< Athletics and Manly Sport


Academy, Royal Irish, 169.
Air-bag, The, Use of, 133.
Alcohol, Its Use in Training, 124.
Althorp, Lord, Opinion of Boxing, 2.
America, Athletics in, 86.
American Fairplay Rules, 96.
Amycus and Pollux, 17.
Appalaken, Description of Susquehanna River at, 270.
Appendix, The, 88.
Art, Ancient Irish, 218.
Athens, Singing Beach at, 274.
Athletes, Diet in Training, 114.
"Leading Irish, 171-2-3.
"Not Short Lived, 104.
"Training of, 103, 106.
"The Grecian, Definition of, 18.
"""Diet in Training, 115.
"""How Esteemed, 19.
"""Training of, 22.
Athletics, See Introduction.
Athletics in the School, Necessity of, 147, 152.
Back Sword, Definition of, 44.
Ballymote, See Book of.
Banting, Mr., Plan for Reducing Flesh, 155.
Bare Hand Fighting, 6.

Bare Knuckle Battle, The Longest, 80.
Baronoff, Capt., 73,
Battle Axes, When First Used in Ireland, 179.
Benen, The Law of, 213.
Belly-dart, Gai-bolga, 220.
Big Foul Rift, See Great Foul Rift.
Binghamton, Description of the River at, 262.
Binns, Dr., Anatomy of Sleep, 159.
Book of Ballymote, 208, 211.
""Kells, 218.
""Leinster, 200, 207, 212, 215, 217.
""Navan, 193.
""Rights, 198, 213.
Boston School Board, Ext. From Report of Hygiene Com., 147.
Boxers, Races who have produced them, 62.
"British, History of, 51.
Boxing, Antiquity of, 1, 11.
"Comparative Value of, 1.
"Distinction between Ancient and Modern, 13.
"English Claim to Invention Unfounded, 15.
"English Style, The Brutalities of, 5.
"With Greeks and Romans, 14, 29.
Breakfast, The, in Training, 127.
Breathing, How to Breathe Properly, 144.
"See also Deep Breathing.
Brehon Laws, 188, 204.
British Boxing, 6.
Bromidon, an Ideal Brook, 257.
Bronze Weapons in Ireland, 175.
Broughton, John, 48.
""The Father of Modern Boxing, 11.
Broughton's Rules 48, 50.
Canoe, The Comparative Value of, 243, 244.
Carman, 196, 200.
"See Fair of Carman.
Cattle-Prey of Cooley (Tain-Bó-Chuailgne), 215.
"Celt," 180, 181.

Cestus, The Greek, Use of, 13, 15, 16.
""Roman, 16, 36.
Challenges, Specimens of, 47.
Chambers, Dr. T. K., Quotation from, 117, 153.
Champion's Hand-Stone, 177, 178.
Chaucer, Geoffrey, on Irish bowmen, 179.
Chess, Antiquity of, in Ireland, 201.
Chopper, The, 16.
Clasper, H., Quotation from, 128.
Clinch, The, 66, 90.
Closed Windows, Evil of, 137.
Conn, of the Hundred Battles, 189.
Connecticut River, The, its Value to Canoeists, 259.
Cooper, George, 54.
Corpulence, How to Reduce, 153.
Costello, Rev. Fr., Hospitality of, 272.
Craisech, The, of the Firbolgs, 176.
Cribb, Thos., 58.
Cross-buttock, 57.
""Antiquity of, 200.
Cross-counter Blow, 27, 29, 61, 81.
Cuchullain, See Cuchullin.
Cuchullin, 185, 219.
Curragh, The, of Kildare, 53.
Cynisca, 25.
Cyrene, 23.
Dares and Entellus, Episode of, 29, 31.
Davies, Sir John, Quotation from, 237.
Delaware River, Description of, 311, 319.
Delaware Water Gap, 322.
Deep Breathing, Necessity of, 111, 144.
Deer-Island, Newburyport, 310.
Diagoras of Rhodes, Story of, 20.
Diet in Training, 114,
"""by Dr. F. A. Harris, 119.
Diet of Greek Athletes, 21, 115.
Dindsenchas, a Gaelic Tract, 203.

