Francis Line

English jesuit and scientific writer

Francis Line


  • Refutation of the attempt to Square the Circle (1660)
  • Tractatus de Corporum Inseparabilitate (1661)
  • An Explication of the Diall sett up in the Kings Garden at London, an. 1669. In which very many sorts of Dyalls are conteined; by which, besides the Houres of all kinds diversly expressed, many things also belonging to Geography, Astrology, and Astronomy are by the Sunnes shadow made visible to the eye. Amongst which, very many Dialls, especially the most curious, are new inventions, hitherto divulged be None (1673)
  • "A letter of the learn'd Franc. Linus, to a friend of his in London, animadverting upon Mr. Isaac Newton’s theory of light and colors, formerly printed in these tracts" in Philosophical Transactions, 9, pp. 217–219
  • "Some optical assertion concerning the rain-bow, transmitted by the learned Franciscus Linus from Liege, where they were publickly discussed in August last: Deliver'd here in the same language, wherein they were communicated" in Philosophical Transactions, 10, pp. 386–387
  • A Treatise on the Barometer

Works about Line

Works by this author published before January 1, 1927 are in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago. Translations or editions published later may be copyrighted. Posthumous works may be copyrighted based on how long they have been published in certain countries and areas.

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