Heht ðā þæt heaðo-weorc tō hagan bīodan
ūp ofer ēg-clif,[1] þǣr þæt eorl-weorod
morgen-longne dæg mōd-gīomor sæt,
2895bord-hæbbende, bēga on wēnum,
ende-dōgores ond eft-cymes
lēofes monnes. Lȳt swīgode
nīwra spella, sē ðe næs gerād,
ac hē sōðlīce sægde ofer ealle:
2900“Nū is wil-geofa Wedra lēoda,
dryhten Gēata, dēað-bedde fæst,
wunað wæl-reste wyrmes dǣdum.
Him on efn ligeð ealdor-gewinna
siex-bennum sēoc; sweorde ne meahte
2905on ðām āglǣcean ænige þinga
wunde gewyrcean. Wīglāf siteð
ofer Bīowulfe, byre Wihstānes,
eorl ofer ōðrum unlifigendum,
healdeð hige-mǣðum[2] *hēafod-weardeFol. 193a.
2910lēofes ond lāðes. Nū ys lēodum wēn
orleg-hwīle, syððan under[ne][3]
Froncum ond Frȳsum fyll cyninges
wīde weorðeð. Wæs sīo wrōht scepen
heard wið Hūgas, syððan Higelāc cwōm
2915faran flot-herge on Frēsna land,
þǣr hyne Hetware hilde gehnǣgdon,
elne geēodon, mid ofer-mægene,
þæt se byrn-wiga būgan sceolde,
fēoll on fēðan; nalles frætwe geaf
2920ealdor dugoðe. Ūs wæs ā syððan
Merewīoingas[4] milts ungyfeðe.
Ne ic tō[5] Swēo-ðēode sibbe oððe trēowe
wihte ne wēne; ac wæs wīde cūð,
þætte Ongenðīo ealdre besnyðede
2925Hǣðcen Hreþling wið Hrefna-wudu,
þā for onmēdlan ǣrest gesōhton
Gēata lēode Gūð-Scilfiiigas.
Sōna him se frōda fæder Ōhtheres,
eald ond eges-full, ondslyht[6] āgeaf,
2930ābrēot brim-wīsan, brȳd āhēorde,[7]
gomela īo-meowlan golde berofene,
Onelan mōdor ond Ōhtheres,
ond ðā folgode feorh-genīðlan,
oð ðæt hī oðēodon earfoðlīce
2935in Hrefnes holt hlāford-lēase.
Besæt ðā sin-herge sweorda lāfe
wundum wērge; *wēan oft gehētFol. 193b.
earmre teohhe ondlonge niht;
cwæð, hē on mergenne mēces ecgum
2940gētan wolde, sum[e] on galg-trēowu[m]
[fuglum] tō gamene.[8] Frōfor eft gelamp
sārig-mōdum somod ǣr-dæge,
syððan hīe Hygelāces horn ond bȳman
gealdor ongēaton, þā se gōda cōm
2945lēoda dugoðe on lāst faran.
- ↑ 2893. MS. ‘ecg clif’; Kemble ‘ēg-clif.’ Cf. l. 577. Ecg is used only of weapons in O. E.
- ↑ 2909. Sievers ‘hige-mēðe’; cf. l. 2442.
- ↑ 2911. MS. ‘under.’ Grein’s emendation. Cf. l. 127.
- ↑ 2921. Wülcker ‘Merewīoinga.’ See note on l. 2453.
- ↑ 2922. MS. ‘te.’
- ↑ 2929. MS. ‘hond slyht,’ here and in l. 2972. The change in the text is necessary, unless one admits that h can alliterate with vowels. Such cases as this and that of the name “Unferth,” always Hunferð in the MS. but alliterating with vowels, tempt strongly to the abandonment of the rule. Cf. l. 1541 (and note), and see Sievers § 217, N. 1.
- ↑ 2930. MS. and Zupitza ‘bryda heorde.’
- ↑ 2940—1. MS. ‘sum on galg treowu to gamene.’ Thorpe ‘sume’ and ‘fuglum,’ comparing Judith 297: “fuglum tō frōfre.”