< Anne Bradstreet and her time
page | |
Agawam | 70 |
Andover, Mass. | 175, 179, 182, 186, 193, 214, 266, 277 |
Andros, Governor | 362 |
Arbella, the | 39, 53, 58, 61 |
Bay Psalm Book | 262 |
Belcher, Governor | 67 |
Berkeley, Sir William | 136 |
Bibles, Geneva | 10, 44 |
Blaxton, Rev. Mr. | 62 |
Bradford, William | 139, 140, 162, 163 |
Bradstreet, Simon | 25, 30, 31, 70, 164, 169, 188, 195, 327, 363, 364 |
"Anne | 45, 59, 62, 71, 105, 117, 150, 153, 169 171, 182, 196, 287, 338, 346, 349, 356 |
"Dorothy | 195, 196, 275, 276 |
"Dudley | 217, 335, 337 |
"Hannah | 195, 333 |
"John | 211, 275 |
"Mercy | 343, 345 |
"Sarah | 19, 196, 277 |
"Simon, Jr. | 195, 333 |
Buchanan, Mr. | 18 |
Cage for Offenders | 217 |
Cambridge, Mass. | 69, 79 |
"Synod of | 115 |
Cattle keeping | 214 |
Charlestown, Mass. | 61, 62 |
Chapman, Version of Homer | 17 |
Church Music | 321 |
Chests, Family | 214 |
Clapp, Roger | 185 |
Compton, William, Lord | 3 |
Coddington, Rev. Mr. | 49, 119, 124 |
Cotton, John | 19, 26, 74, 77, 84, 87, 99, 117, 121, 144 |
"Seaborn | 75 |
Contemplations, a Poem | 279 |
Cromwell, Oliver | 16, 372 |
Criticism, Personal | 79 |
Dennison, Daniel | 86 |
Digby, Sir Kenelm | 176 |
Dodd, Puritan minister | 36 |
Downing, Emanual | 202 |
Drinking Customs | 278 |
Dryden, John | 34 |
"Erasmus | 107 |
Du Bartas | 8, 35, 262, 263 |
Dunkirkers | 46 |
Dudley, Anne | 1, 6 |
"Dorothy | 4, 183 |
"John | 1 |
"Joseph | 184, 274 |
"Paul | 274 |
"Robert | 2 |
"Thomas | 2, 33, 63, 66, 70, 78, 80, 118, 178 184, 190, 267, 269, 270, 271, 272 |
"Samuel | 6, 69 |
Education in New England | 315 |
Eliot, Rev. John | 165 |
Elizabeth, Queen | 4, 259, 260 |
Endicott, Rev. John | 84, 164, 202 |
Fire, in Andover | 322 |
Firmin, Giles | l74 |
Folger, Peter | 148 |
Food in New England | 207, 201 |
Four Ages of Man, (poem) | 212 |
Four Elements, The, (poem) | 233 |
Four Humours of Man, (poem) | 247 |
Four Monarchies, (poem) | 230 |
Four Seasons, (poem) | 247, 249 |
Fulling Mill | 275 |
Furniture, Colonial | 215 |
Galton, | 22 |
Gardener, Capt. Joseph | 361 |
Goffe, Thomas | 39, 50 |
Grandmothers, Puritan | 299 |
Harvard College | 85, 168 |
Hathorn, Daniel | 365 |
"William | 328 |
Hawthorne, Nathanael | 365 |
Harvey, Discovery of Circulation of the Blood | 18 |
Higginson, Rev. Francis | 57, 58, 180, 220 |
Hospitality in New England | 219 |
Hooker, Rev. Thomas | 69, 122 |
Holmes, Oliver Wendell | 345 |
House-lots | 189 |
Homes, Nonconformist | 13 |
Hutchinson, Anne | 105, 106, 108, 110, 114, 116, 121, 267 |
"Colonel | 29, 32 |
"Mrs. Lucy | 7, 8, 14, 27 |
Hurlstone, Mr. | 51 |
Hubbard | 60 |
Hunting | 216 |
Indians | 85, 125, 188 |
Inns | 277 |
Ipswich, Mass. | 70, 79, 86 |
Jamestown, Va. | 135 |
Johnson, Lady Arbella | 43, 45, 47, 49, 59, 60, 62 |
