
256th Pope of the Roman Catholic Church, reigning from 1878 to 1903; reigning until the age of 93, as the oldest pope, and had the third longest pontificate, behind Pius IX and John Paul II; known as the "Pope of the Working Man" and "The Social Pope"; born Count Vincenzo Gioacchino Raffaele Luigi Pecci


Works by Leo XIII


Encyclical Letters

No. Title (Latin or Italian) Title (English translation) Subject Date
1.Inscrutabili Dei ConsilioBy God's Unsearchable DesignOn the Evils of Society21 April 1878
2.Quod Apostolici MunerisWhich Apostolic DutyOn Socialism28 December 1878
3.Aeterni PatrisOf the Eternal FatherOn the Restoration of Christian Philosophy4 August 1879
4.Arcanum divinae sapientiaThe Mystery of Divine WisdomOn Christian Marriage10 February 1880
5.Grande MunusThe Great DutyOn Saints Cyril and Methodius30 September 1880
6.Sancta Dei CivitasThe Holy City of GodOn Mission Societies3 December 1880
7.DiuturnumLong-lastingOn the Origin of Civil Power29 June 1881
8.Licet MultaAlthough ManyOn Catholics in Belgium3 August 1881
9.Etsi NosEven WeOn Conditions in Italy15 February 1882
10.Auspicato ConcessumA Happy CircumstanceOn St. Francis of Assisi17 September 1882
11.Cum MultaWith ManyOn Conditions in Spain8 December 1882
12.Supremi Apostolatus OfficioThe Supreme Apostolic OfficeOn Devotion to the Rosary1 September 1883
13.Nobilissima Gallorum GensThe Most Noble People of FranceOn the Religious Question in France8 February 1884
14.Humanum GenusThe Human PeopleOn Freemasonry20 April 1884
15.Superiore AnnoLast YearOn the Recitation of the Rosary30 August 1884
16.Immortale DeiImmortal GodOn the Christian Constitution of States1 November 1885
17.Spectata FidesObserved FaithOn Christian Education27 November 1885
18.Quod AuctoritateWhich by AuthorityProclaiming a Jubilee22 December 1885
19.IampridemLong AgoOn Catholicism in Germany6 January 1886
20.Quod MultumWhich for ManyOn the Liberty of the Church22 August 1886
21.PergrataMost PleasingOn the Church in Portugal14 September 1886
22.Vi È Ben NotoIt Is Well Known to YouOn the Rosary and Public Life20 September 1887
23.Officio SanctissimoThe Holiest DutyOn the Church in Bavaria22 December 1887
24.Quod AnniversariusWhich AnniversiaryOn His Sacerdotal Jubilee1 April 1888
25.In PlurimisAmong the ManyOn the Abolition of Slavery5 May 1888
26.Saepe NosWe OftenOn Boycotting in Ireland24 June 1888
27.Libertas praestantissimum donumLiberty, the Most Excellent GiftOn the Nature of Human Liberty20 June 1888
28.Quam AerumnosaHow TroublesomeOn Italian Immigrants10 December 1888
29.Etsi CunctasAlthough AllOn the Church in Ireland21 December 1888
30.Exeunte Iam AnnoAlready at the End of the YearOn Right Ordering of Christian Life25 December 1888
31.Magni NobisGreat to UsOn The Catholic University of America7 March 1889
32.Quamquam PluriesAlthough FrequentlyOn Devotion to St. Joseph15 August 1889
33.Sapientiae ChristianaeOf Christian WisdomOn Christians as Citizens10 January 1890
34.Dall'alto dell'Apostolico SeggioFrom the Height of the Apostolic SeatOn Freemasonry in Italy15 October 1890
35.Catholicae EcclesiaeOf the Catholic ChurchOn Slavery in the Missions20 November 1890
36.In IpsoIn ItselfOn Episcopal Reunions in Austria3 March 1891
37.Rerum NovarumNew ThingsOn Capitol and Labour15 May 1891
38.PastoralisOf Pastoral ThingsOn Religious Union25 June 1891
39.Pastoralis OfficiiOf the Pastoral OfficeOn the Morality of Duelling12 September 1891
40.Octobri MenseThe Month of OctoberOn the Rosary22 September 1891
41.Au Milieu Des SollicitudesAmid the SolicitudesOn the Church and State in France16 February 1892
42.Quarto Abeunte SaeculoThe Fourth Century Having PassedOn Christopher Columbus16 July 1892
43.Magnae Dei MatrisOf the Great Mother of GodOn the Rosary8 September 1892
44.Custodi Di Quella FedeGuards of That FaithOn Freemasonry8 December 1892
45.Inimica VisThe Hostile ForceOn Freemasonry8 December 1892
46.Ad ExtremasTo the FarthestSeminaries for Native Clergy24 June 1893
47.Constanti HungarorumThe Hungarians' LoyalOn the Church in Hungary2 September 1893
48.Laetitiae SanctaeOf Holy PraiseCommending Devotion to the Rosary8 September 1893
