John Suckling
- Fragmenta Aurea
- On New-Year’s Day, 1640. To the King
- Loving and Beloved
- 'If when Don Cupid's dart'
- A Session of the Poets
- Love's World
- Sonnets
- To his much Honoured the Lord Lepington, upon his Translation of Malvezzi, his 'Romulus' and 'Tarquin'
- Against Fruition
- 'There never yet was woman made'
- To my Friend Will. Davenant, upon his Poem of 'Madagascar'
- To my Friend Will. Davenant, upon his other Poems
- 'Love, Reason, Hate, did once bespeak'
- Song ('I prithee spare me, gentle boy')
- Upon my Lady Carlisle's Walking in Hampton Court Garden
- To Mr. Davenant for Absence
- Against Absence
- A Supplement of an Imperfect Copy of Verses of Mr. William Shakespeare's, by the Author
- The Lover's Clock
- ''Tis now, since I sat down before'
- Upon my Lord Brohall's Wedding
- 'Sir, whether these lines do find you out'
- Against Fruition
- A Ballad upon a Wedding
- 'My dearest rival, lest our love'
- Song ('Honest lover whosoever')
- Upon Two Sisters
- To his Rival
- Farewell to Love
- Last Remains
- The Invocation
- A Poem with the Answer
- Love Turned to Hatred
- The Careless Lover
- Love and Debt Alike Troublesome
- Song ('I Prithee Send Me Back My Heart')
- To a Lady that Forbade to Love before Company
- The Guiltless Inconstant
- Love's Representation
- Song ('The crafty boy that had full oft assay'd')
- Upon the Black Spots Worn by my Lady D. E.
- Song ('If you refuse me once and think again')
- Proffered Love Rejected
- Desdain
- Lutea Allison
- Perjury Excused
- Upon T. C. Having the Pox
- Upon the First Sight of my Lady Seymour
- Upon L. M. Weeping
- The Deformed Mistress
- Non Est Mortale Quod Opto
- His Dream
- Upon A. M.
- A Candle
- The Metamorphosis
- To B. C.
- Upon Sir John Laurence's Bringing Water over the Hills to my L. Middlesex his House at Witten
- A Barber
- A Soldier
- To my Lady E. C. at her Going out of England
- A Pedlar of Small-wares
- An Answer to Some Verses Made in his Praise
- Love's Burning-glass
- The Miracle
- [Εἰ μὲν ἦν μαθεῖν]
- Song ('When, dearest, I but think of thee')
- The Expostulation
- Detraction Execrated
- Song ('Unjust decrees, that do at once exact')
- A Prologue of the Author's to a Masque at Witten
- Cantilena Politica-Jocunda Facta post Principis Discessum in Hispaniam, 1623
- Verses
- Sir John Suckling's Answer
- Aglaura
- Song - a well known poem in Aglaura beginning with the line "Why so pale and wan, fond lover?"
- The Goblins
- Brennoralt
- The Sad One
Works about Suckling
- "Suckling, John," in Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, London: Smith, Elder, & Co. (1885–1900) in 63 vols.
- "Suckling, Sir John," in A Short Biographical Dictionary of English Literature, by John William Cousin, London: J. M. Dent & Sons (1910)
- "Suckling, Sir John," in Encyclopædia Britannica (11th ed., 1911)

Works by this author published before January 1, 1927 are in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago. Translations or editions published later may be copyrighted. Posthumous works may be copyrighted based on how long they have been published in certain countries and areas.
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