Orson Pratt
The Seer (periodical)
- Celestial Marriage (Part 1), The Seer, Jan. 1853.
- Celestial Marriage (Part 2), The Seer, Feb. 1853.
- Celestial Marriage (Part 3), The Seer, Mar. 1853.
- Celestial Marriage (Part 4), The Seer, Apr. 1853.
- Celestial Marriage (Part 5), The Seer, May. 1853.
- Celestial Marriage (Part 6), The Seer, Jun. 1853.
- Celestial Marriage (Part 7), The Seer, Jul. 1853.
- Celestial Marriage (Part 8), The Seer, Aug. 1853.
Letter to Oliver Cowdery from Orson Pratt (Feb. 16, 1835), published in Latter Day Saints' Messenger and Advocate, Vol. 1, No. 6.
Journal of Discourses, Volume 1
- The Earth—Its Fall, Redemption, and Final Destiny—The Eternal Abode of the Righteous (no date given)
- A General Funeral Sermon of all Saints and Sinners: Also, of the Heavens and the Earth (July 25, 1852)
- Celestial Marriage (Aug. 29, 1852)
Journal of Discourses, Volume 2
- Consecration (Sept. 10, 1854)
- The Perpetual Emigrating Fund—Emigration of the Saints and the Nations (Oct. 7, 1854)
- The Increased Powers and Faculties of the Mind in a Future State (Oct. 15, 1854)
- Progress of the Work—Consecration—Preaching to Israel (Apr. 7, 1855)
- The Ancient Prophecies (Jan. 7, 1855)
- The Holy Spirit and the Godhead (Feb. 18, 1855)
- Funeral Address (June 30, 1855)
Journal of Discourses, Volume 3
- Language, or the Medium of Communication in the Future State, and the Increased Powers of Locomotion (Oct. 22, 1854)
- Trials of the Saints—Redemption of Zion—Second Coming of Christ—The Word of Wisdom (May 20, 1855)
- The Kingdom of God (July 8, 1855)
- The Salvation of the Soul of the Greatest Importance—Benefit of the Useful Sciences, etc. (Feb. 10, 1856)
- The Advantages of the Latter-day Saints, Compared with the Disadvantages Under Which Noah Labored, etc. (Apr. 6, 1856)
- The Faith and Visions of the Ancient Saints, etc. (Apr. 13, 1856)
Journal of Discourses, Volume 6
Journal of Discourses, Volume 7
- Evidences of the Bible and Book of Mormon Compared (Jan. 2, 1859)
- Personal Reminiscences and Testimony Concerning the Prophet Joseph and the Church, etc. (July 10, 1859)
- Theocracy (August 14, 1859)
- Elijah’s Latter-day Mission (Aug. 28, 1859)
- The Ancient Gospel—Adam’s Transgression, and Man’s Redemption From its Penalty, &c. (Sept. 11, 1859)
- Privileges and Experience of the Saints, etc. (Jan. 29, 1860)
- Union of Spirit and Sentiment—Submission to the Living Oracles of the Church—A Confession, &c. (January 29, 1860)
- Concentration of the Mind (Feb. 12, 1860)
Journal of Discourses, Volume 8
- Testimony of the Spirit, &c. (April 8, 1860)
- Divine Authority (June 24, 1860)
- Celebration of American Independence, &c. (July 4, 1860)
- True Source of Happiness—Riches, Temporal & Spiritual (September 16, 1860)
Journal of Discourses, Volume 9
- Salvation of the House of Israel to Come Through the Gentiles (July 15, 1855)
Journal of Discourses, Volume 12
- Experience in Missionary Labors—Ancient Prophecies Concerning the People of God in the Last Days (August 11, 1867)
- The Lord's Supper—Antiquity of the Gospel—The Apostasy—The Restoration (June 14, 1868)
- The Opposition of Wickedness to Righteousness—Persecutions of the Saints—Miss-representations (October 6, 1868)
- The Joy and Happiness Imparted by the Gospel—Sectarian and Revealed Religion—Oneness the Order of God (November 1, 1868)
- America a Choice Land—Its Aborigines (December 17, 1868)
- "Mormonism" (February 24, 1869)
Journal of Discourses, Volume 13
- Celestial Marriage (Oct. 7, 1869)
- Revelations and Manifestations of God and of Wicked Spirits (Dec. 19, 1869)
- The Latter-day Kingdom of God—Divine Authenticity of the Book of Mormon—External Testimony (Apr. 10, 1870)
- The Latter-day Work—Obeying the Commandments (May 5, 1870)
Journal of Discourses, Volume 14
- The Blessing of Joseph—The American Indians (Feb. 19, 1871)
- Nephite America—The Day of God's Power—The Shepherd of Israel (Feb. 11, 1872)
- The Fulfillment of Prophecy—The Early History of the Church—The Book of Mormon (Mar. 19, 1871)
- The Restoration of the Jews and Rebuilding of Jerusalem—The Latter-day Kingdom of God—Gathering of Israel (Mar. 26, 1871)
- Order—Spiritual Gifts—Temples—The New Jerusalem {Apr. 9, 1871}
- The Day of Pentecost—The Gifts of the Spirit—Cornelius (June 18, 1871)
