For other versions of this work, see Bible (Douay-Rheims).


of the authentical Latin, diligently
conferred with the Greek, & other
Editions in diuers languages:

With Arguments of Books and Chapters: Annotations, and other helps, for the
better vnderstanding of the text, and specially for the discouerie of
Corruptions in diuers late translations: and for clearing
Controuersies in Religion of these dayes. By the English
Colledge then resident in Rhemes.

Set forth with Tables of the Epistles & Ghospels through the yeare,
Controuersies, and Heretical Corruptions.

The fourth Edition, enriched with Pictures.

Search the Scriptures. Ioan. 5.
Giue me vnderstanding, and I wil search thy Law; and wil keep it
with my whole hart, Psalm. 118. v. 34.

S. Augustine tract. 2. in Epist. Ioan.
Al things are read in holy Scriptures we must heare with great attention, to our instruction and salua-
tion: but those things specially must be commended to memorie, which make most against
Heretikes; whose deceits cease not to circumuent or beguile al the weaker sort,
and the more negligent persons.

By Iohn Covstvrier.

of the first Edition of this Translation of the New Testament.

CVM huius versionis ac editionis Authores, nobis de fide & eruditione sint probe cogniti, aliique S.Theologiæ & linguæ Anglicanæ peritissimi viri contestati sint, nihil in hoc opere reperiri, quod non sit Catholicæ Ecclesiæ doctrinæ, & pietati consentaneum, vel quod vllo modo potestati ac paci ciuili repugnet, sed omnia potius veram fidem, Reip. bonum, vitæque ac morum probitatem promouere: ex ipsorum fide censemus ista vtiliter excudi & publicari posse.

PETRVS REMIGIVS, Archidiaconus maior Metropolitanæ insignis Ecclesiæ Rhemensis, Iuris Canonici Doctor, Archiepiscopatus Rhemensis generalis Vicarius.
HVBERTVS MORVS, Rhemensis Ecclesiæ Decanus, & Ecclesiastes, & in sacratissimæ Theologiæ facultate Doctor.
IOANNES LE BESGVE, Canonicus Rhemensis, Doctor Theologus, & Cancellarius Academia Rhemensis.
GVLIELMVS BALBVS, Theologiæ Professor, Collegii Rhemensis Archimagister.

Chapters (not listed in original)

This work was published before January 1, 1927, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.

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