< Author:Samuel Langhorne Clemens
← Samuel Langhorne Clemens | Authorized Edition |
This page summarizes the contents of the green covered "Authorized edition The Complete Works of Mark Twain" produced by Harper and Brothers roughly during the 1920s. Copyright notices shown, are as they appear on the verso of each volume, where there is no indication to show the extent to which each of these apply. |
- Volume I, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
- Volume II, The Innocents Abroad
- Volume III, Pudd'nhead Wilson
- Copyright, 1893-1894 by the Century Company in the Century Magazine; 1894 and 1899 by Olivia L. Clemens; 1922 by the Mark Twain Co.
- A Whisper to the Reader
- Pudd'nhead Wilson
- Those Extraordinary Twins
- Volume IV, The American Claimant
- Copyright, 1892 by Samuel L. Clemens; 1892 by Charles L. Webster & Co.; 1893 buy Samuel L. Clemens; 1896 and 1899 by Harper & Brothers; 1917 by Mark Twain Company; 1924 by Clara Gabrilowitsch
- The Weather in This Book
- Explanatory
- The American Claimant
- Merry Tales
- The Private History of a Campaign that Failed
- Luck
- A Curious Experience
- Mrs. McWilliams and the Lightning
- Meisterschaft: In Three Acts
- Playing Courier
- Volume V, A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court
- Copyright, 1889 and 1899 by Samuel L. Clemens; 1917 by Clara Gabrilowitsch
- Volume VI, Roughing It
- Copyright, (for volume 1) 1871 and 1899 by The American Publishing Company; 1899 by Samuel L. Clemens; 1913 by Clara Gabrilowitsch. No separate copyrights are given for volume 2.
- This work was originally in two volumes. This edition includes both volumes in one, but retains separate chapter numbers and pagination for each volume.
- Volume VII, Life on the Mississippi
- Copyright, 1874 and 1875 by H. O. Houghton & Company; 1883, 1899 and 1903 by Samuel L. Clemens; 1911 and 1917 by Clara Gabrilowitsch.
- Volume VIII, The Mysterious Stranger
- Copyright, 1922 by Mark Twain Company
- Volume IX, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
- Copyright, 1884 by Samuel L. Clemens; 1896 and 1899 by Harper & Brothers; 1912 by Clara Gabrilowitsch; 1918 by The Mark Twain Company
- Volume X, The Gilded Age
- Copyright, (for Volume I) 1873 and 1899 by Samuel L. Clemens and Charles D. Warner; 1901 by Samuel L. Clemens and Susan Lee Warner; 1915 by Clara Gabrilowitsch and Susan Lee Warner. No separate copyrights are given for volume 2.
- This work was originally in two volumes. This edition includes both volumes in one, but retains separate chapter numbers and pagination for each volume.
- Volume XI, A Tramp Abroad
- Copyright, (for Volume 1) 1879, 1899 and 1907 by Samuel L. Clemens; 1921 by the Mark Twain Company. No separate copyrights are given for volume 2.
- This work was originally in two volumes. This edition includes both volumes in one, but retains separate chapter numbers and pagination for each volume.
- Volume XII, What Is Man?
- Copyright, 1917 by Mark Twain Company.
- What Is Man?
- The Death of Jean
- The Turning-point of My Life
- How to Make History Dates Stick
- The Memorable Assassination
- A Scrap of Curious History
- Switzerland, the Cradle of Liberty
- At the Shrine of St. Wagner
- William Dean Howells
- English as She Is Taught
- A Simplified Alphabet
- As Concerns Interpreting the Deity
- Concerning Tobacco
- The Bee
- Taming the Bicycle
- Is Shakespeare Dead?
- Volume XIII, Following the Equator
- Copyright, (for volume 1) 1897 and 1899 by Olivia L. Clemens; 1925 by Clara Gabrilowitsch; (for volume 2) 1897 and 1899 by Olivia L. Clemens.
- This work was originally in two volumes. This edition includes both volumes in one, but retains separate chapter numbers and pagination for each volume.
