ſhuln ſtye til in to heuen, fro þennus Y ſhal drawe hem doun. And ȝif þei ſhuln be hid in þe top of Carmele, fro þennus Y ſeekynge ſhal do hem awey; and ȝif þei ſhuln hyde hem ſelf fro myn eeȝen in depneſſe of þe ſee, þer Y ſhal comaunde to a ſerpent, and it ſhal bite hem. And ȝif þei ſhuln go awey in to caitiftee bifore her enmyes, þer Y ſhal comaunde to ſwerd, and it ſhal ſlea hem. And Y ſhal putte myn eeȝen vpon hem in to yuel, and not in to good. And þe Lord God of ooſtis, þat toucheþ erþe, and it ſhal fayle, and alle men dwellynge þeryn ſhuln mourne; and it ſhal ſtye vp as eche ſtronde, and ſhal fleete awey as þe flood of Egypt. He þat beeldiþ his ſtying vp in heuen, and foundide his knytche, or berþen, on erþe; whiche clepiþ waters of þe ſee, and heeldiþ hem out on face of þe erþe; þe Lord name of hym. Wher not as ſonys of Eþiopyens ȝe ben to me, þe ſonys of Yrael? ſaiþ þe Lord God. Wher Y made not Yrael for to ſtye vp of þe lond of Egypt, and Paliſtens of Capadocie, and Siriens of Syrenen? Loo! þe eeȝen of þe Lord God on rewme ſynnynge, and Y ſhal to gydre breke it fro face of þe erþe; neþeles Y brekynge togidere ſhal not breke to gydre þe hous of Jacob, ſaiþ þe Lord. Loo! ſoþeli Y ſhal comaunde, and ſhal ſmyte in alle folkis þe hous of Yrael, as whete is ſmyten in a rydil, and a lytil ſtoon of it ſhal not falle on erþe. Alle ſynners of my people ſhal dye in ſwerde, whiche ſayn, Yuel ſhal not neiȝ, and ſhal not cumme on vs. In þat day Y ſhal rayſe þe tabernacle of Dauid, þat felle doun, and Y ſhal aȝein beelde opnyngis of wallis þerof, and Y ſhal inſtore þo þingis þat fellen to gydre; and Y ſhal aȝein beelde hym, as in olde days, þat þei weelde relikis of Ydome, and alle naciouns; for þat my name is in clepid on hem, ſaiþ þe Lord doynge þeſe þingus. Loo! days cummen, ſaiþ þe Lord, and þe erer ſhal cacche þe reper, and treder of grape þe man ſendynge ſeed; and mounteyns ſhuln droppe ſwetneſſe, and alle ſmale hyllis ſhuln be tiliȝid. And Y ſhal conuerte þe caytifte of my peple Yrael, and þei ſhuln beelde forſaken cytees, and ſhuln dwelle; and ſhuln plaunte vyne ȝerdis, and þei ſhuln drinke wyne of hem; and þei ſhuln make gardyns, and ſhuln ete fruytis of hem. And Y ſhal plante hem on her erþe, and Y ſhal namore drawe hem out of her lond, whiche Y ȝaue to hem, ſaiþ þe Lord þi God.
Here endiþ þe book of Amos, prophete, and bigynneþ þe book of Abdias, prophete.