Dinner, The, in Training, 129.
Donald na Ngeelach, 205.
Donnelly, Dan, 52, 60.
Donnelly's Hollow, 55.
"Ducking" in boxing, 9.
Dumb-bells, How to Exercise with, 135.
"The Use of, 133, 137,
Entellus and Dares, Episode of, 29, 31.
Eochald Garbh, 203.
Epeus and Euryalus, Episode of, 29.
Exercise in Daily Life, 141, 162.
""Training, 129, 134.
Fair of Carman, 207, 208, 210, 214.
""Tailten, 207.
Fairs, Ancient Irish, 202.
Fair-Play Rules. See American Fair-Play Rules.
Famous Prize-fighters, List of, 105.
Fenians, Etymology of, 189.
Ferdiad, Fight of, 219, 220.
Feudalism, Its Influence on Athletics, 37.
"Formal Introduction into England, 40.
Fianna Eireann, 189, 193.
""Ten Conditions of Membership, 193, 195.
Fiarlanna, The, 177, 209.
Figg, James, 43.
Fight, Longest bare-hand, 80.
""glove, 80.
"for Largest Stake, 80.
"First in America, 80.
Fmn, Boyish Exploits of, 200.
Firbolg Craisech, 176.
Firbolgs, 175.
Food, Conditions for taking, 122.
"How to Prepare it for Training, 120.
"See also Diet.
Fresh Air, Value of, 138, 141.
Gai-bolga. See Belly Dart.

Gladiatorial Games, Abolition of, 36.
"Shows, 32, 33.
Gladiators, Origin of, 33.
Gladstone, Wm. E., Quotation from, 242.
Glove Fighting, Superiority of, 6.
""The Longest, 80.
""What Sullivan has done for it, 8.
Gouging, 61.
Great Foul Rift, Description of, 304.
"""Running Through, 330.
Greek Athletes, Diet of, 21, 115.
""List of most Celebrated, 22, 23.
""Training of, 22, 25.
Greek Boxers, Position of, 14.
""Skill of, 26.
Greek National Games, 18.
"Sacred Games, 23.
Guiteras, Dr. Ramon, Canoeing Trip, 244, 305.
Hall, Thos., Fight with Donnelly, 52.
Hanging-bag, The, 132, 164.
"See also. Air-bag.
Harris, Dr. Francis A., Treatise on Diet in Training, 118.
Harvard System, The, of Training, 117.
Heenan, John C., 63.
""Physical Condition in Fight with King, 109.
Holmes, Oliver W., Quotation from, 2, 103.
Horse Racing, Ancient Irish, 200.
Hunting, Ancient Irish, 200.
Hurling, Antiquity of, 195, 197.
Hurst,"Staley Bridge Infant," 66.
Illustrations, The, 88.
Ireland, Ancient Games of, 170.
"Ancient Weapons of, 171.
"Minerals of, 230, 241.
"Natural Resources of, 236.
Irish, The, Their Comparative Rank as Athletes, 170.
Irus, Fight with Ulysses, 27.

Joyce, Dr., on the Danes In Ireland, 208.
Kane, Sir Rob't, L.L.D., on Strength of Irishmen, 170.
Keating, Rev. Dr. Geoffrey, 191, 193.
Kells, See Book of.
Kilrain, 79.
King, Tom, 65.
Laflin, John M., "The Model Man," 168.
Laighin, The, 177.
Lancet, The, Quotation from, 109.
Leinster, See Book of Leinster.
LiaLamha Laich, Champion's Hand-Stone, 177, 178.
Lic-tailme, 177, 196.
Liquids, Use of in Training, 123, 129.
London Prize Ring Rules, 89, 90.
Lugaidh Lam-fadha, 203.
Mab, Queen, 220.
Mace, Bronze, 65.
"Jem, fight with King, 6.5.
Maclaren on Respiration, 111.
Magh Tuireadh, Battle of, Weapons Used, 177.
Manais, The, 177, 186, 187, 217.
Marquis of Queensberry Rules, 89, 95.
Meat, Use of in Training, 115, 120.
Mendoza, Daniel, his Blows, 61.
Milk, Use of in Training, 120, 123.
Milo, 21.
Mitchell, Chas., Contest with Sullivan, 6, 75.
Modern Boxing, How Improved by Sullivan, 5.
Molineaux, Thos., 54, 62.
Molyneaux, See Molineaux.
Morgan, Dr. John, Statistics of Training, 104.
Moseley, Edw. A., Canoeing with, 305.
Muscular Power, Its Comparative Value, 111.
Museum, Royal Irish Academy, 169.
Music, Ancient Irish, 216.
Musical Beach, 274.
Nations Who Have Produced National Boxers, 62.

