- Humour of France (1893) (external scan)
- A School History of English Literature (1896) (external scan)
- The Teaching of Literature in French and German Secondary Schools (1911)
- Selections from English Literature
- Ouida: a Memoir (1914) (external scan)
- Lives of the Wives of Queen Victoria's Prime Ministers (1917)
- Wives of the prime ministers, 1844-1906 (1918) (external scan)
Contributions to the DNB
- series 1 (1885-1900)
- Leapor, Mary
- Lee, Harriet
- Lee, Sophia
- Le Noir, Elizabeth Anne
- Lewis, Maria Theresa
- Mackarness, Matilda Anne
- Marcet, Jane
- Marsh-Caldwell, Anne
- Marshall, Jane
- Martin, Mary Letitia
- Meeke, Mary
- Miller, Anna
- Mitford, Mary Russell
- Monckton, Mary
- Norton, Frances
- Ogle, George (1704-1746)
- Opie, Amelia
- Palmer, Alicia Tindal
- Palmer, Charlotte
- Palmer, Mary
- Pardoe, Julia
- Parker, Emma
- Parsons, Eliza
- Penrose, Elizabeth
- Pickering, Ellen
- Plumptre, Anna
- Ponsonby, Emily Charlotte Mary
- Porter, Anna Maria
- Porter, Jane
- Power, Marguerite A.
- Procter, Adelaide Ann
- Reeve, Clara
- Richardson, Charlotte Caroline
- Robinson, Martha Walker
- Romer, Isabella Frances
- Rowson, Susanna
- Rundall, Mary Ann
- Rundell, Maria Eliza
- Ryves, Elizabeth
- Sale-Barker, Lucy Elizabeth Drummond Davies
- Schimmelpenninck, Mary Anne
- Seward, Anna
- Sewell, Mary
- Shaw, Thomas Budge
- Sheppard, Elizabeth Sara
- Sherwood, Mary Martha
- Shirreff, Emily Anne Eliza
- Smith, Charlotte
- Spence, Elizabeth Isabella
- Stepney, Catherine
- Strickland, Agnes
- Stuart-Wortley, Emmeline Charlotte Elizabeth
- Talbot, Catherine
- Tighe, Mary
- Trimmer, Sarah
- Tucker, Charlotte Maria
- Veley, Margaret
- Waldie, Charlotte Ann
- Webster, Augusta
- West, Jane
- Weston, Elizabeth Jane
- Wilson, Caroline
- Wilson, Mrs. Cornwell Baron
- Winkworth, Catherine
- Woodrooffe, Anne
- Worboise, Emma Jane
- Yearsley, Ann
- series 2, first supplement
- Banks, Isabella
- Byrne, Julia Clara
- Charles, Elizabeth
- Clough, Anne Jemima
- Corner, Julia
- Craven, Pauline Marie Armande Aglaé
- Hardy, Mary Anne
- Hungerford, Margaret Wolfe
- Ingelow, Jean
- Jackson, Catherine Hannah Charlotte
- Marryat, Florence
- Marshall, Emma
- Skene, Felicia Mary Frances
- Swanwick, Anna
- series 3, second supplement
- Bayly, Ada Ellen
- Beale, Dorothea
- Carey, Rosa Nouchette
- Bloomfield, Georgiana
- Bray, Caroline
- Busk, Rachel Harriette
- Currie, Mary Montgomerie
- Cornwell, James
- De Vere, Aubrey Thomas
- De Vere, Stephen Edward
- Gerard, Emily
- Grey, Maria Georgina
- Hawker, Mary Elizabeth
- Hector, Annie French
- Hoey, Frances Sarah
- Lee-Hamilton, Eugene Jacob
- Maitland, Agnes Catherine
- Merivale, Herman Charles
- Murray, David Christie
- Orr, Alexandra Sutherland
- Parr, Louisa
- De la Ramée, Marie Louise
- Riddell, Charlotte Eliza Lawson
- Sewell, Elizabeth Missing
- Smith, Lucy Toulmin
- Smith, Sarah
- Stannard, Henrietta Eliza Vaughan
- Sturgis, Julian Russell
- Taylor, Helen
- The English Novel in the Time of Shakespeare (1890, by Author:Jean Jules Jusseran) (external scan)
- Egypt: Ancient Sites and Modern Scenes (1910, by Gaston Maspero) (external scan)
- Egyptian Art (1913, by Gaston Maspero) (external scan)
- Essays by Sainte-Beuve (by Charles Augustin Sainte-Beuve) (external scan)
- Mary Russell Mitford: Correspondence with Charles Boner & John Ruskin (1914) (external scan)
Works about Lee
- "Obituary: Miss Elizabeth Lee," in The Times (1920)

Works by this author published before January 1, 1927 are in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago. Translations or editions published later may be copyrighted. Posthumous works may be copyrighted based on how long they have been published in certain countries and areas.
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