For authors with similar names, see Author:Thomas Seccombe.
- Twelve Bad Men (1894)
- Age of Shakespeare (with J. W. Allen, 1903)
- Age of Johnson (1900)
- (ed.) Letters of James Boswell (1891)
- Bookman History of English Literature (1905-6), in 2 vols., co-authored with William Robertson Nicoll (external scans (multiple parts): v.1 Chaucer to Dryden, v.2 Pope to Swinburne)
- In Praise of Oxford
Contributions to the Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, & supplements
- Howard, William (1626?-1694) (attribution by Fenwick)
- Hunt, Thomas (1627?-1688)
- Hunter, Rachel
- Ireland, William
- Isham, John
- Isham, Justinian
- Isham, Zacheus
- Jackson, Richard (fl.1570)
- James, Frank Linsly
- Jardine, James
- Jebb, John (1805-1886)
- Jeffcock, Parkin
- Jeffery, Thomas
- Jenison, Robert (1584?-1652)
- Jenison, Robert (1649-1688)
- Jenner, Thomas (fl.1631-1656)
- Jerman, Edward
- Jerome, Stephen
- Jevon, Thomas
- Johnson, Charles (1679-1748)
- Johnson, George (1564-1605)
- Johnson, Richard (1573-1659)
- Johnson, Thomas (1664-1729)
- Johnston, Alexander James
- Johnston, George (1814-1889)
- Johnstone, John (1603-1675)
- Jones, Samuel (d.1732)
- Jordan, John
- Jordan, Thomas (1612?-1685)
- Jordan, Thomas Brown
- Joy, William (d.1734)
- Kelley, Edward
- Kelty, Mary Ann
- Kennedy, Arthur Edward
- Kennedy, John (fl.1626)
- Kenrick, Daniel
- Keogh, John (1650?-1725)
- Ker, Patrick
- Kerr, Robert (1755-1813)
- Kerrison, Edward
- Kershaw, James
- Kerslake, Thomas
- Ketch, John
- Keynes, George
- Keyworth, Thomas
- Killigrew, Robert
- King, Charles (fl.1721)
- King, Richard (1811?-1876)
- King, Robert (fl.1684-1711)
- King, William (1624-1680)
- King, William (1701-1769)
- Kingsbury, William
- Kingsley, George Henry
- Kirby, Elizabeth
- Kirkwood, James (1650?-1708)
- Knatchbull, Norton
- Knell, Paul
- Knight, John (1612-1683)
- Knight, John (d.1718)
- Knight, William (1786-1844)
- Knowlton, Thomas
- Knox, John (d.1688)
- Kotzwara, Franz
- Kynaston, Edward
- Lacy, Harriette Deborah
- Laffan, Joseph de Courcy
- Laing, Alexander (1778-1838)
- Laing, William
- Lambe, William (1765-1847)
- Lambert, Daniel
- Lambert, John (fl. 1811)
- Lane, Hunter
- Lane, Thomas
- Langford, Abraham
- Langhorne, William
- Lathy, Thomas Pike
- Latter, Mary
- Latter, Thomas
- Lawson, John (d.1712)
- Laycock, Thomas
- Leach, William Elford
- Leech, John (fl. 1623)
- Leech, John (1565-1650?)
- Le Fanu, Philip
- Le Geyt, Philip
- Le Grys, Robert
- Leigh, Francis
- Lemoine, Henry
- Lemprière, Michael
- Lennox, Charles (1701-1750)
- Lenton, Francis
- Lesly, George
- Letts, Thomas
- Levett, Robert
- Lewis, David (1683?-1760)
- Lewis, George (1763-1822)
- Lewis, Thomas (1689-1749?)
- Lewis, William (d.1855?)