- Volume XIV, Tom Sawyer Abroad
- Copyright, 1878 by Slote, Woodman & Co.; 1882, 1894, 1906 and 1910 bu Samuel L. Clemens; 1896 by Harper & Brothers; 1917 by Mark Twain Company.
- Tom Sawyer Abroad
- Tom Sawyer, Detective
- The Stolen White Elephant
- Some Rambling Notes of an Idle Excursion
- The Facts Concerning the Recent Carnival of Crime in Connecticut
- About Magnanimous-Incident Literature
- Punch, Brothers, Punch
- The Great Revolution in Pitcairn
- On the Decay of the Art of Lying
- The Canvasser's Tale
- An Encounter with an Interviewer
- Paris Notes
- Legend of Sagenfeld, in Germany
- Speech on the Babies
- Speech on the Weather
- Concerning the American Language
- Rogers
- The Loves of Alonzo Fitz Clarence and Rosannah Ethelton
- Volume XV, The Man That Corrupted Harleyburg
- Copyright, 1898, 1899 and 1901 by The Century Company; 1893 by J. Brisben Walker; 1899, 1901 and 1902 by Harper & Brothers; 1898 and 1899 by The Forum Publishing Company; 1899 by The S. S. McClure Company; 1893 by Underhill & Nichols; 1901 by Irving S. Underhill; 1899 by Samuel L. Clemens; 1903 by The American Publishing Company; 1900 by Olivia L. Clemens; 1928 by Clara Gabrilowitsch.
- The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg
- My Début as a Literary Person
- The £1,000,000 Bank-note
- The Esquimau Maiden's Romance
- My First Lie, and How I Got Out of It
- The Belated Russian Passport
- Two Little Tales
- About Play-acting
- Diplomatic Pay and Clothes
- Is He Living or Is He Dead?
- My Boyhood Dreams
- The Austrian Edison Keeping School Again
- The Death Disk
- A Double-barreled Detective Story
- A Petition to the Queen of England
- Volume XVI, In Defense of Harriet Shelly (Literary Essays)
- Copyright, 1897, 1898 and 1899 by Harper & Brothers; 1892 by C. L. Webster & Co.; 1898 by The Century Co.; 1898 by The Cosmopolitan; 1899 by Samuel E. Moffett; 1918 by The Mark Twain Company; 1925 by Clara Gabrilowitsch.
- In Defense of Harriet Shelley
- Fenimore Cooper's Literary Offenses
- Traveling with a Reformer
- Private History of the "Jumping Frog" Story
- Mental Telegraphy
- Mental Telegraphy Again
- What Paul Bourget Thinks of Us
- A Little Note to M. Paul Bourget
- The Invalid's Story
- Stirring Times in Austria
- The German Chicago
- Concerning the Jews
- About All Kinds of Ships
- From the "London Times" of 1904
- A Majestic Literary Fossil
- At the Appetite Cure
- Saint Joan of Arc
- In Memoriam
- A Biographical Sketch
- Volume XVII, Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc
- Copyright, (Volume 1) 1896 and 1899 by Harper & Brothers; 1924 by Clara Gabrilowitsch; (Volume 2) 1898 and 1899 by Harper & Brothers; 1924 by Clara Gabrilowitsch.
- This is three Books in two volumes bound as one, the middle book being divided between the two volumes. The separate pagination of each volume is retained.
- Volume XVIII, The $30,000 Bequest
- Copyright, 1872, 1874, 1902, 1904, 1905 and 1906 by Harpper & Brothers; 1880 and 1884 by Houghton, Mifflin & Co.; 1902 by The North American Review Publishing Co.; 1903 by Samuel L. Clemens; 1917 by Mark Twain Company.
- The $30,000 Bequest
- A Dog's Tale
- Was It Heaven? Or Hell?
