Vincent de Beauvais
(c. 1190 – 1264/1267)

Dominican friar, proto-encyclopaedist

Vincent de Beauvais


  • Speculum Maius [Great Mirror] (1235-1264)
    • Speculum Naturale [Mirror of Nature]
    • Speculum Doctrinale [Mirror of Doctrine]
    • Speculum Historiale [Mirror of History]
  • Opus universale de statu principis [Universal Work on the Royal Condition], a four part work of which only parts 1 and 4 were produced.
    • Part 1 - De morali Principis institutione (1260-1263) [The moral instruction of a prince or On the Foundations of Royal Morals]
    • Part 4 - De eruditione filiorum nobilium (1249) [The education of noble women]
  • Expositio in orationem dominicam [Exposition on the Lord’s Prayer]
  • Liber consolatorius ad Ludovicum regem de morte filii (1260) [Book to Console King Louis after the Death of His Son]
  • Liber de laudibus beatae Virginis [The Book Praising the Blessed Virgin]
  • Liber de laudibus Johannis Evangelistae [The Book Praising John the Evangelist]
  • Liber de sancta Trinitate or Tractatus de sancta trinitate (1259-1260) [The Book of the Holy Trinity]
  • Liber gratiae (1259-1260) [The Book of Grace]
  • Memoriale temporum [Chronicle of the Times]
  • Sermones manuals de tempore
  • Tractatus de poenitentia [Treatise on Penance]
  • Tractatus in salutatione beatae Virginis Mariae ab angelo facta [Treatise on the Salutation to the Blessed Virgin Mary Made by the Angel]

Works about de Beauvais

Works by this author published before January 1, 1927 are in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago. Translations or editions published later may be copyrighted. Posthumous works may be copyrighted based on how long they have been published in certain countries and areas.

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