< Bible (Early Wycliffe)

Lord God Almyȝty of our faders, Abraham, Yſaac, and Jacob, and to þe riȝtwiſe ſeede of hem, þe whiche madiſt heuen and erþ wiþ al þe ournynge of hem, þe whiche markediſt þe ſe wiþ þe word of þin heſte, whiche cloſediſt þe depneſſe, and merkediſt to þi ferful and preyſable name, þat alle inwardly dreeden, and tremblen fro þi chere of þi vertue, and vnſuffrable wraþ vpon þe ſynnful of þi þretynge. Forſoþe wiþ oute meſure grete and vnſerchable þe mercy of þi beheſte; for þou art Lord alþerheeȝeſt vpon al erþ, long abidyng and miche mercyful, and oþinkyng vpon þe malices of men. Þou forſoþe, Lord, after þi goodneſſe haſt bihoten penaunce of remiſſioun of ſynnes; and þou, God of riȝtwijs men, haſt not putte penaunce to þe riȝtwijſe, Abraham, Yſaac, and Jacob, to hem þat to þee ſynnede not. For I haue ſynnede ouer þe noumbre of grauel of þe ſee; multiplied ben my wickidneſſes. I am myche croked wiþ myche bond of yren, and þere is not aȝeyn breþing to me; for I ſtirede þi wraþ, and euyl before þee I dide, ſettyng abomynacyouns and multiplying offenciouns. And nowe I bowe þe knees of myn herte, preyinge of þee goodneſſe, Lord. I ſynnede, Lord, I ſynnede, and my wickidneſſe I knowe. I aſke, preyinge þee, Lord; forȝeue to me, forȝeue to me, ne togidre leeſe þou me wiþ my wickidneſſes, ne wiþout eend reſerue þou euyls to me. For vnworþi þou ſchalt ſauen me after þi grete mercy, and I ſchal preyſen þee euermore alle þe days of my lyue; for þee preyſeþ al þe vertue of heuens, and to þee is glorie in to world of worldis. Amen.

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