- Lewson, Jane
- Linche, Richard
- Lindsay, William Lauder
- Linton, William (1801-1880)
- Lizars, John
- Lloyd, David (1597-1663)
- Lloyd, David (1752-1838)
- Lloyd, Evan
- Lloyd, Ludovic
- Lluelyn, Martin
- Lockhart, William (1820-1892)
- Lodvill, Philip
- Loewenthal, Johann Jacob
- Logan, James Richardson
- Logan, William Edmond
- Long, James (1617-1692)
- Lonsdale, William
- Lorrain, Paul
- Love, David
- Lovelace, Francis
- Lovelace, John
- Lovelace, Richard
- Lovibond, Edward
- Low, George
- Lower, William
- Lowther, John
- Lowther, Richard
- Lowther, William
- Lucas, Henry (fl.1795)
- Lucas, James
- Lunardi, Vincenzo
- Lund, John
- Lundie, John
- Lundy, Robert
- Lupton, Thomas (fl.1583)
- Luttrell, Henry (1765?-1851)
- Lynam, Robert
- Lyttelton, George William
- Macbean, Alexander
- MacCarthy, Donough
- Maccormick, Joseph
- MacCreery, John
- Macdonnell, Alexander
- Mackenna, John
- Mackenzie, James (1680?-1761)
- Mackreth, Robert
- Maclachlan, Lauchlan
- Maclaine, James
- Macmillan, Daniel
- MacMillan, John
- Macpherson, Duncan
- Macrae, James
- Malard, Michael
- Malcolm, Sarah
- Malden, Daniel
- Mann, Horace
- Mann, Theodore Augustus
- Manwaring, Roger
- Marett, Philip
- Marriott, John (d.1653)
- Marshall, John (1757-1825)
- Martin, John (1741-1820)
- Martin, William (1772-1851)
- Mason, John (1586-1635)
- Mason, John (1600-1672)
- Masson, George Joseph Gustave
- Matthew, Tobie (1577-1655)
- Maturin, William
- Maty, Matthew
- Maty, Paul Henry
- May, Baptist
- Mead, Robert
- Meadows, Philip
- Meara, Edmund
- Medwall, Henry
- Melvin, James
- Mercer, James
- Meres, John
- Merewether, John
- Meryon, Charles Lewis
- Metcalf, John
- Meyer, Philip James
- Meyrick, John (d.1659)
- Meyrick, Rowland
- Misson, Francis Maximilian
- Mohun, Charles
- Molesworth, Robert
- Montgomery, Robert (1807-1855)
- Moor, Edward
- Moore, Ann
- Moore, John Henry
- Moore, Peter
- Moore, Thomas (d.1735)
- Morden, John
- Morgann, Maurice
- Morley, John (1656-1732)
- Morris, Charles
- Mortimer, John
- Motte, Benjamin
- Moultrie, John
- Mudge, John
- Mudge, Thomas
- Mudge, Zachariah
- Mulvany, Charles Pelham
- Munday, Anthony
- Murray, Grenville
- Murray, John (1808-1892)
- Myddelton, Jane
- Mylne, James
- Nalton, James
- Nash, Richard
- Needham, Elizabeth
- Negus, Francis
- Nesfield, William Andrews
- Noel, Roden Berkeley Wriothesley
- Noel, Thomas
- North, William
- Norton, Matthew Thomas
- Oates, Titus
- O'Brien, Charles
- O'Brien, Edward
- O'Conor, Charles (1764-1828)
- O'Conor, Matthew
- Odell, Thomas
- Odingsells, Gabriel
- Ogle, John (1647?-1685?)
- O'Mahony, Daniel
- O'Neill, Henry (1800-1880)
- Ord, Craven
- Osbaldeston, George
- Osborne, Ruth
- Osborne, Sidney Godolphin
- Oswell, William Cotton
- Outram, Benjamin (1764-1805)
- Oxburgh, Henry
- Oxenden, Henry
- Ozell, John
- Pantin, Thomas Pindar
- Panton, Thomas (d.1685)
- Parke, Daniel
- Parker, Henry Perlee
- Parker, Martin
- Parkyns, Mansfield
- Parkyns, Thomas
- Parkyns, William
- Parr, Thomas
- Parrot, Henry
- Parsons, Elizabeth (1749-1807)
- Parsons, William (1658-1725?)
