- Mephistopheles; or, An Ambassador from Below: An Extravaganza in One Act, with Robert Brough (c. 1856) (external scan)
- The Goose with the Golden Eggs: A Farce, in One Act, with Augustus Mayhew (1859) (external scan)
- "Representative Cafés" in Once a Week (magazine), Series 1, 1 (1859)
- The Russians at Home: Unpolitical Sketches (1861) (external scan)
- History of the Opera: From Its Origin in Italy to the Present Time; with Anecdotes of the Most Celebrated Composers and Vocalists of Europe (1862) (external scans (multiple parts): 1, 2)
- The Polish Captivity: An Account of the Present Position of the Poles in the Kingdom of Poland, and in the Polish Provinces of Austria, Prussia, and Russia (1863) (external scans (multiple parts): 1, 2)
- Rose, or Love's Ransom: An Opera, in Three Acts; Written by H. Sutherland Edwards; the Music by John L. Hatton (1864)
- The Private History of a Polish Insurrection, from Official and Unofficial Sources (1865) (external scans (multiple parts): 1, 2)
- The Three Louisas: A Novel (1866) (external scans (multiple parts): 1, 2, 3)
- The Governor's Daughter: A Novel (1868)
- The Life of Rossini (1869) (external scan)
- Malvina: A Novel (1871)
- The Germans in France: Notes on the Method and Conduct of the Invasion, the Relations Between Invaders and Invaded, and the Modern Usages of War (1874) (external scan)
- "To a Young Lady on the Approach of the Season" in Littell's Living Age, 130 (1676) (1876)
- The Russians at Home and the Russians Abroad: Sketches, Unpolitical and Political, of Russian Life Under Alexander II. (1879) (external scans (multiple parts): 1, 2)
- The Lyrical Drama: Essays on Subjects, Composers, and Executants of Modern Opera (1881) (external scans (multiple parts): 1, 2)
- Rossini and His School (1881) (external scan)
- What Is a Girl to Do? A Novel (1885)
- The Missing Man: A Story (1885)
- Russian Projects against India from the Czar Peter to General Skobeleff (1885) (external scan)
- The Case of Reuben Malachi (1886) (external scan)
- Famous First Representations (1886) (external scan)
- The Prima Donna: Her History and Surroundings from the Seventeenth to the Nineteenth Century (1888) (external scans (multiple parts): 1, 2)
- Idols of the French Stage (1889)
- Dutiful Daughters: A Tale of London Life (1890)
- The Romanoffs: Tsars of Moscow and Emperors of Russia (1890) (external scan)
- Old and New Paris: Its History, Its People, and Its Places (1893) (external scans (multiple parts): 1, 2)
- Personal Recollections (1900) (external scan)
- Sir William White, K.C.B., K.C.M.G., for Six Years Ambassador at Constantinople: His Life and Correspondence (1902) (external scan)
Works about Edwards
- "Edwards, H. Sutherland," in A Dictionary of Music and Musicians, (ed.) by George Grove, London: MacMillan & Co., Ltd. (1900)
- "Edwards, Henry Sutherland," in Dictionary of National Biography, 1912 supplement, London: Smith, Elder, & Co. (1912) in 3 vols.

Works by this author published before January 1, 1927 are in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago. Translations or editions published later may be copyrighted. Posthumous works may be copyrighted based on how long they have been published in certain countries and areas.
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