- A Cure for the Blues
- The Enemy Conquered; or, Love Triumphant
- The Californian's Tale
- A Helpless Situation
- A Telephonic Conversation
- Edward Mills and George Benton: A Tale
- The Five Boons of Life
- The First Writing-machines
- Italian Without a Master
- Italian with Grammar
- A Burlesque Biography
- How to Tell a Story
- General Washington's Negro Body-servant
- Wit Inspirations of the "Two-year-olds"
- An Entertaining Article
- A Letter to the Secretary of the Treasury
- Amended Obituaries
- A Monument to Adam
- A Humane Word from Satan
- Introduction to "The New Guide of the Conversation in Portuguese and English"
- Advice to Little Girls
- Post-mortem Poetry
- The Danger of Lying in Bed
- Portrait of King William III
- Does the Race of Man Love a Lord?
- Extracts from Adam's Diary
- Eve's Diary
- Volume XIX, Sketches New and Old
- Copyright, 1875 by Samuel L, Clemens; 1899 and 1903 by Samuel L. Clemens; 1917 by Clara Gabrilowitsch
- Preface
- My Watch
- Political Economy
- The Jumping Frog
- Journalism in Tennessee
- The Story of the Bad Little Boy
- The Story of the Good Little Boy
- A Couple of Poems by Twain and Moore
- Niagara
- Answers to Correspondents
- To Raise Poultry
- Experience of the McWilliamses with Membranous Croup
- My First Literary Venture
- How the Author was Sold in Newark
- The Office Bore
- Johnny Greer
- The Facts in the Case of the Great Beef Contract
- The Case of George Fisher
- Disgraceful Persecution of a Boy
- The Judge's "Spirited Woman"
- Information Wanted
- Some Learned Fables, for Good Old Boys and Girls
- My Late Senatorial Secretaryship
- A Fashion Item
- Riley—Newspaper Correspondent
- A Fine Old Man
- Science vs. Luck
- The Late Benjamin Franklin
- Mr. Bloke's Item
- A Medieval Romance
- Petition Concerning Copyright
- After-dinner Speech
- Lionizing Murderers
- A New Crime
- A Curious Dream
- A True Story
- The Siamese Twins
- Speech at the Scottish Banquet in London
- A Ghost Story
- The Capitoline Venus
- Speech on Accident Insurance
- John Chinaman in New York
- How I Edited an Agricultural Paper
- The Petrified Man
- My Bloody Massacre
- The Undertaker's Chat
- Concerning Chambermaids
- Aurelia's Unfortunate Young Man
- "After" Jenkins
- About Barbers
- "Party Cries" in Ireland
- The Facts Concerning the Recent Resignation
- History Repeats Itself
- Honored as a Curiosity
- First Interview with Artemus Ward
- Cannibalism in the Cars
- The Killing of Julius Cæsar "Localized"
- The Widow's Protest
- The Scriptural Panoramist
- Curing a Cold
- A Curious Pleasure Excursion
- Running for Governor
- A Mysterious Visit
- Volume XX, Europe and Elsewhere
- Copyright 1923 by The Mark Twain Company.
- The Table of Contents for this volume attaches chapter numbers to the various items included, even though they are not generally related to each other.
- An Appreciation by Author:Brander Matthews
- Introduction by Author:Albert Bigelow Paine
- A Memorable Midnight Experience
- Two Mark Twain Editorials
- The Temperance Crusade and Woman's Rights
- O'Shah
- A Wonderful Pair of Slippers
- Aix, the Paradise of the Rheumatics
- Marienbad—A Health Factory
- Down the Rhône
- The Lost Napoleon
- Some National Stupidities
- The Cholera Epidemic in Hamburg
- Queen Victoria's Jubilee
- Letters to Satan
- A Word of Encouragement for Our Blushing Exiles
- Dueling
- Skeleton Plan of a Proposed Casting Vote Party
- The United States of Lyncherdom
- To the Person Sitting in Darkness
- To My Missionary Critics
- Thomas Brackett Reed
- The Finished Book
- As Regards Patriotism
- Dr. Loeb's Incredible Discovery
- The Dervish and the Offensive Stranger
- Instructions in Art
- Sold to Satan
- That Day in Eden
- Eve Speaks
- Samuel Erasmus Moffett
- The New Planet
- Marjorie Fleming, the Wonder Child
- Adam's Soliloquy
- Bible Teaching and Religious Practice
- The War Prayer
- Corn-pone Opinions
- Volume XXI, The Prince and the Pauper
- Copyright 1881, 1899 and 1909 by Samuel L. Clemens
- Volume XXII, Mark Twain's Notebook
- Copyright 1935 by The Mark Twain Company
- The contents of this volume were mostly published posthumously, but are listed for the sake of completeness. The list, however, is not presented as a set of links since most of the material is likely still protected by copyrights. Much of Twain's work in this volume is embedded in commentary by his biographer Albert Bigelow Paine. The copyright "on comments" was renewed (R306152) in 1962 by the Cleveland Trust Co. on behalf of Louise Paine Moore.