- Parsons, William (fl.1785-1807)
- Pate, William
- Patmore, Peter George
- Pattison, William
- Paulet, Charles (1625?-1699)
- Paulet, Charles (1661-1722)
- Paulet, Charles (1685-1754)
- Peachell, John
- Peake, Richard Brinsley
- Pearce, Edward Lovet
- Pearson, Hugh Nicholas
- Peck, Francis
- Pellew, Thomas
- Percy, James
- Percy, Thomas (1768-1808)
- Perkins, Joseph
- Perrot, James
- Peshall, John
- Peter, the Wild Boy
- Petre, Edward
- Petre, William (1602-1677)
- Petre, William (1622-1684)
- Philidor, François André Danican
- Philip, Robert
- Philips, Robert
- Phillimore, Greville
- Phillips, Catherine
- Phillips, Edward (fl.1730-1740)
- Phillips, Richard (1767-1840)
- Phillips, Teresia Constantia
- Pilkington, Lætitia
- Pilkington, Matthew
- Pitt, Christopher
- Pitts, Joseph
- Plot, Robert
- Plunket, John
- Pomfret, John
- Popham, Alexander
- Popple, William
- Portal, Abraham
- Porter, George (fl.1695)
- Porter, Robert Ker
- Portman, William (1641?-1690)
- Postgate, John
- Powell, Foster
- Powell, Martin
- Prance, Miles
- Prendergast, Thomas (1660?-1709)
- Radcliffe, James
- Raspe, Rudolf Eric
- Rawlinson, Thomas (1681-1725)
- Read, William (d.1715)
- Redding, Cyrus
- Reeves, William (1667-1726)
- Richards, Nathaniel
- Ridley, James
- Rigby, Richard
- Rippon, John
- Roach, John
- Roberdeau, John Peter
- Roberts, Henry (fl.1606)
- Roberts, Thomas
- Robertson, Eben William
- Robertson, George (1750?-1832)
- Robertson, Joseph Clinton
- Robertson, William (1721-1793)
- Robertson, William (1740-1799)
- Robethon, John
- Robinson, John (1650-1723)
- Roche, Robert
- Rogers, William (1819-1896)
- Rolfe, John
- Roome, Edward
- Rothe, Michael
- Rowe, Harry
- Rowley, William (1585?-1642?)
- Ruffhead, Owen
- Rugge, Thomas
- Russell, George William
- Russell, John (1795-1883)
- Russell, Thomas (1762-1788)
- Rycaut, Paul
- Ryves, Bruno
- Sadler, Thomas (1822-1891)
- Sadler, Windham William
- Saffold, Thomas
- Sammes, Aylett
- Sanders, Robert
- Saunders, Henry
- Saunders, Richard (1613-1687?)
- Savage, Richard (1660?-1712)
- Savile, George (1633-1695)
- Savile, Henry (1642-1687)
- Savile, John (1811-1896)
- Scarlett, Robert
- Sclater, William (1575-1626)
- Sclater, William (d.1717?)
- Scudamore, Frank Ives
- Scudamore, John
- Scudamore, William Edward
- Sedding, John Dando
- Sedley, Catharine
- Settle, Elkanah
- Seymour, Charles
- Seymour, Edward (1633-1708)
- Shaw, Cuthbert
- Shaw, Thomas (1694-1751)
- Shepherd, Richard Herne
- Sheppard, John (1702-1724)
- Sherlock, Martin
- Shiels, Robert
- Shipley, William (1714-1803)
- Shipman, Thomas
- Shipp, John
- Shippen, William
- Shower, Bartholomew
- Sidney, Henry (1641-1704)
- Skinner, John Edwin Hilary
- Slack, Henry James
- Slade, Felix
- Slingsby, Robert
- Smalridge, George
- Smart, Christopher
- Smart, Henry Hawley
- Smedley, Francis Edward
- Smedley, Jonathan
- Smeeton, George
- Smith, Aaron (d.1697?)
