Judas, þe ſeruaunt of Jheſu Criſt, and broþer forſoþe of Jamys, to þes loued, þat ben in God þe fadir, and of Jheſu Criſt kept and clepid, mercy, to ȝou, and pees, and charite be fulfillid. Mooſt dere, I makinge al biſyneſſe of writinge to ȝou of ȝoure comun helþe, hadde neede for to wrijte to ȝou, preyinge for to ſtryue vpon þe feiþ oonys bitakun of ſeyntis. Soþeli ſummen priuyli entriden, þat ſumtyme weren bifore write in to þis doom, vnpitous men, ouerturnynge þe grace of oure God in to leccherie, and denyinge þe aloone lordſchiper and oure Lord Jheſu Criſt. Forſoþe I wole to gydere moneſte ȝou, witynge oonys alle þingis, for Jheſus ſauynge his puple of þe lond of Egipt, and þe ſecounde tyme loſte hem þat bileueden not. Soþeli aungels, þat kepten not his princehed, but forſoken his hous, he reſeruede in to þe doom of greet God, in euerelaſtinge boondis vndir derkneſſe. As Sodom, and Gomor, and nyȝ cooſtid citees, on liche manere doynge fornycacioun, and goynge awey aftir oþer fleſch, ben maad enſaumple, ſuſtenynge peyne of euerlaſtinge fijr. Alſo and þes þat defoulen ſoþeli þe fleſch, forſoþe deſpijſen lordſchiping, forſoþe blasfemen mageſte. Whan Mychael, þe archaungel, diſputinge wiþ þe deuel, ſtroof of Moyſes body, he was not hardy for ȝiue doom of blasfemye, but ſeide, Þe Lord comaunde to þee. Forſoþe þes blasfemen, what euere þinges þei ſoþeli vnknowen. Soþeli what euere þinges þei han knowe kyndely as doumbe beeſtis, in þes þei ben corupt. Wo to hem þat wenten þe weye of Caym, and bi errour of Balaam for meede ben ſhed out, and periſchiden in þe aȝen ſeiynge of Chore. Þes ben in her metys filþes, or defoulinges, feeſtinge to gydere, wiþ outen dreede fedynge hem ſilf; cloudes wiþ outen watir, þat ben born aboute of wijndis; herueſt trees wiþ outen fruyt, twies deede, drawun vp bi þe roote; wawes of þe wijlde, or woode, ſe, froþinge out her confuſiouns; erringe ſterres, or fallinge doun, to whom þe tempeſt of derkneſſis is kept in to wiþ outen ende. Forſoþe Enos, þe ſeuenþe fro Adam, propheciede of þes, ſeiynge, Lo! þe Lord comeþ in his holy þouſyndis, for to do doom aȝens alle men, and for to reproue alle vnpitous men of alle þe werkis of þe vnpitee of hem, bi whiche þei diden vnpitouſly, and of alle harde þingis, þat vnpitous ſynners han ſpoke aȝens God. Þes ben grucchers pleynynge, or ful of pleyntis, wandringe vp her deſijris; and þe mouþ of hem ſpekiþ pride, wondringe,or worſchipinge, perſones, bi cauſe of wynnyng. Forſoþe, ȝe mooſt dere, be ȝe myndeful of þe wordis, whiche ben bifore ſeid of apoſtlis of oure Lord Jheſu Criſt; þe whiche ſeiden to ȝou, for in þe laſte tymes þer ſhulen come ſcorners, wandringe vp her deſijres, not in pitee. Þes ben, þe whiche departen hem ſilf, beeſtly, not hauynge ſpirit. Forſoþe ȝe, mooſt dere, aboue byldinge ȝou ſilf to ȝoure mooſt hooly feiþ, in þe Hooly Gooſt preyinge, kepe ȝou ſilf in þe loue of God, abijdinge þe merſy of oure Lord Jheſu Criſt in to lijf euerelaſtynge. And ſoþeli reproue ȝe þes men demyd, forſoþe ſaue ȝe hem, rauyſchinge of þe fijr. Soþeli do ȝe merſy to oþere in drede of God, hatynge and þe ilke defoulid coote, þe which is fleſchly. Forſoþe to him þat is myȝty for to kepe to gydere ȝou wiþ oute ſynne, and for to ordeyne bifore þe ſiȝt of his glorye ȝou vnwemmyd in gladinge, or ioyinge wiþ oute forþ, in þe comynge of oure Lord Jheſu Criſt, to God aloone oure ſauyour, bi Jheſu Criſt oure Lord, glorye, and magnyfiyng, empire, or greet lordſchip, and power, bifore alle worldis, and in to alle worldlis of worldlis. Amen.
Here endiþ þe piſtle of Judas, and now bigynneþ Apocalips, or Reuelacioun, of Joon Euangeliſt.