MATHER, Richard, clergyman, b. in Lowton,
Lancashire, England, in 1596; d. in Dorchester,
Mass., 22 April, 1669. He was the progenitor of
the Mather family in New England. His father
was Thomas Mather, and his grandfather was
John Mather, of the chapelry of Lowton, in the
parish of Winwick, Lancashire. In the early days
of the 17th century, during the reign of James I.,
a band of Puritans cleared away the heavy forests
at the south of the city of Liverpool, and settled
what was known as Toxteth Park. They looked
upon the burning of John Bradford, at Smithfield,
as a martyrdom, and they erected a stone chapel
in which they might hear the doctrines of the
Reformation. The chapel is still in existence. It is
plain and square, with no steeple or belfry of any
description. The exterior is covered with ivy.
Among the tablets upon the interior wall is one
bearing this inscription: “Near this walk rest the
remains of several generations of an ancient family
of yeomanry named Mather, who were settled in
Toxteth Park as early as the reign of Queen Elizabeth.
They were distinguished by many virtues
and by strong religious feeling, and were among
the fairest specimens of those who, in former
times, were called Puritans.” Richard Mather was
called at a very early age to act as instructor to
the youth of this church. While filling this post
he resolved to prepare for the ministry, and to this
end he entered Brasenose college, Oxford. In
1619 he was ordained by the bishop of Chester and
was settled over the church in Toxteth, where he
remained until 1635, when he removed to this
country. This step was taken because he had been
suspended twice for non-conformity, and because
he foresaw the troubles under Charles I. and
Archbishop Laud. He took the ship “Bristol” on 16
April and landed in Boston, in disguise, on 17
Aug. His manuscript journal for 1635 is among
the collections of the Dorchester antiquarian and
historical society. It was printed in Boston in
1850. In regard to the immigration of those days
Daniel Neal wrote that he had a list of seventy-seven
divines, ordained in the Church of England,
that became pastors of churches in this country
before 1640, and that Richard Mather was one of
the number. On his arrival in Boston, Mr. Mather
found the church of Dorchester deserted by its
minister, who had become a colonist at Windsor,
Conn., with a part of his flock. He was called to
the vacant church and served it from 1636 till his
death. His preaching was direct and without the
use of quotations from the Latin. Thomas Hooker
said of him: “My brother Mather is a mighty
man.” In his time the religious discussion was not
so much upon the doctrines as upon the forms of
worship and the status of church government. In
such discussions he took an active part, and
answered for the ministers of the colony the thirty-two
questions relating to church government that
were propounded by the general court in 1639.
He was a member of the synod of 1648, and drew
up the celebrated Cambridge platform of discipline.
He was one of three ministers to prepare
the New England edition of the Psalms (1646), and
he was the author of several minor works, chiefly
on church discipline, including “Discourse on the
Church Covenant” (1643), and “Treatise on
Justification” (1652). He married in 1642 Catharine,
daughter of Edward Holt, of Bury, Lancashire, the
mother of his six children, who were all sons, and
four of whom were ministers—Samuel, Nathanael,
Eleazar, and Increase. In 1656 he married, for his
second wife, Sarah Story, widow of the Rev. John
Cotton, of Boston, who survived him. His will is
considered one of the most remarkable productions
of its kind that has ever been written. His tomb,
with Latin inscription, is in the old burying-ground
at Dorchester. See “Life and Death of
Richard Mather,” by his son Increase (1670).—His
eldest son, Samuel, clergyman, b. in Toxteth,
England, 13 May, 1626; d. in Dublin, Ireland, 29
Oct., 1671, came to this country with his father,
was graduated at Harvard in 1643, and was the
first graduate to be retained as a tutor. He was
so beloved as a teacher that the students wore
badges of mourning for thirty days when he took
his leave. Soon after entering the ministry at
Rowley he was asked to be the pastor of the new
North church, a colony of the old South church,
in Boston. He consented for a few months, and
then he left for England. His popularity abroad
soon became great, and his health was so seriously
impaired that he was in danger of losing his life.
