< Anne Bradstreet and her time


Agawam 70
Andover, Mass. 175, 179, 182, 186, 193, 214, 266, 277
Andros, Governor 362
Arbella, the 39, 53, 58, 61
Bay Psalm Book 262
Belcher, Governor 67
Berkeley, Sir William 136
Bibles, Geneva 10, 44
Blaxton, Rev. Mr. 62
Bradford, William 139, 140, 162, 163
Bradstreet, Simon 25, 30, 31, 70, 164, 169, 188, 195, 327, 363, 364
"Anne 45, 59, 62, 71, 105, 117, 150, 153, 169
171, 182, 196, 287, 338, 346, 349, 356
"Dorothy 195, 196, 275, 276
"Dudley 217, 335, 337
"Hannah 195, 333
"John 211, 275
"Mercy 343, 345
"Sarah 19, 196, 277
"Simon, Jr. 195, 333
Buchanan, Mr. 18
Cage for Offenders 217
Cambridge, Mass. 69, 79
"Synod of 115
Cattle keeping 214
Charlestown, Mass. 61, 62
Chapman, Version of Homer 17
Church Music 321
Chests, Family 214
Clapp, Roger 185
Compton, William, Lord 3
Coddington, Rev. Mr. 49, 119, 124
Cotton, John 19, 26, 74, 77, 84, 87, 99, 117, 121, 144
"Seaborn 75
Contemplations, a Poem 279
Cromwell, Oliver 16, 372
Criticism, Personal 79
Dennison, Daniel 86
Digby, Sir Kenelm 176
Dodd, Puritan minister 36
Downing, Emanual 202
Drinking Customs 278
Dryden, John 34
"Erasmus 107
Du Bartas 8, 35, 262, 263
Dunkirkers 46
Dudley, Anne 1, 6
"Dorothy 4, 183
"John 1
"Joseph 184, 274
"Paul 274
"Robert 2
"Thomas 2, 33, 63, 66, 70, 78, 80, 118, 178
184, 190, 267, 269, 270, 271, 272
"Samuel 6, 69
Education in New England 315
Eliot, Rev. John 165
Elizabeth, Queen 4, 259, 260
Endicott, Rev. John 84, 164, 202
Fire, in Andover 322
Firmin, Giles l74
Folger, Peter 148
Food in New England 207, 201
Four Ages of Man, (poem) 212
Four Elements, The, (poem) 233
Four Humours of Man, (poem) 247
Four Monarchies, (poem) 230
Four Seasons, (poem) 247, 249
Fulling Mill 275
Furniture, Colonial 215
Galton, 22
Gardener, Capt. Joseph 361
Goffe, Thomas 39, 50
Grandmothers, Puritan 299
Harvard College 85, 168
Hathorn, Daniel 365
"William 328
Hawthorne, Nathanael 365
Harvey, Discovery of Circulation of the Blood 18
Higginson, Rev. Francis 57, 58, 180, 220
Hospitality in New England 219
Hooker, Rev. Thomas 69, 122
Holmes, Oliver Wendell 345
House-lots 189
Homes, Nonconformist 13
Hutchinson, Anne 105, 106, 108, 110, 114, 116, 121, 267
"Colonel 29, 32
"Mrs. Lucy 7, 8, 14, 27
Hurlstone, Mr. 51
Hubbard 60
Hunting 216
Indians 85, 125, 188
Inns 277
Ipswich, Mass. 70, 79, 86
Jamestown, Va. 135
Johnson, Lady Arbella 43, 45, 47, 49, 59, 60, 62
"Isaac 43, 45, 60
"Rev. Mr. 162, 316
Labor, Scarcity of 213
Lempingham, Castle of 18
Laud, Bishop 20
Law in the Colony 342
Libertines 268
Light, the Inward 319
Lincoln, Earl of 26, 43
Lowe, Rev. Mr. 51
Marbury, Thomas 107
Marriage 276
Masson's Life of Milton 38
Mansell, Mt. 55
Mather, Cotton 59, 64, 76, 145
Medical Profession in Mass. 172
Meditations, Divine and Moral 290
Michaud 35
Milton, John 31
Montaigne, Essays of 17
New England 22, 126, 130, 165, 166, 167, 180
Nonconformists 14
Northumberland, Duke of 23
Norton, John 311, 330, 338
Nowell, Rev. Mr. 62
Pareus, David 83
Parker, Thomas 176, 179
Pemble, William 155
Peters, Hugh 117, 202
Phipps, Sir William 181
Pearce, William 66
Pewter Plate 209
Pelham 50
Players 16
Poems, Anne Bradstreet's 222
Poets, American 224
Poole, Mrs. Elizabeth 155, 156
Preston, Dr. 36
Puritan 14, 54, 69, 125, 127, 128, 131, 218
Puritanism 4, 98
Quarles, the Emblems of 17
Quakers in New England 318, 320, 322, 324
Renascence 66
Revolution, a Spiritual 5
Religious Reflections 349
Road-making 216
Robinson, Rev. John 31, 37, 112
Rogers, John 25
Rupert, Prince 82
Ruskin, John 25
Russ, Goodman and Goodwife 210
Salem 58
Saltonstall, Sir Robert 45, 49
Schools, Andover 206
"New England 206
Servants, English 203, 209
"Indian 203
Sewall, Judge 220
Sheets 49
Shepard, Rev. Thomas 158
Sidney, Sir Philip 2, 259
Small-pox 27
Smith, Capt. John 132, 134, 139
Spenser's Epithalamion 11
Spinsters 275
Starch, use of 164
Sylvester, Josiah 33
Tenth Muse, The 225
Thacher, Anthony 159
Thanksgiving Day 64
Toleration 331
Twelve Good Rules 212
University Book Store 65
Underhill, Capt. John 123
Usher, Archbishop 81
Vane, Sir Harry 109, 113, 116, 118, 313
Village Life 195
Wade, Johnathan 343
Ward, Nathaniel 74, 81, 84, 99, 142, 225, 227, 231
Wellington, Nehemiah 30
Whitelock, Dialogue between, and Cromwell 15
Wheelwright, Rev. Mr. 109, 113
Wigglesworth, Michael 149, 173
Winthrop, John 24, 39, 50, 53, 57, 61, 64, 80, 114, 146
158, 160, 169, 170, 267, 270, 276, 313, 363
Winthrop, Henry 50, 60
Wilson, Rev. John 113, 160
Wilde, Rev. Joseph 112, 120
Williams, Roger 143, 201
Wood, Rev. Mr. 65
Woodbridge, Rev. John 176, 179, 180, 181, 227
Woodbridge, Mercy 177
Wolf-traps 215
Women, New England 337
Work and Wages 212
Wright, Rev. Nathaniel 170
Young, Chronicles of Massachusetts 58, 258
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