"Isaac | 43, 45, 60 |
"Rev. Mr. | 162, 316 |
Labor, Scarcity of | 213 |
Lempingham, Castle of | 18 |
Laud, Bishop | 20 |
Law in the Colony | 342 |
Libertines | 268 |
Light, the Inward | 319 |
Lincoln, Earl of | 26, 43 |
Lowe, Rev. Mr. | 51 |
Marbury, Thomas | 107 |
Marriage | 276 |
Masson's Life of Milton | 38 |
Mansell, Mt. | 55 |
Mather, Cotton | 59, 64, 76, 145 |
Medical Profession in Mass. | 172 |
Meditations, Divine and Moral | 290 |
Michaud | 35 |
Milton, John | 31 |
Montaigne, Essays of | 17 |
New England | 22, 126, 130, 165, 166, 167, 180 |
Nonconformists | 14 |
Northumberland, Duke of | 23 |
Norton, John | 311, 330, 338 |
Nowell, Rev. Mr. | 62 |
Pareus, David | 83 |
Parker, Thomas | 176, 179 |
Pemble, William | 155 |
Peters, Hugh | 117, 202 |
Phipps, Sir William | 181 |
Pearce, William | 66 |
Pewter Plate | 209 |
Pelham | 50 |
Players | 16 |
Poems, Anne Bradstreet's | 222 |
Poets, American | 224 |
Poole, Mrs. Elizabeth | 155, 156 |
Preston, Dr. | 36 |
Puritan | 14, 54, 69, 125, 127, 128, 131, 218 |
Puritanism | 4, 98 |
Quarles, the Emblems of | 17 |
Quakers in New England | 318, 320, 322, 324 |
Renascence | 66 |
Revolution, a Spiritual | 5 |
Religious Reflections | 349 |
Road-making | 216 |
Robinson, Rev. John | 31, 37, 112 |
Rogers, John | 25 |
Rupert, Prince | 82 |
Ruskin, John | 25 |
Russ, Goodman and Goodwife | 210 |
Salem | 58 |
Saltonstall, Sir Robert | 45, 49 |
Schools, Andover | 206 |
"New England | 206 |
Servants, English | 203, 209 |
"Indian | 203 |
Sewall, Judge | 220 |
Sheets | 49 |
Shepard, Rev. Thomas | 158 |
Sidney, Sir Philip | 2, 259 |
Small-pox | 27 |
Smith, Capt. John | 132, 134, 139 |
Spenser's Epithalamion | 11 |
Spinsters | 275 |
Starch, use of | 164 |
Sylvester, Josiah | 33 |
Tenth Muse, The | 225 |
Thacher, Anthony | 159 |
Thanksgiving Day | 64 |
Toleration | 331 |
Twelve Good Rules | 212 |
University Book Store | 65 |
Underhill, Capt. John | 123 |
Usher, Archbishop | 81 |
Vane, Sir Harry | 109, 113, 116, 118, 313 |
Village Life | 195 |
Wade, Johnathan | 343 |
Ward, Nathaniel | 74, 81, 84, 99, 142, 225, 227, 231 |
Wellington, Nehemiah | 30 |
Whitelock, Dialogue between, and Cromwell | 15 |
Wheelwright, Rev. Mr. | 109, 113 |
Wigglesworth, Michael | 149, 173 |
Winthrop, John | 24, 39, 50, 53, 57, 61, 64, 80, 114, 146 158, 160, 169, 170, 267, 270, 276, 313, 363 |
Winthrop, Henry | 50, 60 |
Wilson, Rev. John | 113, 160 |
Wilde, Rev. Joseph | 112, 120 |
Williams, Roger | 143, 201 |
Wood, Rev. Mr. | 65 |
Woodbridge, Rev. John | 176, 179, 180, 181, 227 |
Woodbridge, Mercy | 177 |
Wolf-traps | 215 |
Women, New England | 337 |
Work and Wages | 212 |
Wright, Rev. Nathaniel | 170 |
Young, Chronicles of Massachusetts | 58, 258 |
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