He was appointed chaplain to the lord mayor of
London, which post brought him in contact with
many eminent ministers. He preached at Gravesend
and in the cathedral in Exeter, and was made
chaplain of Magdalen college, Oxford, where he
remained for some time. Having accompanied the
English commissioners into Scotland, he labored
in that country for two years. In 1654 he went to
Ireland with several other ministers and the lord
deputy, Henry Cromwell. He was made joint pastor
of the Church of St. Nicholas, in which he was
afterward buried, and also senior fellow of Trinity
college, Dublin. All these appointments he
received during the protectorate and in return for
his non-conformist views. While his ideas were
positive, they were liberal. He refused to displace
several Episcopal ministers, when opportunity
offered, on the ground that he would hinder no one
from preaching the gospel. Upon the Restoration
he was suspended for sedition in preaching two
anti-Episcopal discourses. Being debarred from
Ireland, he established himself at Burton Wood in
Lancashire, until, with 2,000 other non-conformist
ministers, he was ejected from England in 1662.
Returning to Dublin, he founded a Congregational
church, to which he ministered till the day of his
death. His writings were chiefly against the
Established church and in favor of a united effort by
the several churches of the Dissenters. His exposure
of a religious quack was approved by the king's
privy council in Ireland. He stood in the first
rank of pulpit orators, and it was said of him:
“Mr. Charnock's invention. Dr. Harrison's
expression, and Mr. Mather's logic would make the
perfectest preacher in the world.” His epitaph,
translated, reads: “He lived long, although he did
not continue long.” He published many sermons
and tracts, “Old Testament Types Explained and
Improved” (London, 1673), and “Life of Nathaniel
Mather” (1689).—Richard's third son, Nathanael,
clergyman, b. in Lancashire, England, 20
March, 1630; d. in London, 26 July, 1697, came to
this country with his father, and was graduated
at Harvard in 1647. After entering the ministry
he followed his elder brother Samuel to England,
and was presented by Oliver Cromwell with a living
in Barnstable, which he held from 1656 till
1662. He was then ejected for non-conformity,
after which he ministered to an English church in
Rotterdam. After the death of Samuel in 1671 he
succeeded to the vacant pulpit in Dublin. Afterward
he was pastor of a Congregational church in
London and one of the lecturers at Pinner's hall.
He was the author of several religious works. On
his tombstone in the cemetery near Bunhill Fields
is a long inscription in Latin, prepared by Dr.
Isaac Watts, which ascribes to him high character
and ability.—Richard's fifth son, Eleazar,
clergyman, b. in Dorchester, Mass., 13 May, 1637; d.
in Northampton, Mass., 24 July, 1669, was graduated
at Harvard in 1656, and at the age of nineteen
began to preach. He was ordained minister
over the first church that was organized in Northampton,
Mass., in 1658, and retained that pastorate
till his death. He is said to have been “a very
zealous preacher and a pious walker.” He married
a daughter of Rev. John Warham, of Dorchester
and Windsor, Conn. After his death she married
his successor, the celebrated Rev. Solomon
Stoddard, and became the grandmother of Rev. Jonathan
Edwards. Mr. Mather's only daughter
married Rev. John Williams, of Deerfield, Mass., and
was slain by the Indians in their attack on that
place in 1704. After Mr. Mather's death appeared
“A Serious Exhortation to the Succeeding and
Present Generation, being the Substance of Several
Sermons” (1671).—Richard's sixth and youngest
son, Increase, clergyman, b. in Dorchester, Mass.,
21 June, 1639; d. in Boston, 23 Aug., 1723,
pursued his studies out of college, and was graduated
at Harvard in 1656 with his elder brother Eleazar.
At the request of his
brother Samuel, in
Ireland, and Nathanael, in
England, he followed
them to their fields of
labor, and took his second
degree at Trinity
college. Dublin, in
1658. His first
ministerial charge, at Great
Torrington, in Devonshire,
was given at the
instance of John Howe,
one of Cromwell's
chaplains. In 1659 Mr.
Mather became chaplain
of the English
garrison on the island
of Guernsey, and he
also preached in the cathedral in St. Mary's. Returning
to his chaplaincy at Guernsey, he remained till
1661, when, refusing to conform and accept various
livings that were offered on that condition, he
returned to Massachusetts. He preached alternately
for his father in Dorchester, and for the new North
church, a branch of the old South church, in Boston.