Navan, See Book of.
Newenham, T., on Resources of Ireland, 238-240.
Normans, The, in England, 30.
O'Curry, Prof., 178, 192.
O'Hartagan, Cineadh, Poem, 190.
Oliver, Fight with Donnelly, 58.
Ollamh Fodhla, 204.
Olympian Games, Order of, 24.
""Preparation for, 25.
""Prizes of, 19, 24.
O'Keefe, Father, Hospitality of, 255.
O'Shea, Michael C, on Ancient Exercises, 204.
Over-Training, Effects of, 108.
Oxford, A Day's Training at, 116.
Oxygen, its place in Nature, 140.
Palstave, 180, 181.
Pancratium, The, 22.
Peel, Sir Robert, Opinion of, Boxing, 1.
Perelchine, Lieut. Michael, 72.
Petit, Fight with Slack, 50.
Pherenice, 25.
Pillows, The Use of, 162.
Poets, Ancient Irish, Power of, 220.
Pollux, The God of Boxing, 16.
Prize Fighters, Ages of most Famous, 105.
Prize King, Rules of, 89-96.
Prizes for Boxing among the Greeks, 19.
Pugilism among the Greeks, 14.
"Why Essential to Education, 1
Queensberry Rules, 89, 95.
Rapids, The, of the Susquehanna, 207.
"Best Way to Run, 316.
Respiration, Value of, 111.
Rest after Meals, 123.
Rift, Definition of a Delaware, 309.
Rights, See Book of.
Round Blow, Antiquity of, 8.

Round Blow, How Delivered, 10, 11.
""Mendoza's Opinion of, 61.
Rowing, 128, 181.
Royal Irish Seal, The History of a, 182, 184.
Royal Irish Academy, see Academy.
Rules of the Ring, Definition of, 4, 5.
"""See also Broughton, London, Marquis of Q.
""""American Fairplay.
Running, The Value of, 113.
""in Training, 132.
Rushton, great Canoe Builder, 306.
Russell, T. O'Neill, Letter of, 108.
Russian Sea Fight, 72.
Saint Ciaran, 217-210.
Sand-Bag, The, its Use in Training, 133.
Sayers, Tom, 62, 63.
Seáthach, War College of, 185.
Second Wind, The, 112.
Shadow, Canoe Model, Use of, 200.
Shaw, British Life-Guardsman, 70.
Shelley, P. B., on Diet. 157.
Slack & Petit, Story of, 50.
Sleep, how to Induce it, 150.
"Its Value in Training, 124, 130.
Slegh, The, 177, 220, 227.
Sling-Stone, The, 177, 196
Smith, Sydney, On Eating and Drinking, 156.
""Opinion of Boxing, 3.
Spardha, The, 181.
Sparring, Its Value in Training, 127.
"With whom to Spar, 132.
Spenser, Ednumd, Description of Ireland, 230.
Springfield, a Day at, 255.
Stakes, The Largest, 80.
Staley Bridge Infant, The, 66.
Straight-Counter, 73.
Striking Bag. See Hanging Bag.

Stuic, or War Horn, 106.
Sullivan, John L., Contest with Mitchell, 6, 75.
""Analysis of His Style, 79.
Sunburn, The Remedy for, 254.
Susquehanna River, Description of, for Canoeists, 268.
Swimming, 83.
Sword, Relationship to Boxing, 12, 38.
"The Use of, 45.
Tailten, Ancient Irish Games at, 195, 200, 202, 203, 205.
Tain-Bó-Chuailgne, 215.
Tchernoff, Lieut.-Colonel, 72.
Telemachus, 36.
"Telltown Marriage," 206. See also Tailten.
Thackeray, Wm. M., Poem on Heenan and Sayers, 64.
Tuatha Dé Danann, 176, 179, 182.
Tipton Slasher, The, 63.
Tobacco, Its Use in Training, 124
Training, The Danger of, 103, 106.
"The Purpose of, 106, 107.
""Advice on, by Dr. Harris, 118.
Trenton, Beautiful River at, 346
"Canoe Club, 346
Ulysses and Irus, Episode of, 27.
Upper-Cut, 62.
Vegetables, Use in Training, 115, 120.
Venerable Bede, Opinion of Ancient Ireland, 236.
Vesta, 71.
Walking before Breakfast, 126.
Walpack Bend, Description of, 317, 320.
Wapentake, 39.
"When and how Abolished, 40.
Water, Use of in Training, 123, 129.
Water-Gap, Description of, 322.
Weapons, Ancient Irish.
Weapon Feats, Ancient Irish, List of, 185-187.
Westhall, Charles, Suggestions on Training, 127.
Whateley, Dr., Exercise to Induce Sleep, 160.

Wilde, Sir Wm., Quotation from, 205, 207, 218.
Wilkesbarre, Canoeing Episode at, 289.
Women, Greek and Roman, their Relation to the National Games, 25.
Woodford, W. B., on Reducing Corpulency, 154.
Woodgate, W. K , Exercise in Training, 130.
"" Food in Training, 114.
Wrestling, Antiquity of, 199.
Wyatt, M. Digby, on Early Irish Manuscripts, 218.
Yale System of Training, 117.
Young, Arthur, on Resources of Ireland, 238.

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