John Gadbury

English astrologer and politician

John Gadbury


  • Philastrogus' Knavery Epitomized, with a Vindication of Mr. Culpepper, Mr. Lilly, and the rest of the Students in that noble Art,’ &c., ‘written by J. G[adbury], a lover of all ingenious arts and artists, Aprill the 5, 1651 (1651)
  • Animal Cornutum, or the Horn'd Beast, wherein is contained a brief method of the grounds of Astrology (1654)
  • ‘Emendation’ of Hartgil's ‘Astronomical Tables (1656)
  • ‘Cœlestis Legatus, or the Celestial Ambassadour, astronomically predicting the grand Catastrophe that is probable to befall the most of the kingdoms and countries of Europe (1656)
  • Genethlialogia, or the Doctrine of Nativities (1658)
  • The Doctrine of Horary Questions, Astrologically handled (1658)
  • The Nativity of the late King Charls [sic], Astrologically and Faithfully performed, with Reasons in Art of the various success and mis-fortune of His whole Life. Being (occasionally) a brief History of our late unhappy Wars (1659)
  • The King of Sweden's Nativity (1659)
  • In 1655 he presented to Sir John Curson the first of a long series of annual ‘Ephemerides.’
  • Nature of Prodigies (1660)
  • Britain's Royal Star, or An Astrological Demonstration of England's future Felicity (1661)
  • De Cometis, or A Discourse of the Natures and Effects of Comets, with an account of the three late Comets in 1664 and 1665 (1665)
  • London's Deliverance from the Plague of 1665 (1665)
  • Vox Solis; or A Discourse of the Sun's Eclipse, 22 June 1666 (1665)
  • Collection of Nativities (1667)
  • Dies Novissimus; or Dooms-Day not so near as dreaded (1667)
  • A brief Relation of the Life and Death of Mr. V. Wing (1669)
  • Obsequium Rationabile; or A Reasonable Service performed for the Cœlestial sign Scorpio, in 20 remarkable genitures of that glorious but stigmatized Horoscope, against the malitious and false attempts of that grand (but fortunate) IMPOSTOR, Mr. William Lilly (1675)
  • The Just and Pious Scorpionist; or the Nativity of that thrice excellent man, Sir Matthew Hales, born under the Cœlestial Scorpion (1677)
  • Cardines Cœli, or An Appeal to the learned and experienced observers of Sublunars and their vicissitudes. In a Reply to the learned author of “Cometomantia.” (1684)
  • Epistle to the Almanack (1686)
  • Mene Tekel; being an Astrological judgment on the great and wonderful year 1688 (1688–9)


  • A Ballad upon the Popish Plot (Bagford Ballads) (1679)

Works about Gadbury

Works by this author published before January 1, 1927 are in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago. Translations or editions published later may be copyrighted. Posthumous works may be copyrighted based on how long they have been published in certain countries and areas.

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