In 1664 he was ordained pastor of the North
church, which office he held till his death—nearly
sixty years. For a considerable part of this time
his son Cotton was his colleague, and their bodies
lie side by side in the Mather vault in Copp's Hill
cemetery nearly opposite Christ church. As a pastor,
his sermons and prayers were full of originality
and fervor. He kept frequent fasts and recorded
his daily life in a book. His life with his family
is said to have been most delightful. During his
pastorate the churches of New England were discussing the right of those who were not members
in full communion to bring their children to
baptism. It was a transition state of the colony. The
older churches had been established for nearly a
generation, and many of the younger people did
not regard themselves as regenerated persons.
According to the rules of the church, their children
could not be baptized. This question was begun
in Connecticut, but it soon spread to Massachusetts
and the other colonies. In the discussion,
Mr. Mather united his efforts with those of President
Chauncy and John Davenport in opposition
to the general synod's decree in favor of the
“half-way covenant.” He afterward gave in a modified
consent to the decision. He urged a stronger
union of all anti-Episcopal believers both in
England and in America, and anticipated the doctrine
of Jonathan Edwards in regard to the millennium.
It was his discussion of the subject, together with
that of Samuel Hopkins and Joseph Bellamy, that
reversed the previously received notions of the
coming thousand years of peace.
In 1669 he was prostrated by fever, but in 1670 resumed his pulpit. In 1675 he declared to his people that King Philip's Indian war had come upon them because of their iniquities. During the second year of the war his church and library were destroyed by a fire that was set by the Indians. Then came the small-pox, which led to the calling of a synod at the suggestion of himself and several others to make inquiry what follies had provoked the Lord to bring his judgment upon New England. This synod declared that the work of reformation must begin with the magistrates and all those who are in authority, and it enjoined greater strictness in the admission of members to the church. The well-known New England confession of faith was also adopted. This was, in substance, the Savoy confession, together with some of the points of the Westminster confession. The confession was printed with the Cambridge platform of 1648 as the book of doctrine for the churches of the Massachusetts colony. Mr. Mather was a strong supporter of the established order of things within the New England churches. It was the custom to require of persons that were admitted to communion some account of their religious experience. It was declared by some clergymen that no such evidence of regeneration should be required, but this was opposed by Mr. Mather. Another innovation that he opposed was the abandonment by particular churches of their separate action in the choice of pastors and their consenting to vote only in connection with the congregations. The Brattles and John Leverett, afterward president of Harvard, were leaders in this movement, and took church affairs out of the hands of the whole membership as a body. Dr. Elliot speaks of Increase Mather as “the father of the New England clergy.” President Quincy said that he was an effective agent in producing the excitement relating to witchcraft. The fact is that he was in England nearly all the time of the greatest excitement, and that on his return he immediately prepared a book entitled “Cases of Conscience concerning Witchcraft” (1693), in which he refuted the doctrine of “spectral evidence” on the ground of which so many innocent persons had been condemned. The governor immediately pardoned the condemned, and the accused were acquitted. Thus while Mr. Mather wrote sermons and books against witches, yet he also became a powerful factor in subduing the excitement. He looked with sorrow upon the innovations that have been noted above. He always insisted upon filling the churches with converted members and the right of each church to decide upon what minister it should have. It is claimed for him that he was the man who, in the face of much personal sacrifice, saved the great body of Massachusetts Congregational churches from the ruin which threatened them. President Quincy says he was influenced by worldly, selfish, and ambitious motives, but this has hardly been substantiated.
