< Author:Warren Gamaliel Harding
Administration of Warren G. Harding (March 4, 1921 – August 2, 1923)
  •  ???? Total Proclamations Issued
  • Range: Proclamation 1589 thru Proclamation 1668
Signature of Warren G. Harding


  Proc. No.   Title Date 42 Stat.
 Proclamation 1589 Reserving Biscayne Bay, Florida, tract of land for Coast Guard March 11, 1921 2233
 Proclamation 1590 Convening extra session of Congress March 22, 1921 2234
 Proclamation 1591 Enlarging area of the Pisgah National Forest, North Carolina March 25, 1921 2234
 Proclamation 1592 Appointing James C. Davis, Director General of Railroads March 26, 1921 2237
 Proclamation 1593 Designating James C. Davis as agent in actions arising out of Federal control of transportation systems etc. March 26, 1921 2237
 Proclamation 1594 Designating week of May 22-28, 1921, as Forest Protection Week April 7, 1921 2238
 Proclamation 1595 Announcing Monday, May 30, 1921, a day of public memorial May 3, 1921 2239
 Proclamation 1596 Suspending discriminating duties on vessels of Poland and Danzig May 6, 1921 2239
 Proclamation 1597 Modifying regulations for protection of migratory birds May 17, 1921 2240
 Proclamation 1598 Transferring certain lands to Porto Rico May 19, 1921 2241
 Proclamation 1599 Diminishing area of the Toiyabe National Forest, Nevada May 25, 1921 2242
 Proclamation 1600 Enlarging area of the Nezperce National Forest, Idaho July 9, 1921 2243
 Proclamation 1601 Enlarging area of the Wasatch National Forest, Utah July 9, 1921 2243
 Proclamation 1602 Enlarging area of the Lassen National Forest, California July 18, 1921 2244
 Proclamation 1603 Modifying area of the Plumas National Forest, California July 18, 1921 2245
 Proclamation 1604 Diminishing area of the Tahoe National Forest, California July 18, 1921 2245
 Proclamation 1605 Extending time for payments on ceded Crow Indian lands August 11, 1921 2246
 Proclamation 1606 Commanding persons engaged in insurrectionary proceedings in West Virginia to disperse August 30, 1921 2247
 Proclamation 1607 Continuing Marine and Seaman's Division of Veterans Bureau until December 31, 1921 September 1, 1921 2248
 Proclamation 1608 Setting aside addition to Muir Woods National Monument September 22, 1921 2249
 Proclamation 1609 Designating October 10, 1921, as Fire Prevention Day September 27, 1921 2251
 Proclamation 1610 Designating November 11, 1921, for silent prayer for unidentified dead who lost their lives in the World War September 30, 1921 2252
 Proclamation 1611 Announcing death of Senator Philander Chase Knox, formerly Attorney General and Secretary of State October 13, 1921 2253
 Proclamation 1612 Designating Thursday, November 24, 1921, as a day of general thanksgiving October 31, 1921 2254
 Proclamation 1613 Declaring November 11, 1921, a holiday to commemorate those who gave their lives in the World War November 4, 1921 2255
 Proclamation 1614 Diminishing area of the Columbia and Colville National Forests, Washington November 4, 1921 2256
 Proclamation 1615 Enlarging area of the Weiser National Forest, Idaho November 19, 1921 2257
 Proclamation 1616 Urging observance of American Educational Week November 21, 1921 2258
 Proclamation 1617 Continuing Marine and Seaman's Division of Veterans Bureau until June 30, 1922 December 14, 1921 2259


