James Gainsborough Fotheringham

This author wrote articles for the Dictionary of National Biography, and the list on this page is complete to 1901.
Articles written by this author are designated in the DNB by the initials "J. G. F."


  • The Diplomatic Correspondence of Jean de Montereul and the brothers de Bellièvre (2 volumes, 1898-1899)

Contributions to the Dictionary of National Biography, 1885–1900

Works about Fotheringham

Some or all works by this author are in the public domain in the United States because they were published before January 1, 1927. They may be copyrighted outside the U.S. (see Help:Public domain). However, works published before 1927 may be in the public domain in countries where they would ordinarily be copyrighted (due to the term of 70 years [or less] after the author's death having not yet expired) but whose legislature has waived copyright by accepting the rule of the shorter term.

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