The order of words is strictly alphabetical, except in the case of compound verbs, which will be found under their simple verbs.
Past participles compounded with ge- are usually glossed under the simple verb (Sievers § 366), but there are some marked exceptions; e.g. gegongen is the pp. of gongan in 822, 3036, hut of gegongan in 893, 3085.
æ comes between ad and af.
ð and þ are treated as identical, and come after t.
Numerous cross references are given, especially for unusual forms, but not as a rule for mere flexional forms which a knowledge of grammar should suffice to trace, such as parts of verbs.
All words are glossed under forms which actually occur in the poem, not under normalised forms. When divergent forms of the same word occur and cross references are not given,
io | (both initial and final) should be sought under | eo, |
y | „ | i, |
a | (before nasals)„ | o. |
Dative and Instrumental are not distinguished, except when they have different forms, as in the singular of adjectives and of some pronouns.
Small capitals are used for modern renderings which are directly or almost directly descended from the Old English words.
The following abbreviations alone require explanation :
st. | strong |
w. | weak |
m. | masculine |
f. | feminine |
neut. | neuter |
n. | noun |
v. | verb |
sg. | singular |
pl. | plural |
subj. | subjunctive |
part. | participle |
pp. | past participle |
conj. | conjunction |
esp. | especially |
obl. | oblique |
N.B. All compound verbs must be sought under their simple verbs.
(1) pron., each, everyone, 1165, etc.; with gen. 1050, etc.;
(2) adj., each, every, 621.
Correl. with ǣr adv. (q. v.), 1371.
(1) one, an, a, 100, 135, 428, 699, 2280, 3077, etc.; with the def. art. 1053, 2237; emphatic, sometimes perhaps demonstrative, 1458, 1885, 2410, 2774. Special passages: on ǣnne sīð, “once,” 1579; gen. pl. ānra gehwylces, gehwylcum, “of, to, each one,” 732, 784; (= Lat. alter) ān æfter ānum, “the one for the other,” 2461.
(1) indignation, defiance; dat. wrāþum on andan, “in indignation against the wroth foe,” 708.
(1) brightness, 1766.
(1) announce, 2892.
(2) offer, give, 385, 1085, 2957.
be-bēodan, st. v., bid, command, order, 401, 1975.
ge-bēodan, st. v.
(1) bid, command; inf. hēt þā gebēodan byre Wihstānes…hǣleða monegum, “then the son of Weohstan ordered that command should be given to many heroes,” 3110.
ge-beorgan, st. v., with dat., protect, save; pret. gebearg, 2570, gebearh, 1548.
ymb-beorgan, st. v., [about-protect] surround and protect, 1503.(1) bear, carry, wear, 48, 437, 2055, 2281, etc.; pres. sg. 3rd, byreð, 296, etc.; pret. pl. bǣron, 213, etc., bǣran, 2850.
(2) bear, give birth to; pp. geboren, born, 1703.
for-beran, st. v., forbear, restrain, 1877.
on-beran, st. v., bear off, carry away, 2284 ; take off, 990.
oþ-beran, st. v., bear to, bear,īdan, st. v.
(1) usu. with acc. or governed clause, bide, abide, endure, experience, 264, 929, 1618, 1720, 2445, etc.; pp. gebiden, 1928; imperat. absolutely, gebīde gē, 2529.
(2) with gen., wait for; dat. inf. ōðres…tō gebīdanne…yrfeweardas, “to wait for another heir,” 2452.
on-bīdan, st. v., with gen., abide, await; inf. lætað hildebord hēr onbīdan…worda geþinges, “let your battle-boards here abide the issue of words,” 397.
or-bīdan, st. v., abide, wait, tarry, 2302.(1) trans., break, 1100, 1511 (injure), 2980; pp. pl. 2063. Special passages: hine fyrwyt bræc, “curiosity tormented him (as to),” 232, 1985, 2784.
(2) intrans., break, 2546.
tō-brecan, st. v., break to pieces, knock about, 780, 997.
þurh-brecan, st. v., break through, 2792.(1) brandish, cast, whirl, drag, draw, 707, 794, 1540 (throw); pret. pl. mundum brugdon, “brandished your hands,” 514; pp. brōden, brogden mǣl, “drawn (or decorated?) sword,” 1616, 1667.
(2) braid, weave; inf. bregdon, 2167; pp. brōden, 552, 1548; acc. sg. f. brogdne, 2755.
ge-bregdan, st. v., with acc. or dat.
