George Thomas Bettany
- The Morphology of the Skull (London:Macmillan 1877) at Internet Archive
- Life of Charles Darwin (1887) at Internet Archive
- The red, brown, and black men of America and Australia, and their white supplanters (1890) at Internet Archive
- The Great Indian Religions
- Primitive religions, being an introduction to the study of religions, with an account of the religious beliefs of uncivilised peoples, Confucianism, Taoism (China), and Shintoism (Japan) (1891) at Internet Archive
- Mohammedanism and Other Religions of Mediterranean Countries (1892) at Internet Archive
- A biographical history of Guy's Hospital (1892) at Internet Archive
- Popular history of the reformation and modern protestantism. (1895) at Internet Archive
Contributions to the Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900
- Adams, Andrew Leith
- Alder, Joshua
- Alston, Edward Richard
- Anderson, Adam (d.1846)
- Arnold, Joseph
- Balfour, John Hutton
- Ball, Robert
- Bancroft, Edward (1744-1821)
- Barclay, John (1758-1826)
- Barry, David (1780-1835)
- Bell, Benjamin
- Bell, John (1763-1820)
- Bell, Thomas (1792-1880)
- Bennett, Edward Turner
- Bennett, John Hughes
- Bentham, George
- Blackburne, Anna
- Blackburne, John
- Blackburne, John
- Blackstone, John
- Blackwall, John
- Blair, Patrick
- Blizard, Thomas
- Blyth, Edward
- Bolton, James
- Bowles, William
- Briggs, William
- Bright, John (1783-1870)
- Brooke, Humphrey
- Brookes, Joshua (1761-1833)
- Brookes, Richard
- Brown, Joseph (1784-1808)
- Browne, Richard (fl.1674-1694)
- Brownrigg, William
- Buchan, Alexander Peter
- Buchan, William
- Budd, Richard
- Budd, William
- Burnett, Gilbert Thomas
- Burnett, William
- Burns, Allan
- Burrows, George Man
- Butter, William
- Calvert, George (1795-1825)
- Cantwell, Andrew
- Canvane, Peter
- Cargill, James
- Carlisle, Anthony
- Carmichael, Richard
- Carpenter, William Benjamin
- Carpue, Joseph Constantine
- Carter, Harry William
- Caverhill, John
- Chandler, Benjamin
- Chandler, John
- Chapman, Edmund
- Charlesworth, Edward Parker
- Chessher, Robert
- Chevalier, Thomas
- Chevallier, John
- Children, John George
- Christison, Robert
- Clanny, William Reid
- Clare, Peter
- Clark, William (1698-1780?)
- Clarke, Charles Mansfield
- Clarke, Edward Goodman
- Clarke, Jacob Augustus Lockhart
- Clarke, James Fernandez
- Clarke, Joseph (1758-1834)
- Clarke, Matthew (1701-1778)
- Clarke, William (1640?-1684)
- Cline, Henry
- Cobbold, Thomas Spencer
- Colles, Abraham
- Collignon, Charles
- Combe, Andrew
- Cooper, Astley Paston
- Cooper, Samuel (1780-1848)
- Cooper, William White
- Cormack, John Rose
- Couch, Jonathan
- Couch, Richard Quiller
- Coulson, William
- Cox, William Sands
- Crampton, Philip
- Critchett, George
- Croft, Richard
- Cruikshank, William Cumberland
- Cullen, William
- Cumming, James (1777-1861)
- Dalrymple, John (1803-1852)
- Dalrymple, William (1772-1847)
- Daniell, John Frederic
- Daubeny, Charles Giles Bridle
- Davidson, Thomas (1817-1885)
- Davis, Joseph Barnard
- Davy, Martin
- Dick, Robert (1811-1866)
- Dickson, Alexander (1836-1887)
- Douglas, Alexander (1738-1812)
- Douglas, John (d.1743)
- Druitt, Robert
- Dun, Patrick
- Duncan, Andrew (1744-1828)
- Duncan, Andrew (1773-1832)
- Duncan, John (1794-1881)
- Edward, Thomas
- Egerton, Philip de Malpas Grey-
- Epps, George Napoleon
- Epps, John
- Fagge, Charles Hilton
- Falconer, Hugh
- Farr, William
- Farre, Arthur
- Farre, Frederic John
- Fergusson, William (1808-1877)
- Fife, John
- Foot, Jesse
- Forbes, Edward
- Forbes, William Alexander
- Fordyce, William
- Forster, John Cooper
- Fox, William Tilbury
- Fox, Wilson
- Frost, John (1803-1840)
- Fyfe, Andrew
- Gamgee, Joseph Sampson
- Garrod, Alfred Henry
- Garthshore, Maxwell
- Gay, John (1813-1885)
- Giraud, Herbert John
- Good, John Mason
- Gordon, James Alexander (1793-1872)
- Gould, John
- Graham, James (1745-1794)
- Graham, Robert (1786-1845)
- Grainger, Edward
- Grainger, Richard Dugard
- Grant, Robert Edmond
- Grant, Roger
- Grant, William (d.1786)
- Granville, Augustus Bozzi
- Graves, Robert James
- Gray, George Robert
- Greenhow, Edward Headlam
- Gregory, George (1790-1853)
- Gregory, James (1753-1821)
- Gregory, John (1724-1773)
- Gregory, William (1803-1858)
- Griffith, Moses (1724-1785)
- Grosvenor, John (1742-1823)
- Gull, William Withey
- Gulliver, George
- Gunning, John
- Guthrie, George James
- Guy, Thomas
- Guy, William Augustus
- Habershon, Samuel Osborne
- Haighton, John
- Haldane, Daniel Rutherford
- Halford, Henry
- Hall, Marshall
- Hamilton, Alexander (1739-1802)
- Hamilton, David (1663-1721)
- Hamilton, James (1749-1835)
- Hamilton, James (d.1839)
- Harkness, Robert
- Harrison, Benjamin (1771-1856)
- Harwood, Busick
- Hastings, Charles
- Hatton, Frank
- Haviland, John
- Haygarth, John
- Heslop, Thomas Pretious
- Hey, William
- Hilton, John (1804-1878)
- Hodgson, Joseph (1788-1869)
- Holland, Henry (1788-1873)
- Home, Everard
- Home, Francis
- Home, James (1760-1842)
- Hooper, Robert
- Hope, Frederick William
- Hope, John (1725-1786)
- Hope, Thomas Charles
- Hunt, James (1833-1869)
- Hunter, Anne
- Hunter, John (1728-1793)
- Hunter, William (1718-1783)
- Hutton, James (1726-1797)
- Jardine, William
- Jenkin, Henrietta Camilla
- Jenkin, Henry Charles Fleeming
- Jesse, Edward
- Johnson, John Noble
- Johnstone, John (1768-1836)
- Jones, Thomas Rymer
- Jurin, James
- Keate, Robert
- Keate, Thomas
- Key, Charles Aston
- Kirby, William
- Knox, Robert (1791-1862)
- Latham, Robert Gordon
- Lee, Robert (1793-1877)
- Locock, Charles
- An Essay on the Principle of Population: Or, A View of Its Past and Present Effects on Human Happiness with an Inquiry Into Our Prospects Respecting the Future Removal Or Mitigation of the Evils which it Occasions (1890) at Internet Archive
Works about Bettany
- "Obituary: Mr. George T. Bettany," in The Times (1891)

Works by this author published before January 1, 1927 are in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago. Translations or editions published later may be copyrighted. Posthumous works may be copyrighted based on how long they have been published in certain countries and areas.
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