Assemble, ye faithful,
Haste with exultation
And gladness of heart unto Bethlehem;
Raise your hosannas,
Greeting Christ the Saviour:
O come with adoration
O come with adoration,
O come with adoration before the Lord.
True God, uncreated,
Infinite, eternal,
Behold, he abhorred not the virgin's womb;
Into the godhead
Taking very manhood:
O come with adoration
O come with adoration,
O come with adoration before the Lord.
Let now, alleluias
Angels and archangels
Throughout the celestial mansions sing;
Glory to God, be
Chanted in the highest:
O come with adoration
O come with adoration,
O come with adoration before the Lord.
To thee, Holy Jesus,
Born at this good season,
Thou Word of the Father for us made flesh,
Blessing and honour
Give we by the Spirit:
O come with adoration
O come with adoration,
O come with adoration before the Lord. Amen.