Side by side with his duties in the line of religion Mr. Mather became one of the chief educators in this country. In 1681 the Rev. Uriah Oakes, president of Harvard, died, and Increase Mather was appointed his successor, taking the chair and conferring the degrees at the following commencement. His church, however, refused to give him a dismission, and he at once resigned the office. The offer of the presidency was renewed in 1685 after the death of President John Rogers. This time it was accepted, with the understanding that Mr. Mather was to reside in Boston and spend part of his time in Cambridge. Thus he remained the sixth president of Harvard college until 1701. Before this time the classes at Harvard had usually consisted of from two to ten students, but during Mr. Mather's presidency the number increased so that the classes often contained more than twenty. While serving the colony in England he presented the claims of the college to the king, and solicited not only royal but private patronage. In this way he secured the benefits that came from the donations of Thomas Hollis. During the four years of his absence from the country the college was committed to the care and instruction of John Leverett and William Brattle, the tutors. In 1692 he prepared a charter for the college, which received the sanction of the general court, but it was afterward vetoed in England. Several times Mr. Mather attempted to go to England to procure a charter that would receive the signature of the king, but was prevented and the college continued in a very unsatisfactory state. President Mather repeatedly proposed to resign, the corporation as repeatedly prevailed upon him to reconsider his determination, and finally induced him to remove to Cambridge. Finding that he could not do justice to his pastoral work also, he sent in his resignation. President Mather was not only active in affairs of religion and education, but he served the colony well at a most critical time. In 1682 Charles II. demanded the surrender of the charter that had been granted to the colony of Massachusetts bay. In case of refusal he threatened that a quo warranto should be prosecuted against the colony. The people were led by Mr. Mather in their opposition to the surrender, the ground being that by voluntarily yielding the charter the people lent aid to the plots of designing men, but if they were overpowered the sole responsibility would be on their oppressors. For his activity Mr. Mather had the enmity of Edward Randolph, the king's emissary, who was afterward the secretary of Sir Edmund Andros. After the charter had been taken away, and while Andros was governor, Mr. Mather was sent to England in 1689 as the agent of the people to ask redress from the king. The hostility of Andros and Randolph was so great that he was obliged to go on board ship in disguise to avoid the service of a writ that Randolph had taken out against him. Samuel Nowel, Elisha Hutchinson. and Richard Wharton met him in London. Randolph, in a letter to the lords of trade, dated 29 May, 1689, gives a narrative of the unsettled state of the territory of New England and speaks of “some persons, inhabitants of Boston, who had pretended grievances against the governor and who wished to obtain a renewal of their former charter from the king.” At the time of Mr. Mather's visit in England the Revolution had placed William and Mary on the throne. Mr. Mather had frequent interviews with King William and his ministers, in which he asked the restoration of the former charter with enlargements. When this was found impossible, he procured a new charter under which the united colonies of Massachusetts bay and Plymouth lived down to the time of the American Revolution. Owing to his efforts, the Plymouth colony was prevented from being annexed to New York. So great was the confidence that was reposed in him by the king that he was allowed to name the governor, lieutenant-governor, and first board of council to be appointed by the king. He arrived in Boston in May, 1692, and the speaker of the general assembly, in the name of the representatives, returned him thanks for his faithful endeavors to serve the colony. In the same year Harvard gave him the degree of D. D., the first that was conferred in this country.
There was opposition to the new charter on the
ground that it contained restrictions not in the
old charter. Mr. Mather lost some of his friends
among those who insisted upon popular rights,
but he was sustained by the more conservative.
President Quincy declared that his policy was
mainly successful and that his conduct entitled
him to unqualified approbation. The election of
John Leverett as president of Harvard in 1708
was brought about by Gov. Joseph Dudley. There
is no doubt that this election was distasteful to Mr.
Mather, and he has been charged with seeking the
place for himself or for his son Cotton. He
addressed a spicy letter to Gov. Dudley which has
been made the basis of considerable criticism by
President Quincy and others. But a study of the
character of Dudley shows that his connection with
Andros was such as to be a cause of uneasiness to
Mr. Mather and his friends. Gov. Hutchinson
says of Dudley: “Ambition was his ruling passion,
and perhaps, like Cæsar, he had rather be the first
man in New England than the second in Old.” It
would seem that Mr. Mather was justified in feeling
grieved at the influence that Dudley had
obtained in the colony, and especially in the affairs
of Harvard. That Mr. Mather was influential in
affairs of state is proved from another source. In
the year 1700 the Earl of Bellomont wrote from
New York to the lords of trade in London to the
effect that Sir Henry Ashurst, along with Mr.
Mather, had “got Sir William Phipps made governor
of New England.” During the four years that he
remained in England in the service of the colony
he worked without any charge. “I never demanded,”
wrote he, “the least farthing as a recompense
for the time I spent, and I procured donations to
the province and the college at least 900 more
than all the expenses of my agency came to.” Dr.
Mather married, in 1662, Maria, daughter of John
Cotton, by whom he had seven daughters and three
sons. Mrs. Mather died in 1714, and he took for
his second wife Anna, daughter of Capt. Thomas
Lake, and widow of Rev. John Cotton, of New
Hampshire, a grandson of his first wife's father.