- Smith, Alexander (fl.1714-1726)
- Smith, George (1840-1876)
- Smith, John (1567-1640)
- Smith, John (fl.1673-1680)
- Smith, John (1659-1715)
- Smith, Matthew
- Smith, Thomas (1615-1702)
- Smith, Thomas (1638-1710)
- Smollett, Tobias George
- Smythe, James Moore
- Snatt, William
- Snell, Hannah
- Solms, Heinrich Maastricht
- Somerset, Henry
- Sondes, George
- Southgate, Henry
- Southwell, Thomas (1667-1720)
- Speke, Hugh
- Spencer, Robert (1640-1702)
- Sprenger, Aloys
- Staley, William
- Stanhope, Hester Lucy
- Stanley, Edward John
- Stanyan, Abraham
- Sterling, James
- Sterne, John (1660-1745)
- Stevens, George Alexander
- Stevenson, Matthew
- Steward, Simeon
- Stirling-Maxwell, William
- Storer, Thomas
- Story, Robert (1795-1860)
- Strahan, William
- Strange, John (1732-1799)
- Strzelecki, Paul Edmund de
- Stuart, Frances Teresa
- Suckling, John
- Surtees, Robert Smith
- Swiney, George
- Sydenham, Humphrey
- Sylvester, Josuah
- Taglioni, Marie
- Talbot, Elizabeth
- Talbot, George (1528?-1590)
- Talbot, Gilbert (1553-1616)
- Talbot, James
- Talbot, Mary Anne
- Tarver, John Charles
- Taschereau, Elzéar Alexandre
- Tatham, John
- Tattersall, Richard
- Taubman, Matthew
- Taylor, Isaac (1730-1807)
- Taylor, Isaac (1759-1829)
- Taylor, Isaac (1787-1865)
- Taylor, Jane
- Temple, William (1628-1699)
- Tesdale, Thomas
- Thelwall, John
- Thomas, Elizabeth
- Thomlinson, Robert
- Thomson, George (1782?-1838)
- Thomson, Henry William (Byerley)
- Thomson, James (1700-1748)
- Thomson, Katharine
- Thornton, Bonnell
- Thorpe, Benjamin
- Thrupp, John
- Thurtell, John
- Thwaites, Edward
- Tichborne, Chidiock
- Tisdal, William
- Tobin, John
- Toft, Mary
- Tonge, Israel
- Tottenham, Charles
- Tourneur, Cyril
- Townley, James (1714-1778)
- Townshend, Charles Fox
- Tremamondo, Domenico Angelo Malevolti
- Trench, Melesina
- Trenchard, John (1640-1695)
- Trevithick, Richard
- Trollope, Theodosia
- Trollope, Thomas Adolphus
- Tryon, Thomas
- Tryon, William
- Tufton, Sackville
- Tupper, Martin Farquhar
- Turberville, Edward
- Turberville, George
- Turner, Sharon
- Turpin, Richard
- Tussaud, Marie
- Twysden, Roger
- Unwin, Mary
- Upington, Thomas
- Urquhart, Thomas (1611-1660)
- Vanbrugh, John
- Vane, Frances Anne
- Vere, Francis
- Vere, Horace
- Vickris, Richard
- Villiers, Barbara
- Villiers, Elizabeth
- Villiers, John (1677?-1723)
- Vizetelly, Henry
- Vossius, Isaac
- Wade, Nathaniel
- Wainewright, Thomas Griffiths
- Wakeman, George
- Waldegrave, James (1685-1741)
- Walker, George (1803-1879)
- Walker, Robert (1709-1802)
- Walkingame, Francis
- Walsh, John (1830-1898)
- Walsingham, Francis (1577-1647)
- Walter, Lucy
- Wanostrocht, Nicholas
- Warde, James Prescott
- Warren, Samuel (1807-1877)
- Watson, James (1799-1874)
- Watts, Richard
- Webb, John Richmond
- Webb, Matthew
- Weld, Charles Richard
- Weld, Isaac
- Wenham, Jane
- Wentworth, Henrietta Maria
- West, Joseph
- Wharton, Anne
- Wharton, Philip (1698-1731)
