John William Dawson

Geologist and McGill University professor

John William Dawson




  • On the geology of Cape Breton, 1843 external scan
  • A hand book of the geography and natural history of the province of Nova Scotia, 1848 (short work) external scan
  • On the course of collegiate education adapted to the circumstances of British America, 1855 (short work) external scan
  • Notice of tertiary fossils from Labrador, Maine, &c.: and remarks on the climate of Canada, in the newer Pliocene or Pleistocene period, 1859 (short work) external scan
  • Reports and testimonials relating to the Iron Mines of Nova Scotia, 1855 (short work) external scan
  • Contributions toward the improvement of agriculture in Nova-Scotia, 1856 external scan
  • Natural history in its educational aspects, 1857 (short work) external scan
  • On the newer Pliocene and post Pliocene deposits of the vicinity of Montreal, 1858 (short work) external scan
  • The testimony of the Holy Scriptures respecting wine and strong drink, 1858 (short work) external scan
  • Biographical sketch of James McGill, 1859 (short work) external scan
  • Additional notes on the post-Pliocene deposits of the St. Lawrence Valley, 1859 (short work) external scan
  • On the vegetable structures in coal, 1860 (short work) external scan
  • On the Silurian & Devonian rocks of Nova Scotia, 1860 (short work) external scan
  • On the flora of the Devonian period in north-eastern America, 1862 (short work) external scan
  • Alpine and arctic plants, 1862 (short work) external scan
  • The duties of educated young men in British America, 1863 (short work) external scan
  • Notes on post-Pliocene deposits at Rivière-du-Loup, and Tadoussac, 1865 (short work) external scan
  • On the conditions of the deposition of coal, 1866 (short work) external scan
  • Notes on fossils recenty obtained from the Laurentian rocks of Canada, 1867 (short work) external scan
  • Modern ideas of derivation, 1869 (short work) external scan
  • Notes of a visit to scientific schools and museums in the United States, 1869 (short work) external scan
  • James McGill and the origin of his university, 1870 (short work) external scan
  • On new tree ferns and other fossils from the Devonian, 1871 (short work) external scan
  • Report on the geological structure and mineral resources of Prince Edward island. 1871 external scan
  • Thoughts on the higher education of women, 1871 (short work) external scan
  • On the deposits of apatite on certain lots in the township of North Burgess, Ontario, 1872 (short work) external scan
  • Notes on the post-Pliocene geology of Canada, 1872 external scan
  • Impressions and footprints of aquatic animals and imitative markings, on carboniferous rocks, 1873 (short work) external scan
  • Report on the fossil plants of the lower Carboniferous and millstone grit formations of Canada, 1873 (short work) external scan
  • Remarks on Mr. Carruther's views of prototaxites, 1873 (short work) external scan
  • On the upper coal-formation of eastern Nova Scotia and Prince-Edward Island in its relation to the Permian, 1874 (short work) external scan
  • Origin and history of life on our planet, 1875 (short work) external scan
  • Recollections of Sir Charles Lyell, 1875 (short work) external scan
  • Notes on the occurrence of Eozoon Canadense at Côte St. Pierre, 1876 (short work) external scan
  • The earthquake of November 4, 1877, 1877 (short work) external scan
  • Lower Carboniferous fishes of New Brunswick, 1877 (short work) external scan
  • Note on a specimen of Diploxylon from the coal-formation of Nova Scotia, 1877 (short work) external scan
  • Notes on some Scottish Devonian plants, 1878 (short work) external scan
  • On the microscopic structure of Stromatoporidae, 1879 (short work) external scan
  • Note on recent controversies respecting Eozoon Canadense, 1879 (short work) external scan
  • Remarks on recent papers on the geology of Nova Scotia, 1879 (short work) external scan
  • Notes on prehistoric man in Egypt and the Lebanon, 1884 (short work) external scan
  • New facts respecting the geological relations and fossil remains of the Silurian iron ores of Pictou, Nova Scotia, 1880 (short work) external scan
  • Revision of the land snails of the Paleozoic era, with descriptions of new species, 1880 (short work) external scan
  • Continental and island life, a review of Wallace, 1881 (short work) external scan
  • On the Cretaceous and Tertiary floras of British Columbia and the North-West Territory, 1883 (short work) external scan
  • On Some Unsolved Problems in Geology, 1883 (short work) external scan
  • Life of Sir William E. Logan, 1883 external scan
  • Canadian pleistocene, 1883 (short work) external scan
  • On portions of the skeleton of a whale from gravel on the line of the Canada Pacific railway, near Smith's Falls, Ontario, 1883 (short work) external scan
  • Observations on the geology of the line of the Canadian Pacific Railway, 1884 (short work) external scan
  • The higher education of women, in connection with McGill University, 1884 (short work) external scan
  • On the Mesozoic floras of the Rocky Mountain region of Canada, 1885
  • Note on fossil woods and other plant remains, from the Cretaceous and Laramie formations of the western territories of Canada, 1887 (short work) external scan
  • On specimens of eozoon Canadense and their geological and other relations, 1888 external scan
  • On the Eozoic and Palæozoic rocks of the Atlantic coast of Canada, 1888 (short work) external scan
  • Modern science in Bible lands, 1888 external scan
  • Loyalty, 1893 (short work) external scan
  • The Canadian ice age, 1894 external scan
  • The meeting place of geology and history, 1894 external scan
  • Revision of the bivalve mollusks of the coal-formation of Nova Scotia, 1894 (short work) external scan
  • An ideal college for women, 1894 (short work) external scan
  • Synopsis of the air-breathing animals of the Palæozoic in Canada up to 1894, (1894) (short work) external scan
  • Review of the evidence for the animal nature of Eozöon Canadense: pt. 1-historical and stratigraphical, 1896 (short work) external scan
  • Note on cryptozoon and other ancient fossils, 1896 (short work) external scan
  • Additional notes on fossil sponges and other organic remains from the Quebec Group at Little Metis on the lower St. Lawrence, 1896 (short work) external scan
  • The day of rest; or, The sabbath and the lord's day, 1899 (short work) external scan

Works about Dawson

  • Fictions and errors in a book on "The origin of the world according to revelation and science by J.W. Dawson, L.L.D., by John George Marshall, 1786-1880; 1877 external scan

Works by this author published before January 1, 1927 are in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago. Translations or editions published later may be copyrighted. Posthumous works may be copyrighted based on how long they have been published in certain countries and areas.

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