  Proc. No.   Title Date 42 Stat.
 Proclamation 1618 Setting aside the Lehman Caves National Monument, Nevada January 24, 1922 2260
 Proclamation 1619 Extending time for establishing shipping service, etc., to Virgin Islands to May 1, 1922 February 1, 1922 2261
 Proclamation 1620 Diminishing area of the Tongass National Forest, Alaska February 7, 1922 2262
 Proclamation 1621 Prohibiting illegal shipment of arms to China March 4, 1922 2264
 Proclamation 1622 Prescribing additional regulations for protection of migratory birds March 8, 1922 2265
 Proclamation 1623 Suspending discriminating duties on vessels of Germany March 22, 1922 2267
 Proclamation 1624 Designating week of April 16-22 1922, as Forest Protection Week, etc March 31, 1922 2268
 Proclamation 1625 Enlarging area of the Minidoka National Forest, Idaho and Utah May 15, 1922 2268
 Proclamation 1626 Extending time for establishing shipping service to Virgin Islands to November 1, 1922 May 18, 1922 2269
 Proclamation 1627 Transferring old Honolulu post office site, etc., to Territory of Hawaii May 25, 1922 2270
 Proclamation 1628 Copyright benefits to Germany for works published therein, etc., since August 1, 1914, and not in United States May 25, 1922 2271
 Proclamation 1629 Copyright benefits to Austria for works published therein, etc., since August 1, 1914, and not in United States May 25, 1922 2273
 Proclamation 1630 Copyright benefits to New Zealand for works published therein, etc., since August 1, 1914, and not in United States May 25, 1922 2274
 Proclamation 1631 Copyright benefits to Italy for works published therein, etc., since August 1, 1914, and not in United States June 3, 1922 2276
 Proclamation 1632 Copyright benefits to Hungary for works published therein, etc., since August 1, 1914, and not in United States June 3, 1922 2277
 Proclamation 1633 Continuing Marine and Seaman's Division of Veterans Bureau until June 30, 1923 June 30, 1922 2278
 Proclamation 1634 Modifying boundaries of the Fillmore National Forest, Utah July 10, 1922 2280
 Proclamation 1635 Extending time for paying installments for ceded lands of Crow Indian Reservation, Montana July 10, 1922 2281
 Proclamation 1636 Forbidding interference with interstate and mail transportation July 11, 1922 2282
 Proclamation 1637 Authorizing disposal of surplus coal in Alaska for local needs July 26, 1922 2283
 Proclamation 1638 Reserving from leases, etc., additional lands in Nenana coal field, Alaska August 4, 1922 2283
 Proclamation 1639 Designating October 9, 1922, as Fire Prevention Day September 16, 1922 2284
 Proclamation 1640 Setting aside the Timpanogos Cave National Monument, Utah October 14, 1922 2285
 Proclamation 1641 Setting aside the Fossil Cycad National Monument, South Dakota October 21, 1922 2286
 Proclamation 1642 Extending time for establishing shipping service to Virgin Islands to November 1, 1923 October 28, 1922 2287
 Proclamation 1643 Designating Thursday, November 30, 1922, as a day of general thanksgiving November 2, 1922 2288
 Proclamation 1644 Convening extra session of Congress, November 20, 1922 November 9, 1922 2289
 Proclamation 1645 Setting aside December 3-9, 1922, as American Education Week November 20, 1922 2289


  Proc. No.   Title Date 42 Stat.
 Proclamation 1646 Diminishing area of the Rainier National Forest, Washington January 10, 1923 2291
 Proclamation 1647 Suspending discriminating duties on vessels of Austria January 15, 1923 2292
 Proclamation 1648 Suspending discriminating duties on vessels of Hungary January 15, 1923 2293
 Proclamation 1649 Transferring lands in San Juan to Porto Rico January 22, 1923 2294
 Proclamation 1650 Setting aside the Aztec Ruin National Monument, New Mexico January 24, 1923 2295
 Proclamation 1651 Modifying boundaries of the Lemhi National Forest Idaho February 9, 1923 2296
 Proclamation 1652 Copyright benefits to Netherlands extended to mechanical musical reproductions February 26, 1923 2297
 Proclamation 1653 Setting aside the Mound City Group National Monument, Ohio March 2, 1923 2298
 Proclamation 1654 Setting aside the Hovenweep National Monument, Utah-Colorado March 2, 1923 2299
 Proclamation 1655 Enlarging area of the Manzano National Monument, Arizona and New Mexico March 3, 1923 2300
 Proclamation 1656 Designating week of April 22-28, 1923, as Forest Protection Week, etc March 5, 1923 2301

  Proc. No.   Title Date 43 Stat.
 Proclamation 1657 Amending regulations for protection of migratory birds April 10, 1923 1909
 Proclamation 1658 Diminishing area of the Sequoia National Forest, California May 7, 1923 1910
 Proclamation 1659 Enlarging area of the Inyo National Forest, California May 7, 1923 1910
 Proclamation 1660 Enlarging area of the Pinnacles National Monument, California May 7, 1923 1911
 Proclamation 1661 Enlarging area of the Powell National Forest, Utah May 17, 1923 1911
 Proclamation 1662 Directing Settlement for losses on certain sugar importations May 23, 1923 1913
 Proclamation 1663 Setting aside the Pipe Spring National Monument, Arizona May 31, 1923 1914
 Proclamation 1664 Setting aside the Bryce Canyon National Monument, Utah June 8, 1923 1914
 Proclamation 1665 Prescribing additional regulations for protection of migratory birds June 11, 1923 1915
 Proclamation 1666 Continuing Marine and Seaman's Division of Veterans Bureau until September 3, 1924 June 12, 1923 1917
 Proclamation 1667 Modifying boundaries of the Carson National Forest, New Mexico June 16, 1923 1919
 Proclamation 1668 Diminishing area of the Santa Fe National Forest, New Mexico June 16, 1923 1920
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