Dr. Mather's publications number 136. Many of
these were preserved in the collection of George
Brinley, of Hartford, Conn., which was sold in New
York city in 1879. The Antiquarian society at
Worcester, Mass., has probably the largest number
of his works that have been gathered in any one
place. Among his books are “The Life and Death
of Rev. Richard Mather” (1670); “Important
Truths about Conversion” (1674); “A Discourse
concerning Baptism and the Consociation of
Churches” (1675); “A History of the War with the
Indians” (1676; reprinted, with notes and an
introduction by Samuel G. Drake, Boston, 1862); “A
Relation of Troubles of New England from the
Indians” (1677; with notes and introduction by
Samuel G. Drake, Boston, 1864); “Cometographia,
or a Discourse concerning Comets” (1683);
“Remarkable Providences” (1684; republished, with
an introduction by George Offer, London, 1856);
“Several Papers relating to the State of New
England” (1690); and “Dying Pastor's Legacy”
(1722). See Joseph Sabin's “Dictionary of Works
relating to America” (New York, 1867). His
life was written by his son Cotton (Boston, 1724).
— Richard's grandson, Samuel, clergyman, eldest
son of Timothy Mather, clergyman, b. in Dorchester,
Mass., 5 July, 1650; d. in Windsor, Conn., 18
March, 1728, took honors at Harvard in 1671,
and was ordained pastor of the Congregational
church in Windsor, Conn., in 1682. This church
had removed from Dorchester to Windsor, and
was in a weak state when he took charge as its
third minister and brought unity and prosperity.
He was one of the trustees of Yale from 1700 till
1724, and published several religious books, among
them “The Dead Faith,” and “On renouncing our
Righteousness.” — Increase's son, Cotton, clergyman,
b. in Boston, 12 Feb., 1663; d. there, 13 Feb.,
1728, was graduated at Harvard in 1678, when
scarcely sixteen years of age. An impediment in
his speech was apparently an obstacle to his becoming
a minister of the gospel, but he cured his habit
of stammering by prolonging his syllables as in
singing. His speech being perfected, he renewed
his theological
studies, and began to
preach before he was
eighteen years old.
In 1685 he was
ordained colleague pastor
of the North
church in Boston, in
connection with his
father, and his life
ministry was spent in
that pulpit. One of
the earliest developments
of his character
was his desire to
be useful. To this
end he devised a plan
of voluntary associations,
in every
neighborhood, to watch and
suppress all evils. He wrote and published much
against intemperance, established at his own expense
a school for colored children in Boston, advised the
christianizing of negroes, devoted his energies to
the benefit of the seamen, and fostered with zealous
care the introduction of inoculation. To assist in
this work, as well as in the duties of a faithful
pastor, he prepared a series of questions for every
day in the week, which he asked of himself year
after year. As the outcome of these endeavors he
compiled a small book, “Essays to do Good” (1710;
new ed., Glasgow, 1838), which is better known
than any of the other 381 volumes that he wrote,
In a letter to Cotton Mather's son, Samuel, dated
Passy, France, 10 Nov., 1779, Benjamin Franklin
said, “Permit me to mention one little instance
which, though it relates to myself, will not be quite
uninteresting to you. When I was a boy I met
with a book entitled ‘Essays to do Good,’ which I
think was written by your father. It had been so little regarded by its former possessor that several
leaves of it were torn out; but the remainder gave
me such a turn of thinking as to have an influence
on my conduct through life; for I have always set
a greater value on the character of a doer of good
than any other kind of reputation, and if I have
been, as you seem to think, a useful citizen, the
public owes the advantage of it to that book.” He
was systematic in his work, and over his study-door
was the warning to all comers “Be short.”
While he had considerably less to do with civil
affairs than his father, yet it was his interposition,
both oral and written, that saved Gov. Andros and
his subalterns from being put to death by the people
of Boston.