(1) draw; pret. gebrægd, gebrǣd, 1564, 1664, 2562, 2703.
(2) braid, weave; pp. gebrōden, 1443.
(1) intrans., dwell; inf. būon, 2842.
be-būgan, st. v., [bow about] encompass, 93, 1223.
ge-būgan, st. v., pret. gebēag, gebēah:
(1) intrans., bow, bend, fall, 1540, 2567, 2980.
(1) with subj., unless, 966.
(1) beget, bear, bring forth, 12, 943.
(2) declare; imperat. sg. refl., cen þec, 1219.
(1) trans., turn, change, 2857.
(1) come, 115, 192, 2992, etc.
(2) with. acc. pers., befall, 2883.
con, can, 2nd, const:
(1) with acc. or clause, know, be acquainted with, 359, 372, 392, 418, 1180, 1377, 1739, etc.; with acc. and clause, 1355.
(1) drake, dragon, 892, 2088;
(1) lord, chieftain, 1484, 1050, etc.; dat. dryhtne, 2482, etc., dryhten (?), 1831.
aldor-cearu, st. f., life-care, 906.
aldor-dæg, ealder-dæg, st. m., life-day, day of life, 718, 757.
aldor-gedāl, st. neut., life-parting, death, 805.(1) intrans., dwell, rest, 3050.
(1) fence, barrier; acc. pl. under eoderas, “under the barriers, into the house,” 1037,
(1) hostile, 554; nom. hē fāg wið God, “he a foe to God,” 811. Substantively, foe; acc. sg. m. fāne, 2655; gen. pl. fāra, 578, 1463.
ge-feallan, st. v.
(1) intrans., fall, 1755.
Usu. with gen. sg. or pl. 164, 809, 876, 929, 992, 1060, 1888; fealo, 2757; see also worn.
(1) polish; subj. pres. 2253.
(1) of space, 361, etc.
(1) trans., go to, reach, gain, bring about, 1221, 1855, 2844, 3063.
ge-ferian, w. v., bear, bring, 1638, etc.; imperat. pl. 1st, ge-ferian, “let us bear,” 3107.
of-ferian, w. v., bear off, 1583.
oð-ferian, w. v., bear away, save, 2141.2441.
ge-fōn, st. v., with acc., seize; pret. gefēng, 740, 1563, 2215, 2609, 3090, etc.
on-fōn, st. v., usu. with dat., receive, take, seize, 911; imperat. sg. onfōh, 1169; pret. onfēng, 52, 1214, etc.; hē onfēng hraðe inwit-þancum ond wið earm gesæt, “he (Grendel) quickly seized [Beowulf] with hostile intent and sat on, fixed, came down on, his arm” (or, as Grein, “Beowulf quickly received the malignant monster, and supported himself on his arm”), 748.
þurh-fōn, st. v., with acc., [seize through] penetrate, 1504.
wið-fōn, st. v., with dat., grapple with; pret. wið-fēng, 760.
ymbe-fōn, st. v., with acc., [seize about] encircle, enclose; pret. ymbefēng, 2691.(1) with dat., before, 358, 1026, 1120, 2020, 1649, 2990; before or because of, 169, 2781; for, out of, from, through, because of, on account of, about, 110, 338–9, 385, 508, 832, 951, 965, 1442, 1515, 2501 (in virtue of), 2549, 2926, 2966, etc.; for (purpose), 382, 458.
2645, 2741, 3021, etc.
ge-gān, st. v., pret. geēode, geīode (2200):
(1) go (intrans.), 1967, 2676.
(2) go (trans.), make, venture, 1277, 1462.
(3) gain (by going), obtain, 1535; with dependent clause, 2917.
(4) happen, 2200.
ofer-gān, st. v., with acc., go over, 1408, 2959.
oð-gān, st. v., go (to), 2934.
ymb-gān, st. v., with acc., go about, go around, 620.(1) sound, blast, 2943.
(1) terms, pl. 1085.
æt-gifan, st. v., give (to), render, 2878.
for-gifan, st. v., give, 17, etc.
of-gifan, of-gyfan, st. v., give up, leave, 1600, 2251, 2588, etc.; pret. pl. ofgēfan,, st. v., get, get at, seize, befall, 1068, 2249, etc.; pret. sg. beget, 2872; pret. subj. (sg. for pl.) begēate, 2130. Special passage: ferhð-frecan Fin eft begeat sweord-bealo slīðen, “dire sword-bale afterwards befell the bold-minded Finn,” 1146.
for-gytan, st. v., forget, 1751.
on-gitan, on-gytan, st. v.