- The Redemption of the Earth—Pre-existence—Marriage (Aug. 20, 1871)
- The Restoration of the Gospel—Its First Principles—Accumulating Evidences of the Truth of the Book of Mormon (Nov. 27, 1870)
- The Gathering—The Rise of the Church—The Book of Mormon—True Christianity (Dec. 10, 1871)
- Zion (March 10, 1872)
Journal of Discourses, Volume 15
- The Latter-day Kingdom—The Present Fulfillment of Ancient Prophecy (April 7, 1872)
- Second Coming of Christ—Preparatory Work Thereto (December 18, 1870)
- The Setting up of God’s Kingdom in These Latter Days (February 4, 1872)
- Revelation from Heaven and its Continuance Necessary (August 4, 1872)
- Review of God’s Dealings with the Prophet Joseph—Coming Forth of the Book of Mormon—Gathering, etc. (September 22, 1872)
- Spirit of Light and Truth—Its Value—Its Opposite Necessary—Final Triumph of Light and Truth (November 24, 1872)
- Pre-existence of Our Spirits (December 15, 1872)
- True Christmas and New Year (December 19, 1872)
- Different Degrees of Reward and Punishment—Marriage for Eternity Necessary to a Fullness of Celestial Glory (January 19, 1873)
- Latter-day Judgments (January 26, 1873)
- Consecration—Temporal Equality—Selfishness to be Overcome—Resurrection—Return to Jackson County—Glory of Zion (March 9, 1873)
Journal of Discourses, Volume 16
- Establishment of the Kingdom of God—Permanent Equality Should Be Maintained Among the Saints—Covetousness—Tithing—Consecration—Distinctions (April 7, 1873)
- Meeting of Adam With His Posterity in the Valley of Adam-Ondi-Ahman—Location of the Valley—the Covenant With Enoch—Records of God's Dealings With Men From the Period of the Creation—Method of Preserving the Records of Ancient Prophets—Christ's Advent Among the Nephites—Fufillment of God's Purposes and the Fullness of Times (May 18, 1873)
- The Rise of Zion in the Last Days (June 15, 1873)
- Necessity of Miracles—Belief of the Latter-Day Saints (July 13, 1873)
- The Manifestations of God's Power, in Behalf of His People in Modern Times, Are Different From Those of Former Ages—Consecration—Order of Enoch—Tithing—Stewardships—Redemption of Zion (August 16, 1873)
- Marriage (August 31, 1873)
- Evidences, Relating to the Divine Authenticity of the Bible and Book of Mormon, Compared (September 28, 1873)
- Temples to Be Built to the Name of the Lord—the Location of Their Erection, and the Purposes for Which They Shall Be Built (October 7, 1873)
- Distinguishing Characteristics Between the Latter-Day Saints and the Various Religious Denominations of Christendom (November 2, 1873)
- The Creation—the Seventh Thousand Years, and Events Which Are to Follow the Period of the Millennium (November 22, 1873)
- Revelation on the Judgments of the Lord—First Fruits of the Resurrection—What Becometh of the Souls of Men—Redemption Universal (December 28, 1873)
- The Stick of Joseph and of Judah—Times of the Gentiles—Apostacy From the Ancient Order—Restoration of the Everlasting Gospel (January 25, 1874)
- The Increased Powers and Capacities of Man in His Future State (January 27, 1874)
Journal of Discourses, Volume 17
- The Kingdom not Organized by Man—Man Utterly Unable to Organize the Kingdom of God on the Earth Without Revelation—The Nephites and Lamanites Had All Things in Common—Consecration—The Danger of Pride—The United Order (April 6, 1874)
- Interest Manifested Relating to Temporal Affairs—Revelations Pertaining to Being One in Temporal Things—Consecration—Stewardship—Jackson County—Sanctification (June 14, 1874)
- All Nations Believe in a Future State of Existence—All Inherit the Curse in the Death of the Body. The Zion of Enoch Taken to the Bosom of God—Celestial, Terrestrial and Telestial Sphere—Baptism in Water Essential to Salvation—Divine Authority—Eternal Marriage Ordained of God (July 19, 1874)
- All Men to be Judged Out of the Books—Adam the Ancient of Days—In the Days of Enoch the Righteous Gathered Together from the Ends of the Earth to One Place—The Great Prophet Joseph Smith Raised up by God to Reveal Hidden Mysteries (October 11, 1874)
- God’s Ancient People Polygamists—Marriage Relations are to Continue Forever—No Power Binding in Marriage But That of the Holy Priesthood Possessed by the Latter-day Saints (October 7, 1874)
