The following personages appear in other stories of the Human Comedy.
Ajuda-Pinto, Marquis Miguel d'
Bixiou, Jean-Jacques
- The Purse
- A Bachelor's Establishment
- The Government Clerks
- Modeste Mignon
- Scenes from a Courtesan's Life
- The Firm of Nucingen
- The Muse of the Department
- Cousin Betty
- The Member for Arcis
- A Man of Business
- Gaudissart II.
- The Unconscious Humorists
- Cousin Pons
Blondet (Judge)
- Jealousies of a Country Town
Brossette, Abbe
- The Peasantry
Cadine, Jenny
- Cousin Betty
- The Unconscious Humorists
- The Member for Arcis
Cambremer, Pierre
- A Seaside Tragedy
Canalis, Constant-Cyr-Melchior, Baron de
- Letters of Two Brides
- A Distinguished Provincial at Paris
- Modeste Mignon
- The Magic Skin
- Another Study of Woman
- A Start in Life
- The Unconscious Humorists
- The Member for Arcis
Casteran, De
- The Chouans
- The Seamy Side of History
- Jealousies of a Country Town
- The Peasantry
Chocardelle, Mademoiselle
- A Prince of Bohemia
- A Man of Business
- Cousin Betty
- The Member for Arcis
Conti, Gennaro
Espard, Jeanne-Clementine-Athenais de Blamont-Chauvry, Marquise d'
- The Commission in Lunacy
- A Distinguished Provincial at Paris
- Scenes from a Courtesan's Life
- Letters of Two Brides
- Another Study of Woman
- The Gondreville Mystery
- The Secrets of a Princess
- A Daughter of Eve
- The Chouans
Gaillard, Theodore
Gaillard, Madame Theodore
- Jealousies of a Country Town
- A Distinguished Provincial at Paris
- A Bachelor's Establishment
- Scenes from a Courtesan's Life
- The Unconscious Humorists
Galathionne, Prince and Princess (both not in each story)
- The Secrets of a Princess
- The Middle Classes
- Father Goriot
- A Distinguished Provincial at Paris
- A Daughter of Eve
Gerard, Francois-Pascal-Simon, Baron
Grandlieu, Duchesse Ferdinand de
- Cesar Birotteau
- Lost Illusions
- A Distinguished Provincial at Paris
- A Start in Life
- Scenes from a Courtesan's Life
- The Middle Classes
- Cousin Betty
Guenic, Gaudebert-Calyste-Charles, Baron du
- The Chouans
Halga, Chevalier du
Hannequin, Leopold
La Palferine, Comte de
Lenoncourt, Duc de
- The Lily of the Valley
- Cesar Birotteau
- Jealousies of a Country Town
- The Gondreville Mystery
Lora, Leon de
- The Unconscious Humorists
- A Bachelor's Establishment
- A Start in Life
- Pierre Grassou
- Honorine
- Cousin Betty
Lousteau, Etienne
- A Distinguished Provincial at Paris
- A Bachelor's Establishment
- Scenes from a Courtesan's Life
- A Daughter of Eve
- The Muse of the Department
- Cousin Betty
- A Prince of Bohemia
- A Man of Business
- The Middle Classes
- The Unconscious Humorists
Maufrigneuse, Georges de
- The Secrets of a Princess
- The Gondreville Mystery
- The Member for Arcis
Maufrigneuse, Berthe de
- The Gondreville Mystery
- The Member for Arcis
Portenduere, Vicomte Savinien de
Portenduere, Vicomtesse Savinien de
- Ursule Mirouet
- Another Study of Woman
Rochefide, Marquis Arthur de
Rochefide, Marquise de
Ronceret, Du
- Jealousies of a Country Town
Ronceret, Fabien-Felicien du (or Duronceret)
- Jealousies of a Country Town
- Gaudissart II
Ronceret, Madame Fabien du
Simeuse, Admiral de
- The Gondreville Mystery
- Jealousies of a Country Town
- Modeste Mignon
- The Member for Arcis
- Cousin Betty
- Cousin Pons
- The Unconscious Humorists
Touches, Mademoiselle Felicite des
- Beatrix
- Lost Illusions
- A Distinguished Provincial at Paris
- A Bachelor's Establishment
- Another Study of Woman
- A Daughter of Eve
- Honorine
- The Muse of the Department
Trailles, Comte Maxime de
- Cesar Birotteau
- Father Goriot
- Gobseck
- Ursule Mirouet
- A Man of Business
- The Member for Arcis
- The Secrets of a Princess
- Cousin Betty
- The Unconscious Humorists
Vernisset, Victor de
- The Seamy Side of History
- Cousin Betty
Vignon, Claude