(1) get hold of, seize; pret. sg. angeat, 1291.
ge-gangan, ge-gongan, st. v.:
(1) gain (by going), obtain, 2536; pp. gegongen, 3085, with dependent clause, 893; dat. inf. gegaunenne, 2416.
(1) salute, 347, etc.
(2) approach, seek out. attack, touch, 168, 803, 1995, 2736, 3081, etc.
an-gyldan, st. v., pay for, 1251.
for-gyldan, st. v., repay, requite, atone for, 114, 956, 1054.H.
(1) health, good luck, 653, 1217.
(1) order, command, bid, 293, 386, etc.; pret. sg. hēht, 1035, etc., hēt, 198, etc.; pp. ðā wæs hāten hreþe Heort innan-weard folmum gefrætwod, “then it was commanded that the inside of Heorot should quickly be adorned by hands,” 991.
(2) name, call, 102, etc.; subj. pres. pl. hātan, 2807.
for-healdan, st. v., with acc., rebel against, 2381.
ge-healdan, st. v., with acc., hold, have, keep, guard, rule, 317, 658, 911, 2293, 2856, 3003, etc.; pret. hē gehēold tela, “he ruled [it] well,” 2208.heave, raise, lift, 656, 1290, 3023.
(1) helmet, 672, etc.
(2) covert, protection, 1392.
hioro-sērce, w. f., [sword-sark] shirt of mail; acc. hioro-sērcean, 2539. [Sievers § 159. 1.]
hioro-weallende, adj. (pres. part.), [sword-] fiercely welling; acc. sg. m. -weallende, 2781.(1) battle-flame (of the dragon), 2583.
hand-gemǣne, adj., [hand-common] hand to hand; nom. neut. þǣr unc hwīle wæs hand-gemǣne, “there we two engaged a while hand to hand,” 2137. [Ger. hand-gemein.]
hand-gewriðen, adj. (pp.), hand-wreathed, hand-twisted; pl. 1937.
hand-sporu, st. f., hand-spur, claw, 986.i.e.] a house with horns on the gables, or a house with gables,, st. v., turn, go, 1210, 1679, 1684, 2208.
geond-hweorfan, st. v., traverse, 2017.
ond-hweorfan, st. v., turn against; pret. norðan wind…ond-hwearf, “a wind from the north turned against [us],” 548.
ymbe-hweorfan, st. v., with acc., turn about, go round,, w. v., think, 1988.
ofer-hyegan, w. v., scorn, 2345.hige-mēðe, adj., wearying the soul or mind, 2442.
hige-þihtig, adj., great-hearted, 746.
hige-þrymm, st. m., [mind-strength] magnanimity, 339.I.
(1) with dat., in, on, 13, 25, 87, 89, 324, 443, 1029, 1952, 2505, 2599, 2635, 2786, 3097, etc.; after its case, 19; of time, 1.
(2) with acc., into, 60, 185, 1210, 2935.
on innan, within, 2715; with preceding dat. 1740.
þǣr on innan, therein, there-within, in there, 71, 2089, etc.1866, etc.; therein, 1141.
(1) with dat., last, hold out, 812.
(2) with acc., do, perform, 2663.
ge-lǣstan, w. v.:
(1) with acc. or dat., serve, 24, 2500.
(2) usu. with acc., do, perform, fulfil, etc., 1706, 2990, etc.
ge-lǣsted, pp. of lǣstan or geleestan, “performed,” 829.
for-lǣtan, st. v., let, 970, etc.; let go, 792; leave (behind), 2787.
of-lǣtan, st. v., leave, 1183, etc.
on-lǣtan, st. v., loosen, 1609.
(1) with gen., lacking, deprived of, 850, 1664.
be-limpan, st. v., befall, 2468.
ge-limpan, st. v., befall, happen, 76, 626 (be fulfilled), 929 (be given), etc.
ge-lumpen, pp. of limpan or gelimpan, “fulfilled,”, st. neut. pl., land-marks, boundaries, 209.
land-geweorc, st. neut., land-work, stronghold, 938.
land-waru, st. f., land-people; pl. land-wara, “people of the land,” 2321.
land-weard, st. m., [land-ward] guardian of a country, 1890.on-lūcan, st. v., unlock; pret. onlēac, 259.
to-lūcan, st. v., destroy, 781.(1) quickly, hastily, 929, 1630, etc.