49.Providentissimus DeusThe Most Provident GodOn the Study of Holy Scripture18 November 1893
50.Praeclara Gratulationis PublicaThe Public Rejoicing's SplendidThe Reunion of Christendom20 June 1894
51.Litteras A VobisYour LetterOn the Clergy in Brasil2 July 1894
52.Iucunda Semper ExpectationeAlways with Delightful ExpectationOn the Rosary8 September 1894
53.Orientalium DignitasThe Dignity of the EasternersOn the Churches of the East30 November 1894
54.Christi NomenThe Name of ChristOn Propagation of the Faith and Eastern Churches24 December 1894
55.LonginquaExtensiveOn Catholicism in the United States6 January 1895
56.Permoti NosWe, InfluencedOn Social Conditions in Belgium10 July 1895
57.AdiutricemAdjutrixOn the Rosary5 September 1895
58.InsignesEminentOn the Hungarian Millennium1 May 1896
59.Satis CognitumSufficiently Well-KnownOn the Unity of the Church29 June 1896
60.Fidentem Piumque AnimumConfidence and DevotionOn the Rosary20 September 1896
61.Divinum Illud MunusThat Divine OfficeOn the Holy Spirit9 May 1897
62.Militantis EcclesiaeOf the Church MilitantOn St. Peter Canisius1 August 1897
63.Augustissimae Virginis MariaeOf the Most August Virgin MaryOn the Confraternity of the Holy Rosary12 September 1897
64.Affari VosSpeak to YouOn the Manitoba Schools Question8 December 1897
65.Caritatis StudiumOf the Studies of CharityOn the Church in Scotland25 July 1898
66.Spesse VolteMany TimesOn the Suppression of Catholic Institutions5 August 1898
67.Quam ReligiosaWhich ReligiousOn Civil Marriage Law16 August 1898
68.Diuturni TemporisLong TimeOn the Rosary5 September 1898
69.Quum DiuturnumWhen the LongOn the Latin American Bishops' Plenary Council25 December 1898
70.Testem Benevolentiae NostraeWitness to Our GoodwillVirtue, Nature and Grace, and Americanism22 January 1899
71.Annum SacrumA Holy YearConsecration to the Sacred Heart25 May 1899
72.Depuis Le JourSince the DayOn the Education of the Clergy8 September 1899
73.PaternaePaternalOn the Education of the Clergy18 September 1899
74.Omnibus CompertumEveryone KnowsOn Unity Among the Greek21 July 1900
75.Tametsi Futura ProspicientibusAlthough the Outlook on the FutureOn Jesus Christ the Redeemer1 November 1900
76.Graves De Communi ReGrave Regarding General BusinessOn Christian Democracy18 January 1901
77.GravissimasThe GravestOn Religious Orders in Portugal16 May 1901
78.ReputantibusReflectingOn the Language Question in Bohemia20 August 1901
79.Urbanitatis VeterisOf Ancient City-LivingOn the Foundation of a Seminary in Athens20 November 1901
80.In AmplissimoIn the GreatestOn the Church in the United States15 April 1902
81.Quod VotisWhich UndertakingOn the Proposed Catholic University30 April 1902
82.Mirae CaritatisOf Wondrouts LoveOn the Holy Eucharist28 May 1902
83.Quae Ad NosWhich to UsOn the Church in Bohemia and Moravia22 November 1902
84.Fin Dal PrincipioSince the BeginningOn the Education of the Clergy8 December 1902
85.Dum MultaWhile with MuchMarriage Legislation24 December 1902

Apostolic Constitutions

No. Title (Latin or Italian) Title (English translation) Subject Date
1.Romanos PontificesThe Roman PontiffsOn British Bishops13 May 1881
2.Misericors Dei FiliusThe Merciful Son of GodOn Franciscan Tertiaries30 May 1883
3.Iamdudum parsLong Ago the PartOn the Great Price of Quebec2 February 1889
4.Officiorum ac munerumOf Duties and ObligationOn the Prohibition and Censorship of Books25 January 1897
5.Felicitate quadamWith a Certain HappinessOn Franciscan Orders4 October 1897
6.Ubi primumWhere FirstOn Rosary Confraternities2 October 1898
7.Aeterni PastorisOf the Eternal PastorOn the Jubilee24 October 1899
8.Conditae a ChristoFounded by ChristOn Religious Orders8 December 1900

Apostolic Letters

Other letters

Works about Leo

Letters to Leo

Works by this author published before January 1, 1927 are in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago. Translations or editions published later may be copyrighted. Posthumous works may be copyrighted based on how long they have been published in certain countries and areas.

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