- The Gospel Restored From Heaven—Signs Follow Believers—Fulfillment of Prophecy—Book of Mormon a Divine Revelation (November 15, 1874)
- Joseph Smith’s First Visions—The Book of Mormon—American Indians Descendants of the House of Israel—Prophecies Fulfilled (September 20, 1874)
- Redemption of Zion—Persecution—Baptism of Indians—Second Coming of Christ—Every Jot and Every Tittle of Divine Revelation will be Fulfilled (February 7, 1875)
- Second Coming of Christ—The Kingdom of God—Immediate Revelation—A Highway Cast Up—Gathering of Israel—One Universal Government on Earth (February 28, 1875)
- Man is the Offspring of God—Truth is Eternal—The Doctrines of Christ—The Law of Gravitation—Free Agency (March 14, 1875)
Journal of Discourses, Volume 18
- Gathering of Israel—The Work of the Father Commenced—Three Nephite Apostles Never to Taste of Death—The Ten Tribes Come to Zion From the North Countries (April 11, 1875)
- Immediate Revelation—Spiritual Gifts Necessary in the Christian Church—Apostasy—The Restoration of the Gospel—All Things to Be Gathered in One—Divine Authority—Marriage—Celestial Marriage—Baptism for the Dead (July 11, 1875)
- Resurrection of the Saints—Second Advent of the Messiah—Preparatory Work—Return of the Jews to Jerusalem—Gathering of the Saints to Zion—Christ’s Personal Reign (July 25, 1875)
- On the Dedication of the New Tabernacle (October 9, 1875)
- Fulfillment of Prophecy—The Desert Watered and the Wilderness Made Fruitful—Zion in the Valleys of the Mountains—Increase of Her Families Like a Flock—Her Peace, Plenty, and Prosperity (August 30, 1875)
- Book of Mormon—Urim and Thummin—Appearance of a Holy Angel in 1829 to Four Persons—Their Testimony to the Truth of the Book of Mormon—Also Eight Other Witnesses—Isaiah’s Prophecy Relates to that Book—Ezekiel’s Prophecy (July 18, 1875)
- Restoration of the Gospel, Probable and Spiritual—Sent First to the Gentiles, Then to Israel—This is a Gathering Dispensation, or the Fullness of Times—Destiny of all Nations (March 26, 1876)
- Prophecies of Joseph Smith and Their Literal Fulfillment—The Rise of the Church and the Gathering—Martyrdom of the Saints and Flight of the Church to the Rocky Mountains—The Great United States Rebellion—The Gospel to Be Preached to the Gentiles; Then to the Jews—Plagues of the Last Days—Millennial Reign (August 26, 1876)
- Youthful Experiences—Preaching Without Purse and Scrip—Individual Testimony Abundant and Satisfactory—Joseph Smith not An Impostor—His Promises Fulfilled—Form of Church Organization Imperative—Its Restoration in Prophecy and Fact (August 20, 1876)
- Salvation Tangible—Personality of God—Character of God—Pre-Existence of Man—Jesus Our Elder Brother—Transformation of the Earth—Creation and Organization—Its Final Destiny, the Home of the Saints—Revelations By Joseph Smith in Harmony With Scripture (November 12, 1876)
- Prophecies Unfulfilled—Changes in the Configuration of the Globe—Miracles the Result of Laws not Yet Perfectly Understood—The Re-Formation of the Earth—Its Character During the Millennium—Its Purification By Fire—The New Heavens and the New Earth—The Gospel the Celestial law, and Only Passport to Existence on a Celestialized Earth (December 3, 1876)
- Daniel's Vision—Nebuchadnezzar's Dream—Its Interpretation—The Coming of the Ancient of Days—Joseph Smith's Prophecy—Things Yet to Be Fulfilled—The Valley of God Where Adam Dwelt—The Establishment of the Kingdom of God—The Coming Millennium and Triumph of the Saints (February 25, 1877)
- Melchizedek and Aaronic Priesthoods—Their Peculiarities and Jurisdiction—Building Temples—Gathering to Be Sanctified—Union and Blessing Its Results (May 13, 1877)
Journal of Discourses, Volume 19
- Revelation Gradual—Hyrum Smith’s Experience—The Lord has not Shut Down the Gates of Revelation—The Church Organization not Perfected at Once—The Establishment of Zion—Building Temples—Their Style and Character Progressive—Diligence will Secure the Blessing (May 20, 1877)
- Prayer by Elder Orson Pratt (May 18, 1877)
- The Savior Among the Nephites—Printing of the Book of Mormon—The Presidency of the Church—The Ancient Priesthood—The Kirtland Temple (October 5, 1877)
- The Outpouring of the Spirit—The Records of the Past—The Two Sticks—The Promises and Blessings of Joseph—The Sanctified Earth—There is a Spirit in Man (December 2, 1877)