- Wharton, Thomas (1648-1715)
- Whincop, Thomas
- Whiston, John
- White, Francis (d.1711)
- White, John (fl.1585-1593)
- Whitefoord, Caleb
- Whitefoord, Charles
- Whitworth, Charles (1675-1725)
- Whitworth, Charles (1752-1825)
- Whitworth, Joseph
- Widdicomb, Henry
- Wilford, John
- Wilkinson, John (1728-1808)
- Williams, Charles Hanbury
- Williams, George James
- Williams, Roger (1604?-1683)
- Williamson, Joseph
- Willis, Richard
- Wills, John
- Wills, William Gorman
- Wilson, Daniel (1778-1858)
- Wilson, Edward (d.1694)
- Wilson, Harriette
- Wilson, John (1627?-1696)
- Wilson, Margaret
- Windus, John
- Winslow, Edward
- Winsor, Frederick Albert
- Winstanley, Hamlet
- Winthrop, John (1588-1649)
- Wise, Henry
- Wogan, Edward
- Wombwell, George
- Womock, Laurence
- Wood, Ellen
- Wood, William (1671-1730)
- Woodbury, Walter Bentley
- Wornum, Ralph Nicholson
- Woulfe, Stephen
- Wratislaw, Albert Henry
- Wraxall, Nathaniel William
- Wright, Ichabod Charles
- Wright, James (1643-1713)
- Wright, Waller Rodwell
- Wyatt, Francis
- Wyatt, John (1700-1766)
- Wyatt, William
- Wyche, Peter
- Wyndham, Robert Henry
- Wyndham, Thomas (1681-1745)
- Wyndham, Wadham
- Wynne, John (1667-1743)
- Wynne, John Huddlestone
- Wythens, Francis
- Wyvill, Christopher (1740-1822)
- Yates, Edmund
- Yonge, William
- Yorke, Charles Philip (1764-1834)
- Yorke, James
- Yorke, Joseph (1724-1792)
- Yorke, Philip (1743-1804)
- Young, Charles George
- Young, Robert (1657-1700)
- Younge, Richard
- Younger, John
- Zukertort, John Hermann
- Zuylestein, William Henry (1645-1709)
- Zuylestein, William Henry (1717-1781)
- 1st supplement
- À Beckett, Gilbert Arthur
- Adair, James
- Adams, Francis William Lauderdale
- Adams, William Henry Davenport
- Anderson, William (1842-1900)
- Apperley, Charles James
- Archer, Frederick
- Arnold, Thomas (1823-1900)
- Ashbee, Henry Spencer
- Astley, John Dugdale
- Baber, Edward Colborne
- Babington, Churchill
- Ballantine, William
- Ballantyne, Robert Michael
- Barnes, William
- Bates, Henry Walter
- Belcher, James
- Blenkinsop, John
- Blomefield, Leonard
- Bradley, Edward
- Bridgman, Charles
- Brown, Robert (1842-1895)
- Brown, Thomas Edward
- Burke, Ulick Ralph
- Butler, William John
- Capern, Edward
- Cass, John
- Caulfield, Richard
- Cennick, John
- Chaffers, William
- Close, John
- Collins, William Wilkie
- Cook, Frederic Charles
- Coxwell, Henry
- Crake, Augustine David
- Crampton, Thomas Russell
- Cussans, John Edwin
- Daft, Richard
- Dale, Thomas Pelham
- Dasent, George Webbe
- Dawson, Matthew
- Dickens, Charles (1837-1896)
- Dixon, Henry Hall
- Donaldson, John (1799-1876)
- Douglas, John Sholto
- Doulton, Henry
- Drummond, Henry (1851-1897)
- Eastlake, Elizabeth
- Ewald, Alexander Charles
- Fitzball, Edward
- Flatman, Elnathan
- Forbes, Archibald
- Ford, Francis Clare
- Forsyth, William (1812-1899)
- Fraser, William Augustus
- Fremantle, Thomas Francis (1798-1890)
