< Bible (Early Wycliffe)

Here begynneþ þe boke of Aggey, prophete.

Capitulum I.

In þe ſecounde ȝeer of Darius, kyng of Perſis, in þe ſixte moneþ, in oo day of þe moneþ, þe word of þe Lord is maad in þe hond of Aggey, prophete, to Zorobabel, ſone of Salatiel, duyke of Juda, and to Jheſu, þe greet preſt, ſone of Joſedech, ſayinge, Þeſe þingus ſaiþ þe Lord of ooſtis, ſayinge, Þis peple ſaiþ, Ȝit cummeþ not þe tyme of þe hous of þe Lord to be beeldid. And þe word of þe Lord is maad in þe hond of Aggey, prophete, ſayinge, Wher it is tyme to ȝou, þat ȝe dwelle in houſis couplid wiþ tymbre, and þis hous deſert? And now þeſe þingus ſaiþ þe Lord God of ooſtis, Putte ȝe ȝour hertis vpon ȝour wayes. Ȝe han ſown myche, and brouȝten in litil; ȝe han eten, and ȝe ben not fulfillid; ȝe han drunke, and ȝe ben not ful of drinke; ȝe hilliden ȝou, and ȝe ben not maad hote; and he þat gadrid hijris, ſente hem in to a ſac, or bagge, hoolid, or broken. Þeſe þingus ſaiþ þe Lord of ooſtis, Putte ȝe ȝour hertis vpon ȝour wayes. Stye ȝe vp in to þe mounteyn, bere ȝe treeſe, and bielde ȝe an hous; and it ſhal be acceptable to me, and Y ſhal be glorifiede, ſaiþ þe Lord. Ȝe bihelden to more, and loo! it made leſſe; and ȝe brouȝten in to hous, and Y blewe it out. For what cauſe, ſaiþ þe Lord of ooſtis? for myn hous is deſert, and ȝe haſten eche man in to his hous. For þis þing heuens ben forbeden, þat þei ſhulden not ȝeue dew; and þe erþe is forbeden, þat it ſhulde not ȝeue his buriownyng. And Y clepide dryeneſſe vpon erþe, and vpon mounteyns, and vpon whete, and vpon wyn, and vpon oyle, and what euer þingus þe erþe bringeþ forþ; and vpon men, and vpon beeſtis, and vpon al labour of hondis. And Zorobabel, ſone of Salatiel, herde, and Jheſus, þe grete preſt, ſone of Joſedech, and alle relikis of þe peple, þe voys of her God, and þe wordis of Aggey, prophete, as þe Lord God of hem ſente hym to hem; and al þe peple dredde of þe face of þe Lord. And Aggey ſaide, a meſſangere of þe Lord, of meſſangers of þe Lord to þe peple, ſayinge, Y am wiþ ȝou, ſaiþ þe Lord. And þe Lord reyſide þe ſpirit of Zorobabel, ſone of Salatiel, duyk of Juda, and þe ſpirit of Jheſu, þe grete preſt, ſone of Joſedech, and þe ſpirit of þe relikis of alle peple; and þei entriden, and maden werk in þe hous of þe Lord of hooſtis, her God, in þe twentiþe day and fourþe of þe moneþ, in þe ſixte moneþ, in þe ſecounde ȝeer of Darius, kyng.

Capitulum II.