- King Limhi’s Enquiry, From the Book of Mormon—Ammon Replies—Seership and the Urim and Thummim—The Brother of Jared—Hyrum Smith’s Enquiry—What is a Generation—The Immense Number of Records to be Revealed (December 9, 1877)
- God is Light—God Our Father—God a Personage—The Holy Ghost—The Earth as Part of the Universe—The Purpose of Experience—The Resurrection—Zion Takes from Each of the Creations—Spiritual Faculties (1878)
- Temples in Ancient America—The God of Mankind an Impossible God—The Truth in Regard to Him—Man in His Image—Pre-existence—Why Infants Die—The Redemption by Jesus—Plurality of Gods—The Word of the Lord is Truth (October 7, 1867)
- Parable of the Vineyard—The Gradual Organization of the Church—Duties of Officers—Union in all Matters Advantageous and Inevitable—Political and Religious Growth (April 7, 1878)
- A Marvelous Work—Angel Visitation—The Book of Mormon—Evidence Calculated to Excite Faith—Testimony not Always to Salvation (June 16, 1878)
Journal of Discourses, Volume 20
- Interpretation of Scripture—Apparent Miracles Easily Performed When Necessary—Disobedience Brings Calamity—Fulfillment of Prophecy (June 23, 1878)
- The Book of Mormon—Promises to the Lamanites—Objects of the Record—The Book of Abraham—Gifts to the Church—Benefit of Immediate Revelation—The Greater Things Shown to Those Who Receive the Record—The Vision of Moses—The Creation Etc. (August 25, 1878)
- Discourse by Elder Orson Pratt (March 9, 1879)
- Progress of the Work of God—Introduction of Evils By the World—Unconstitutional Inimical Measures—Plural Marriage Not Criminal—Intolerance Denounced (October 6, 1879)
Journal of Discourses, Volume 21
- On the Book of Mormon, etc. (September 7, 1879)
- Progress of the Saints to Union in Faith and Practice—The United Order (November 1, 1879)
- The Book of Mormon an Authentic Record (September 21, 1879)
- Pre-existence, in Spiritual Form, of Man, the Lower Animals and the Earth, etc.—The Temporal Probationary State—The Millennium—The Final Change (November 12, 1879)
- Man to be Judged by Law—A Law Given to all Things—The Law of Gravitation—How it Varies by Distance—Law of Projection—Law of Elliptical Forms, Having the Same Length of Year—Law of Orbital Velocity—Its Variations Depending on Distance—Wise Adaption—Intelligent Selections of Law—Laws of Nature Counteracted (August 8, 1880)
- The Power of God to Communicate Intelligence—Difference in Capacity Between the Mortal and the Immortal—The Future of Man, etc. (June 13, 1880)
- The Gathering of the Saints—Their Sufferings—Ancient Predictions Fulfilled—Crickets and Their Miraculous Destruction—Crops Saved—Desert Made Fruitful—God’s Kingdom in the Mountains—Its Future Destiny—The Coming of the Lord (June 20, 1880)
- Visions of Moses—Rebellion in Heaven—Satan Cast Down—Our First Parents Fell—Before the Fall They Were Mortal—After the Fall, Mortal—The Command to Multiply was Given to Two Immortal Beings—This Command More Fully to be Carried into Effect, after the Resurrection, etc. (July 18, 1880)
- Introductory Remarks—Heaven and Earth to Pass Away—Not Annihilated—Heaven and Earth not Created from Nothing—Materials—Eternal Materials Under the Dominion of Laws—Central and Orbital Forces—Compound and Elementary Substances—Earth in the Beginning—No Mortality, then Known, on This Creation—The Fall—The Earth’s Baptism in Water—Its Baptism in Fire—Its Baptism by the Spirit..Its Justification—Its Sanctification—Its Purification—Its Thousand Years’ Rest, etc. (August 1, 1880)
- Journal of Discourses/Volume 21/A Double Birthday—The Authority of the Priesthood, etc. (September 19, 1880)
Journal of Discourses, Volume 22
- The Divine Authority of the Holy Priesthood, etc. (October 10, 1880)
- The Great Principles of Salvation, Etc. (September 18, 1881)
Journal of Discourses, Volume 23
Journal of Discourses, Volume 24
Journal of Discourses, Volume 25
Works by this author published before January 1, 1927 are in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago. Translations or editions published later may be copyrighted. Posthumous works may be copyrighted based on how long they have been published in certain countries and areas.
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