His literary life was perhaps more remarkable than that of any other American of his day. His prolific writing has been the cause of much diverse criticism. Dr. Charles Chauncy wrote: “In regard to literature, or an acquaintance with books of all kinds, I give the palm to Cotton Mather. No native of this country had read so much, or retained more of what he read. He was the greatest redeemer of time I ever knew. There were scarcely any books written but he had, somehow or other, got the sight of them. His own library was the largest, by far, of any private one on the continent. . . . He knew more of the history of this country than any man in it; and, could he have conveyed his knowledge with proportionate judgment, he would have given the best history of it.” His son Samuel writes: “In two or three minutes' turning through a volume he could easily tell whether it would add to his stock of ideas. If it would not, he quickly laid it by. If otherwise, passing over those parts which contained the things he had known before, he perused those only which contained what was new.” Of himself, Cotton Mather wrote: “I am able, with little study, to write in seven languages. I feast myself with the sweets of all the sciences which the more polite part of mankind ordinarily pretend to. I am entertained with all kinds of histories, ancient and modern. I am no stranger to the curiosities which, by all sorts of learning, are brought to the curious. These intellectual pleasures are far beyond any sensual ones.” Glasgow university gave him the degree of D. D. in 1710, and he was made a fellow of the Royal society in 1713, being the first American to receive this distinction. He had a very extensive correspondence with philosophers and literary men in all parts of the world and in various languages, but more especially with August Herman Francke, leader of the German Pietists and founder of the orphan house at Halle, for which he obtained many benefactions on both sides of the Atlantic. He also corresponded with Francke's pupils, and especially with those who became Danish missionaries at Tranque bar. He was an admirer of Father Jacques Bruyas, the French philologist, who prepared a dictionary and catechism for the Mohawk Indians; and at the very beginning of his “Magnalia” he quoted a short poem of Dominie Selyns, the Dutch pastor at New Amsterdam. And yet, in spite of a world-wide acquaintance, a cosmopolitan education, and most uncommon ability, his very best friends must concede that his judgment was ill-balanced, and that he was vain to the last degree.
He was active in the witchcraft persecutions. In
1685 he published “Memorable Providences
relating to Witchcraft and Possessions,” and, when
the children of John Goodwin became curiously
affected in 1688, he was one of the four ministers
of Boston who held a day of fasting and prayer,
and favored the suspicion of diabolical visitation.
He afterward took the eldest daughter to his house
in order to observe the phases of the phenomena.
When the first phenomena occurred at Salem in
1692, he at once became a prominent adviser
concerning them, and in order to convince all who
doubted the possessions and disapproved of the
executions, he wrote his “Wonders of the Invisible
World” (London, 1692). When the reaction in the
popular mind followed, he attempted to arrest it;
and though he afterward admitted that “there had
been a going too far in that affair,” he never
expressed regret, and charged the responsibility upon
the powers of darkness. His course in the matter
has been the subject of much criticism, some of it
unjust. The belief in witches had been world-wide
for hundreds of years before he was born;
thousands of such accused persons had been put to
death in Germany, France, and Spain, and
hundreds in England during the century before the
date of his birth; and later, during the years of
his youth, thousands of alleged witches were burned
in England under the judicial administrations of
Sir Matthew Hale and Chief-Justice Holt. It was
therefore not strange that an intensely spiritual
and trusting nature like that of Cotton Mather
fell in with a belief that was shared by many who
did not sympathize with him in other things.
Among those who believed in the reality of witches
were the president and fellows of Harvard, the
French and Dutch ministers of the province of
New York, and William Penn, in America, and
Richard Baxter and Isaac Watts in England. Even
so late as 1780 Sir William Blackstone declared a
similar belief. It must be admitted that he did
not rejoice at the earlier allegations; that he
advised the separation of the accused and the use of
milder measures; that when judicial proceedings
had been determined upon he opposed the admission
of the “spectral,” or any other, evidence resting
on the authority of the devil; that though he
protested to the judges against such evidence, yet
he did not in the end think it his duty to abuse
the judges in writing a history of the trials; and
that, with his associates, he saw the measure of the
delusion and ended it years before it was ended in
England. The Rev. Chandler Robbins, in his
history of the Second church, declares that he
approached the discussion of Cotton Mather's
character with much prejudice against him; but that
a full investigation of the whole subject, and a
due regard for
the times in
which he lived,
led him (Robbins)
to form a most
favorable opinion.
This analysis of
Cotton Mather's
character by
Robbins is the most
complete that has
ever been attempted.
Cotton Mather
is buried in
Copp's Hill
burying-ground, in the
older part of Boston.
(See illustration.)
The following
inscription is
on a slab:
“Reverend Drs. Increase, Cotton, and Samuel Mather
were interred in this vault. 'Tis the tomb of our
fathers, Mather's and Crocker's.” Several years ago a story was published to the effect that a visitor
to the inner tomb had discovered that the dust of
several generations had vanished, and that
literally nothing remained. This was a mistake.