In þe ſeuenþe moneþ, in þe twentiþe and firſte of þe moneþ, þe word of þe Lord is maad in þe hond of Aggey, prophete, ſayinge, Speke þou to Zorobabel, ſone of Salatiel, duyk of Juda, and to Jheſu, þe greet preeſt, ſone of Joſedech, and to oþer of þe peple, ſayinge, Who in ȝou is left, þat ſawȝ þis hous in his firſt glorie? and what ſeen ȝe þis now? wher it is not þus, as it be not in ȝour eeȝen? And now, Zorobabel, be þou coumfortid, ſaiþ þe Lord, and Jheſu, greet preeſt, ſone of Joſedech, be þou coumfortid, and al peple of þe lond, be þou coumfortid, ſaiþ þe Lord of ooſtis; and do ȝe, for Y am wiþ ȝou, ſaiþ þe Lord of ooſtis. Þe word þat Y couenauntide wiþ ȝou, whanne ȝe wenten out of þe lond of Egypt, and my Spirit ſhal be in þe mydil of ȝou, Nyl ȝe dreede, for þeſe þingus ſaiþ þe Lord of ooſtis, Ȝit oo lytil þing, or tyme, is, and Y ſhal moue heuen, and erþe, and þe ſe, and dryeneſſe; and Y ſhal moue alle folkis, and þe deſirid to alle folkis ſhal cume; and Y ſhal fulfille þis hous wiþ glorie, ſaiþ þe Lord of ooſtis. Myn is ſyluer and myn is gold, ſeiþ þe Lord of ooſtis. Þe glorie of þis laſte hous ſchal be greet, more þan of þe firſte, ſeiþ þe Lord of ooſtis. And in þis place I ſchal ȝyue pees, ſeiþ þe Lord of ooſtis. In þe foure and twentiþe of þe nynþe moneþ, in þe ſecunde ȝeer of Darius, kyng, þe word of þe Lord is maad to Aggey, prophete, ſeiynge, Þeſe þingus ſaiþ þe Lord God of ooſtis, Axe preſtis þe lawe, ſayinge, Ȝif a man ſhal take halewid fleſhe in þe heme of his cloþinge, and ſhal touche of þe heeȝneſſe þerof brede, or potage, or wyne, and oyle, or eche mete, wher it ſhal be halewid? Soþeli preſtis anſwerynge ſayden, Nay. And Aggey ſaide, Ȝif a man defoulid in ſoule ſhal touche of alle þeſe, wher it ſhal be defoulid? And preſtis anſwerden, and ſaiden, It ſhal be defoulid. And Aggey anſwerde, and ſaide, So þis peple, and ſo þis folk byfore my face, ſaiþ þe Lord, and ſo al werc of her hondis; and alle þingus þat þei ſhuln offre þere, ſhuln be defoulid. And now putte ȝe ȝour hertis, fro þis day and aboue, byfore þat a ſtoon vpon a ſtoon was putt in þe temple of þe Lord, whenne ȝe wenten to an hep of twenty buſhellis, and þere weren maad ten; ȝe entriden to þe preſſour, þat ȝe ſhulden preſſe out fifty galouns, and þer weren maad twenti. Y ſmote ȝou wiþ brennynge wynd, and mildew, and hayl, and alle þe werkis of ȝour hondis; and þer was not in ȝou þat turnede aȝein to me, ſaiþ þe Lord. Putte ȝe ȝour hertis of þis day, and in to cummynge, fro þe fourþe and twentiþe of þe ninþe moneþ, fro þe day in whiche foundementis ben caſten of þe temple of þe Lord, putte ȝe vppon ȝour herte. Wher now ſeed is in buriownyng? and ȝit þe vyne ȝerd, and fijge tree, and powme garnet, and þe tree of olyue floriſhide not. Of þis day Y ſhal bleſſe. And þe word of þe Lord is maad þe ſecounde tyme to Aggey, in þe foure and twentiþe of þe moneþ, ſaiynge, Speke þou to Zorobabel, duyk of Juda, ſayinge, Y ſhal moue heuen and erþe to gydre, and Y ſhal diſtruye þe ſete of rewmys, and Y ſhal breke þe ſtrengþe of þe rewme of heiþen men, and Y ſhal diſtruye þe foure horſid cart, and þe ſtyer þerof; and þe horſis ſhuln go doun, and þe ſtyers of hem, a man in ſwerd of his broþer. In þat day, ſaiþ þe Lord of ooſtis, þou Zorobabel, ſone of Salatiel, my ſeruaunt, Y ſhal take to þee, ſaiþ þe Lord; and Y ſhal putte þee as a ſygnet, for Y cheeſe þee, ſaiþ þe Lord of hooſtis.

Here endiþ þe book of Aggey, þe prophete, and bigynneþ þe book of Zacharie, ſone of Barachie.

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