- Foreword
- The River and the Mines
- The Sandwich Islands
- Honolulu
- Honolulu to San Francisco
- A Grim Voyage to New York
- Beginning a Literary Epoch
- Athens, Constantinople, Ephesus
- Syria and the Holy Land
- Supplementary Holy Land Notes
- Egypt and Home
- Notes, San Francisco to New York
- A Trip to Bermuda
- Notes, Literary and Otherwise
- Notes for a New Book
- America Again
- Mississippi River, 1882
- Notes, 1883
- The Grant Book
- Turbulent Years
- Writing "The Yankee"
- European Residence
- The Way to the Coast
- Australia and New Zealand
- Ceylon and India
- Leaving India
- In South Africa
- England
- Susy
- London Days
- On the Continent
- In Vienna
- England Agtain
- Back in America
- Italy Again
- Closing Years
- Index
- Volume XXIII, Christian Science
- Copyright, 1899 by Cosmopolitan Publishng Co.; 1902 and 1903 by The North American Review Publishing Co.; 1907 by Harper & Brothers.
- Volume XXIV, Mark Twain's Speeches
- Copyright 1923 by Mark Twain Company
- An Appreciation by Author:William Dean Howells
- Mark Twain's Speeches/Introduction by Albert Bigelow Paine
- On Speech-making Reform
- The Sandwich Islands
- The American Vandal
- Woman—An Opinion
- Americans and the English
- About London
- The Ladies
- License of the Press
- The Weather
- The Babies
- The Story of a Speech
- Unconscious Plagiarism
- Accident Insurance
- On After-dinner Speaking
- Plymouth Rock and the Pilgrims
- On Adam
- Speech of Samuel L. Clemens
- Advice to Youth
- Speech
- Turncoats
- A Tribute
- Consistency
- Henry M. Stanley
- On Stanley and Livingstone
- General Grant's Grammar
- The Old-fashioned Printer
- Yale College Speech
- Welcome Home (1889)
- On Foreign Critics
- Mistaken Identity
- Daly Theatre
- Lotos Club Dinner in Honor of Mark Twain
- An Undelivered Speech
- Die Schrecken der Deutschen Sprache
- The Horrors of the German Language
- German for the Hungarians
- To the Whitefriars
- Authors' Club
- The Day We Celebrate
- Theoretical and Practical Morals
- Henry Irving
- Welcome Home (1900)
- Galveston Orphan Bazaar
- Literature
- Disappearance of Literature
- Public Education Society
- Municipal Government
- Municipal Corruption
- Votes for Women
- University Settlement Society
- On Lincoln's Birthday
- Osteopathy
- Business
- Dinner to Hamilton W. Mabie
- The Dinner to Mr. Choate
- Sixty-seventh Birthday
- Seventieth Birthday
- Russian Sufferers
- Joan of Arc
- Taxes and Morals
- Layman's Sermon
- Morals and Memory
- When in Doubt, Tell the Truth
- Introducing Doctor van Dyke
- Billiards
- "Mark Twain's First Appearance"
- In Aid of the Blind
- Spelling and Pictures
- Copyright
- Educating Theatre-goers
- The Educational Theatre
- Books, Authors, and Hats
- Independence Day
- The Savage Club Dinner
- Charity and Actors
- Fulton Day, Jamestown
- The Alphaet and Simplified Spelling
- Compliments and Degrees
- Booksellers
- Education and Citizenship
- Dinner to Whitelaw Reid
- Courage
- Queen Victoria
- Rogers and Railroads
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