< Author:John Newton (1725-1807)
← John Newton (1725-1807) | Olney Hymns |
Most of the hymns are known by their first line, so they are given here their first line as title. Newton gave them other titles, they are here put in brackets. The "Short Hymns" of the third book of Olney Hymns don't have special titles.
- A Word from JESUS calms the sea (Peter walking on the waters)
- Afflictions, Though They Seem Severe (The prodigal son)
- Alas! Elisha's servant cried (More with us than with them)
- Amazing Grace (Faith's review and expectation)
- And Dost Thou Say (shorter Version of If Solomon for wisdom prayed)
- Approach, My Soul, the Mercy Seat (The effort)
- As once for Jonah, so the Lord (The gourd)
- As parched in the barren sands (Trust of the righteous and wicked)
- As the serpent raised by Moses (Look unto me and be ye saved)
- Before Elisha's gate (Naaman)
- Behold the Throne of Grace (Ask what I shall give thee)
- Beside the Gospel Pool (The pool of Bethesda)
- Bitter, indeed, the waters are (The Bitter waters)
- By Faith in Christ I Walk with God (Walking with GOD)
- By the poor widow's oil and meal (The meal and cruse of oil)
- Come, My Soul, Thy Suit Prepare (Ask what I shall give thee)
- Day of Judgment! Day of Wonders! (The day of judgment)
- Elijah's example declares (Elijah fed by ravens)
- Encouraged by thy word (The beggar)
- Father, Forgive, the Savior Said (Father forgive them)
- For mercies, countless as the sands (What shall I render)
- From pole to pole let others roam (The Lord is my portion)
- From Sheba a distant report (Queen of Sheba)
- Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken (Zion, or the city of God)
- Great Shepherd of Thy Chosen Flock
- Hark! How Time’s Wide Sounding Bell (Death and war. 1778)
- He who on earth as man was known (The River, Refuge, and Rock of the church)
- Honey though the bee prepares (Vanity of creatures sanctified)
- How blest the righteous are (BALAAM's wish)
- How David, when by sin deceived (David's fall)
- How lost was my condition (The good Physician)
- How Hurtful Was the Choice of Lot (Lot in Sodom)
- How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds (The name of Jesus)
- How Tedious and Tasteless (None upon earth I desire besides thee)
- I Asked the Lord That I Might Grow (Prayer answered by crosses)
- I saw One hanging on a tree (Looking at the cross)
- If Solomon for wisdom prayed (Ask what I shall give thee)
- If the Lord our leader be (Jacob's Ladder)
- In Evil Long I Took Delight (Looking at the cross)
- In mercy, not in wrath, rebuke (Pleading for mercy)
- Incarnate God! the soul that knows (The believer's safety)
- Jesus Christ, the Lord's anointed (On one throne shall be seven eyes)
- Jesus, Who Bought Us with His Blood (The prayer of Jabez)
- John in Vision Saw the Day (The great tribunal)
- Joy Is a Fruit That Will Not Grow (The joy of the Lord is your strength)
- Kindle, Savior, in my heart (Bitter and sweet)
- Let Me Dwell on Golgotha (It is good to be here)
- Let Us Love and Sing and Wonder (Praise for redeeming love)
- Manna to Israel well supplied (MANNA)
- Mary to Her Savior’s Tomb (Weeping Mary)
- May the Grace of Christ Our Savior
- My soul once had its plenteous years (Plenty in a time of dearth)
- Nay, I Cannot Let Thee Go (My name is Jacob)
- Now Let Us Join with Hearts and Tongues (Man honored above angels)
- Now May He Who from the Dead
- O Lord, our languid souls inspire (On opening a place for social prayer)
- Oft as the leper's case I read (The leper)
- On Man, in His Own Image Made (Adam)
- On What Has Now Been Sown (not published in Olney Hymns)
- Once perishing in blood I lay (Humbled and silenced by mercy)
- One There Is, above All Others (A friend that sticketh closer than a brother)
- Pensive, doubting, fearful heart (To the afflicted)
- Physician of my sin-sick soul (A sick soul)
- Poor Esau repented too late (Esau)
- Poor sinners! little do they think (Belshazzar)
- Poor, weak and worthless though I am (Is this thy kindness to thy friend)
- Prayer an answer will obtain (Woman of Canaan)
- Precious Bible! What a Treasure (The word more precious than gold)
- Prepare a Thankful Song (Praise to the Redeemer)
- Quiet, Lord, My Froward Heart (The child)
- Return to Bless My Waiting Eyes (Return, O LORD, how long)
- Safely Through Another Week (Saturday evening)
- Savior shine and cheer my soul (The change)
- See! Another Year Is Gone! (Uncertainty of life)
- See Aaron, God's anointed priest (The true AARON)
- See the Gloomy Gathering Cloud (The hiding place. February 10, 1779)
- Sin, When Viewed by Scripture Light (Sin's deceit)
- Sinner, Art Thou Still Secure? (Prepare to meet God)
- Son of God! thy people's shield! (Prayer for the Lord's presence)
- Strange and mysterious is my life (The inward warfare)
- Supported by the Word (The power and triumph of faith)
- Sweet was the time when first I felt (O that I were as in months past)
- Sweeter sounds than music knows (Praise for the incarnation)
- That man no guard or weapons needs (The believer's safety)
- The evils that beset our path (Vanity of life)
- The gathering clouds, with aspect dark (On the commencement of hostilities in America)
- The kine unguided went (Milch kine drawing the ark)
- The lion that on Sampson roared (Sampson's lion)
- The manna favored Israel's meat (Manna hoarded)
- The prophets sons, in time of old (The borrowed axe)
- The signs which God to Gideon gave (GIDEON's fleece)
- Though in the outward church below (Wheat and tares)
- Though Jericho pleasantly stood (Jericho, or the waters healed)
- Though troubles assail (The LORD will provide)
- Time, by moments, steals away (A new-year's thought and prayer)
- Time, with an unwearied hand (Time how short)
- What a mournful life is mine (Dwelling in Mesech)
- What think you of Christ? is the test (What think ye of Christ?)
- When Adam fell he quickly lost (Cain and Abel)
- When descending from the sky (The foolish virgins)
- When first my soul enlisted (Saul's armor)
- When first to make my heart his own (Dagon before the ark)
- When Hannah, Pressed with Grief (Hannah, or the throne of grace)
- When Israel heard the fiery law (The golden calf)
- When Israel was from Egypt freed (He led them by a right way)
- When Jesus claims the sinner's heart (Satan returning)
- When Joseph his brethren beheld (Joseph made known to his Brethren)
- When Joshua, by GOD's command (GIBEON)
- When Peter boasted, soon he fell (Peter sinning and repenting)
- When sinners utter boasting words (They shall be mine saith the Lord)
- While with Ceaseless Course the Sun (Time how swift)
- With Satan, my accuser near (A brand plucked out of the fire)
- Zaccheus climbed the tree (Zaccheus)
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