James Mooney
Contributions to the Catholic Encyclopedia
- Blackfoot Indians
- Caddo Indians
- Cherokee Indians
- Chippewa Indians
- Choctaw Indians
- Coeur d'Alêne Indians
- Cree
- Creeks
- Delaware Indians
- Emmanuel-Henri-Dieudonné Domenech
- Peter Stephen Duponceau
- Eskimo
- Antonio Espejo
- Flathead Indians
- Ghost Dance
- Guaicuri Indians
- Guaraní Indians
- Hopi Indians
- Illinois Indians
- American Indians
- Iroquois
- Isleta Pueblo
- Jemez Pueblo
- Jíbaro Indians
- Kalispel Indians
- Kaskaskia Indians
- Kickapoo Indians
- Kiowa Indians
- Kutenai Indians
- Lake Indians
- François Eustache Lesueur
- Lillooet Indians
- Lorette
- Lulé Indians
- Lummi Indians
- Maina Indians
- Maipure Indians
- Maliseet Indians
- Mameluco
- Mandan Indians
- Mascoutens Indians
- Mataco Indians
- Maya Indians
- Mayo Indians
- Mayoruna Indians
- Mazatec Indians
- Mbaya Indians
- Gregorio Mengarini
- Menominee Indians
- Miami Indians
- Mission Indians (of California)
- Catholic Indian Missions of the United States
- Mixe Indians
- Mixteca Indians
- Mocoví Indians
- Montagnais Indians (Quebec)
- Moxos Indians
- Mozetena Indians
- Pakawá Indians
- Pano Indians
- Pápago Indians
- Peba Indians
- Penelakut Indians
- Penobscot Indians
- Peoria Indians
- Pericui Indians
- Pima Indians
- Piro Indians
- Piscataway Indians
- Potawatomi Indians
- Jean-François-Albert du Pouget
- Pueblo Indians
- Puyallup Indians
- Quamichan Indians
- Quapaw Indians
- Quiche
- Quichua Indians
- Agustín Quintana
- Antonio Ravalli
- Andrés Pérez De Ribas
- Juan Romero
- Bernardino de Sahagún
- Sahaptin Indians
- Jean-François Buisson de Saint-Cosme
- Saint Francis Mission
- Saliva Indians
- Juan Maria Salvatierra
- Samuco Indians
- Sanetch Indians
- Sarayacú Mission
- Sechelt Indians
- Balthasar Seña
- Seneca Indians
- Setebo Indians
- Shuswap Indians
- Siletz Indians
- Sioux Indians
- Sipibo Indians
- Sobaipura Indians
- Songish Indians
- Spokan Indians
- Squamish Indians
- Swinomish Indians
- Tacana Indians
- Taensa Indians
- Tait Indians
- Tamanac Indians
- Taos Pueblo
- Thompson River Indians
- Ticuna Indians
- Timucua Indians
- Toba Indians
- Tonica Indians
- Tonkawa Indians
- Totonac Indians
- Yazoo Indians
Contributions to the The New International Encyclopædia
- "Indians, American," in The New International Encyclopædia, New York: Dodd, Mead and Co. (1905)
Ten of the American Indian fables in the book An argosy of fables are based on his books.

Works by this author published before January 1, 1927 are in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago. Translations or editions published later may be copyrighted. Posthumous works may be copyrighted based on how long they have been published in certain countries and areas.
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