- Gilbert, William (1804-1890)
- Goodyer, Henry (1571-1627)
- Grant, Albert
- Gregg, William
- Hargraves, Edward Hammond
- Heath, Douglas Denon
- Hillary, William (1771-1847)
- Holden, Isaac
- Huish, Robert
- Ionides, Constantine Alexander
- Jones, Henry (1831-1899)
- Kennish, William
- King, Thomas (1835-1888)
- Laing, Samuel (1812-1897)
- Maitland, Edward (1824-1897)
- Mulhall, Michael George
- Ormsby, John
- Pepper, John Henry
- Rothschild, Ferdinand James de
- Tate, Henry
- Westwood, Thomas
- Wilde, Oscar O'Flahertie Wills
- 2nd supplement
Contributions to 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica
- "Boswell, James," in Encyclopædia Britannica (11th ed., 1911)
- "Chénier, André de," in Encyclopædia Britannica (11th ed., 1911)
- "Constantine Pavlovich," in Encyclopædia Britannica (11th ed., 1911) (with Theodor Schiemann)
- "Dickens, Charles," in Encyclopædia Britannica (11th ed., 1911)
- "Dostoievsky, Feodor Mikhailovich," in Encyclopædia Britannica (11th ed., 1911)
- "English Literature," in Encyclopædia Britannica (11th ed., 1911) (Sections V. & VI.)
- "Fawcett, Henry," in Encyclopædia Britannica (11th ed., 1911)
- "Gilbert, Sir William Schwenk," in Encyclopædia Britannica (11th ed., 1911)
- "Hayward, Abraham," in Encyclopædia Britannica (11th ed., 1911)
- "Hughes, Thomas (lawyer)," in Encyclopædia Britannica (11th ed., 1911)
- "Johnson, Samuel," in Encyclopædia Britannica (11th ed., 1911) (footnote and afterword)
- "Lever, Charles James," in Encyclopædia Britannica (11th ed., 1911)
- "Marlowe, Christopher," in Encyclopædia Britannica (11th ed., 1911) (in part)
- "Marston, Philip Bourke," in Encyclopædia Britannica (11th ed., 1911)
- "Reeve, Henry," in Encyclopædia Britannica (11th ed., 1911)
- "Smollett, Tobias George," in Encyclopædia Britannica (11th ed., 1911)
- "Stephen, Sir Leslie," in Encyclopædia Britannica (11th ed., 1911)
- "Swift, Jonathan," in Encyclopædia Britannica (11th ed., 1911) (in part)
- "Tichborne Claimant, The," in Encyclopædia Britannica (11th ed., 1911)
- "Vanbrugh, Sir John," in Encyclopædia Britannica (11th ed., 1911)
Works about Seccombe
- "Seccombe, Thomas," in Alumni Oxonienses: the Members of the University of Oxford, 1715-1886, by Joseph Foster, London: Parker and Co. (1888–1892) in 4 vols.
- "Seccombe, Thomas," in A Short Biographical Dictionary of English Literature, by John William Cousin, London: J. M. Dent & Sons (1910)

Some or all works by this author are in the public domain in the United States because they were published before January 1, 1927.
The author died in 1923, so works by this author are also in the public domain in countries and areas where the copyright term is the author's life plus 95 years or less. Works by this author may also be in the public domain in countries and areas with longer native copyright terms that apply the rule of the shorter term to foreign works.
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