The real tomb is a large room containing nearly
forty coffins, all of which, so far as can be learned,
are as well preserved as could reasonably be
expected. Chief among Mather's works is his
"Magnalia Christi Americana," a mass of chaotic
material for an ecclesiastical history of New
England (London, folio, 1702; 2 vols., Hartford, 1820;
2d American ed., with introduction and notes by
Thomas Robbins, D. D., translations of the quotations
by Lucius F. Robinson, and a memoir by
Samuel T. Drake, 2 vols., Boston, 1855). His
“Psalterium Americanum” (1718) is an exact
unrhymed metrical translation of the Psalms, printed
as prose, and was an attempt to improve the careless
current versions. He left several large works
in manuscript, the chief of which was the “Biblia
Americana, or Sacred Scriptures of the Old and
New Testament, Illustrated.” The list of his
publications, appended to his life by his son, Samuel
Mather, numbers 382, and a list recently compiled
by John Langdon Sibley, in his work on the early
graduates of Harvard, is even larger. A sum-total
of 242 volumes was all that had been gathered
down to the year 1879 by the American antiquarian
society, the Massachusetts historical society, the
Boston athenæum, and the Prince collection in
the Boston public library. The number in the
possession of each ranged from eighty to one
hundred and thirty; but of 114 there was only a single
copy in all of the libraries named. The British
museum and the Bodleian library at Oxford have
made a specialty in collecting the works of
Increase and Cotton Mather. The Brinley collection
of the works of Cotton Mather was the best in the
United States. It was gathered in Hartford, Conn.,
and sold in New York city in 1879. Book hunters
have paid enormous prices for some of these rare
books, and others, heretofore unknown, are
frequently found. Although the earliest book thus
far discovered was printed when Cotton Mather
was twenty-two years old, yet it is known that he
had, at that time, written many poems, and
compiled several almanacs, one of the latter being
published without his name, as a “happy snare” to
give information and to “warn sinners.” It is
thought that some of these stray volumes may yet
be found and identified. Cotton Mather's life was
written by his son, Samuel Mather (Boston, 1729),
and by W. B. O. Peabody in Sparks's “American
Biography.” See also Charles W. Upham's
“History of the Delusions in Salem in 1692” (1831);
“The Mather Family,” by Rev. Enoch Pond (1844);
and Chandler Robbins's “History of the Second
Church, or Old North, in Boston” (1852). —
Increase's second son, Nathaniel, b. in Boston, 6
July, 1669; d. in Salem, Mass., 17 Oct., 1688, was
noted for his precocity. His mental powers
exhausted his vitality, and he died at the age of
nineteen. At sixteen he was a graduate of Harvard,
and he was also a thorough scholar in Greek, Latin,
and Hebrew. His cast of mind was highly religious.
His epitaph in the Charter street cemetery
in Salem reads thus: “Memento Mori. Mr.
Nathaniel Mather. Died October ye 17th, 1688. An
aged person who had seen but nineteen winters in
the world. He was the youngest brother of the
famous Cotton Mather, who came to Salem during
Nathaniel's illness, and closed his dying eyes. . . .
He was possessed of wonderful attainments, was a
prodigy of learning, and his first published work
appeared in print when he was only fifteen years of
age.” He prepared “ The Boston Ephemeris, an
Almanack for 1686.” — Increase's youngest son,
Samuel, clergyman, b. in Boston, 28 Aug., 1674;
d. in Witney, Oxfordshire, England. He was graduated
at Harvard in 1690, and established a
Congregational church at Witney, where he died
and was buried in the church-yard of St. Mary. He
wrote several religious works, including “The
God-head of the Holy Ghost” (London, 1719), and “A
Vindication of the Holy Bible” (1723). — Cotton's
son, Samuel, clergyman, b. in Boston, 30 Oct.,
1706; d. there, 27 June, 1785, was graduated at
Harvard in 1723, and received the degree of D. D.
from the same institution in 1773. In 1732, four
years after his father's death, he was ordained as
colleague pastor over the same church to which his
father and his grandfather, Increase, had so long
ministered. Differences arose in the congregation in
1742 relative to the subject of revivals, and a separate
church was established under Mr. Mather in
North Bennett street. He published “Life of Cotton
Mather” (1729); “Essay on Gratitude” (1732);
“Apology for the Liberties of the Churches in New
England” (1738); “America Known to the
Ancients” (1773); “The Sacred Minister,” a poem in
blank verse (1773); and occasional sermons. He is
buried, with his father and grandfather, in Copp's
Hill cemetery, Boston.