< The Army and Navy Hymnal < Hymns
For other versions of this work, see St. Asaph.
![\version "2.16.2"
\header { tagline = ##f title = \markup { "At Thy Feet, Our God and Father" " " "3" } subsubtitle = "(ST. ASAPH. 8,7,8,7, D.)" composer = "William S. Bambridge, 1872" poet = "James D. Burns, 1823–1864" }
\score { << \time 4/4 <<
\new Staff \with {midiInstrument = #"flute"} { \key d \major \relative f' {
<fis d>4 <fis d> <fis d>4. <g cis,>8 |
<a d,>4 <a e> <a fis> <d fis,> |
<d g,> <b d> <a d,> <b d,> |
<a e> <fis d> <e cis>2 | \break
<fis d>4 <fis d> <fis d>4. <g cis,>8 |
<a d,>4 <a e> <a fis> <d d,> |
<cis e,> <b e,> <e e,> <d fis,> |
<< { cis b } \\ { e,4. d8 } >> <a' cis,>2 | \break
<a fis>4 <b fis> <cis fis,> <d fis,> |
<cis eis,>4. <cis fis,>8 <cis gis>4 <gis eis> |
<a fis> <b fis> <cis fis,> <d fis,> <cis eis,> <b eis,> <a cis,>2 | \break
<fis d>4 <fis d> <fis d>4. <g cis,>8 |
<a d,>4 <a e> <a fis> <d fis,> |
<d g,> <b g> <a d,> <b d,> |
<fis d> <e cis> << { d2 } \\ { d } >> \bar "|."
<g d>2 <fis d> \bar ".." } }
\new Lyrics \lyricmode {
\set stanza = #"1."
At4 thy feet,4. our8 God4 and Fa -- ther, Who hast blessed us all our days,2
We4 with grate4. -- ful8 hearts4 would gath -- er To be -- gin the day with praise;2
Praise4 for light so bright4. -- ly8 shin4 -- ing On our steps from heaven a -- bove;2
Praise4 for mer4. -- cies8 dai4 -- ly twin -- ing Round us gold -- en cords of love.2
\new Lyrics \lyricmode {
\set stanza = #"2."
Je4 -- sus, for4. thy8 love4 most ten -- der On the cross for sin -- nners shown,2
We4 would praise4. thee8 and4 sur -- ren -- der All our hearts to be thine own.2
With4 so blest a friend4. pro8 -- vi4 -- ded, We up -- on our way should go;2
Sure4 of be4. -- ing8 safe4 -- ly guid -- ed, Guard -- ed well from ev -- ery foe.2
\new Lyrics \lyricmode {
\set stanza = #"3."
Ev4 -- ery day4. will8 be4 the bright -- er, When thy gra -- cious face we see;2
Ev4 -- ery bur4. -- den8 will4 be light -- er When we know it comes from thee.2
Spread4 thy love's broad ban4. -- ner8 o'er4 us, Give us strength to serve and wait,2
Till4 thy glo4. -- ry8 breaks4 be -- fore us Through the cit -- y's o -- pen 'gate.2
\markup\smallCaps {A} -- \markup\smallCaps {men.}
\new Staff \with {midiInstrument = #"flute"} { \clef bass \key d \major \relative a {
<a d,>4 <a a,> <a d,>4. <a e>8 |
<a fis>4 <cis g> <d fis,> <a d,> |
<b g> <d g,> <d fis,> <fis, b,> |
<a cis,> <a d,> <a a,>2 |
<a d,>4 <a a,> <a d,>4. <a e>8 |
<a fis>4 <cis g> <d fis,> <b b,> |
<a e> <gis d> <a cis,> <a d,> |
<a e> <gis e> <a a,>2 |
<cis fis,>4 <d d,> <cis a,> <b b,> |
<< { gis cis } \\ { cis,4. dis8 } >> <cis' eis,>4 <cis cis,> |
<cis fis,> <b d,> <a cis,> <b b,> |
<gis cis,> <gis cis,> << { fis2 } \\ { fis } >> |
<a d,>4 <a a,> <a d,>4. <a e>8 |
<a fis>4 <cis g> <d fis,> <a d,> |
<b g> <d g,> <d fis,> << { fis,8 g | a4. g8 } \\ { b,4 a a } >> <fis' d>2 |
<b g,> <a d,> } } >> >>
\layout { indent = #0 }
\midi { \tempo 4 = 100 }
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