(ÆT. 27-30)
[The small and much mutilated journal which begins here appears to belong to the Walden period (1845-47), but the entries are undated.]
What doth he ask?
Some worthy task,
Never to run
Till that be done,
That never done
Under the sun.
Here to begin
All things to win
By his endeavor
Forever and ever.
Happy and well
On this ground to dwell,
This soil subdue,
Plant, and renew.
By might and main
Health and strength gain,
So to give nerve
To his slenderness;
Yet some mighty pain
He would sustain,
So to preserve
His tenderness.
Not be deceived,
Of suff'ring bereaved,
Not lose his life
By living too well,
Nor escape strife
In his lonely cell,
And so find out heaven
By not knowing hell.
Strength like the rock
To withstand any shock,
Yet some Aaron's rod,
Some smiting by God,
Occasion to gain
To shed human tears
And to entertain
Still demonic fears.
Not once for all, forever, blest,
Still to be cheered out of the west;
Not from his heart to banish all sighs;
Still be encouraged by the sunrise;
Forever to love and to love and to love,
Within him, around him, beneath him, above.
To love is to know, is to feel, is to be;
At once 't is his birth and his destiny.
Having sold all,
Something would get,
Furnish his stall
With better yet,—
For earthly pleasures
Celestial pains,
Heavenly losses
For earthly gains.
Still to begin—unheard-of sin
A fallen angel—a risen man
Never returns to where he began.
Some childlike labor
Here to perform,
Some baby-house
To keep out the storm,
And make the sun laugh
While he doth warm,
And the moon cry
To think of her youth,
The months gone by,
And wintering truth.
How long to morning?
Can any tell?
How long since the warning
On our ears fell?
The bridegroom cometh
Know we not well?
Are we not ready,
Our packet made,
Our hearts steady,
Last words said?
Must we still eat
The bread we have spurned?
Must we rekindle
The faggots we've burned?
Must we go out
By the poor man's gate?
Die by degrees,
Not by new fate?
Is there no road
This way, my friend?
Is there no road
Without any end?
Have you not seen
In ancient times
Pilgrims go by here
Toward other climes,
With shining faces
Youthful and strong
Mounting this hill
With speech and with song?
Oh, my good sir,
I know not the ways;
Little my knowledge,
Though many my days.
When I have slumbered,
I have heard sounds
As travellers passing
Over my grounds.
'T was a sweet music
Wafted them by;
I could not tell
If far off or nigh.
Unless I dreamed it,
This was of yore,
But I never told it
To mortal before;
Never remembered
But in my dreams
What to me waking
A miracle seems.
If you will give of your pulse or your grain,
We will rekindle those flames again.
Here will we tarry, still without doubt,
Till a miracle putteth that fire out.
At midnight's hour I raised my head.
The owls were seeking for their bread;
The foxes barked, impatient still
At their wan [?] fate they bear so ill.
I thought me of eternities delayed
And of commands but half obeyed.
The night wind rustled through the glade,
As if a force of men there staid;
The word was whispered through the ranks,
And every hero seized his lance.
The word was whispered through the ranks,
I seek the present time,
No other clime,
Life in to-day,—
Not to sail another way,—
To Paris or to Rome,
Or farther still from home.
That man, whoe'er he is,
Lives but a moral death
Whose life is not coeval
With his breath.
My feet forever stand
On Concord fields,
And I must live the life
Which their soil yields.
What are deeds done
Away from home?
What the best essay
On the Ruins of Rome?
The love of the new,
The unfathomed blue,
The wind in the wood,
All future good,
The sunlit tree,
The small chickadee,
The dusty highways,
What Scripture says,
This pleasant weather,
And all else together,
The river's meander,
All things, in short,
Forbid me to wander
In deed or in thought.
In cold or in drouth,
Not seek the sunny South,
But make my whole tour
In the sunny present hour.
For here if thou fail,
Where can'st thou prevail?
If you love not
Your own land most,
You'll find nothing lovely
On a distant coast.
If you love not
The latest sunset,
What is there in pictures
Or old gems set?
If no man should travel
Till he had the means,
There'd be little travelling
For kings or for queens.
The means, what are they?
They are the wherewithal
Great expenses to pay,
Life got, and some to spare,
Great works on hand,
And freedom from care,
Plenty of time well spent
To use,
Clothes paid for and no rent
In your shoes,
Something to eat
And something to burn,
And above all no need to return.
Then they who come back,
Say, have they not failed,
Wherever they've ridden,
Or steamed it, or sailed?
All your grass hay'd,
All your debts paid,
All your wills made;
Then you might as well have stay'd,
For are you not dead,
Only not buried?
The way unto "to-day,"
The railroad to "here,"
They never 'll grade that way
Nor shorten it, I fear.
There are plenty of depots
All the world o'er,
But not a single station
At a man's door.
If he would get near
To the secret of things,
He'll not have to hear
When the engine bell rings.
Exaggeration! was ever any virtue attributed to a man without exaggeration? was ever any vice, without infinite exaggeration? Do we not exaggerate ourselves to ourselves, or do we often recognize ourselves for the Page:Writings of Henry David Thoreau (1906) v7.djvu/502 Page:Writings of Henry David Thoreau (1906) v7.djvu/503 Page:Writings of Henry David Thoreau (1906) v7.djvu/504 Page:Writings of Henry David Thoreau (1906) v7.djvu/505 Page:Writings of Henry David Thoreau (1906) v7.djvu/506 Page:Writings of Henry David Thoreau (1906) v7.djvu/507 Page:Writings of Henry David Thoreau (1906) v7.djvu/508 Page:Writings of Henry David Thoreau (1906) v7.djvu/509 Page:Writings of Henry David Thoreau (1906) v7.djvu/510 Page:Writings of Henry David Thoreau (1906) v7.djvu/511 Page:Writings of Henry David Thoreau (1906) v7.djvu/512 Page:Writings of Henry David Thoreau (1906) v7.djvu/513 Page:Writings of Henry David Thoreau (1906) v7.djvu/514 Page:Writings of Henry David Thoreau (1906) v7.djvu/515 Page:Writings of Henry David Thoreau (1906) v7.djvu/516 Page:Writings of Henry David Thoreau (1906) v7.djvu/517 Page:Writings of Henry David Thoreau (1906) v7.djvu/518 Page:Writings of Henry David Thoreau (1906) v7.djvu/519 Page:Writings of Henry David Thoreau (1906) v7.djvu/520 Page:Writings of Henry David Thoreau (1906) v7.djvu/521 Page:Writings of Henry David Thoreau (1906) v7.djvu/522 Page:Writings of Henry David Thoreau (1906) v7.djvu/523 Page:Writings of Henry David Thoreau (1906) v7.djvu/524 Page:Writings of Henry David Thoreau (1906) v7.djvu/525 Page:Writings of Henry David Thoreau (1906) v7.djvu/526 Page:Writings of Henry David Thoreau (1906) v7.djvu/527
- ↑ [Twenty-six lines of this, somewhat revised, appear under the title of "Pilgrims" in Excursions, and Poems, p. 413.]