46 (k-d 23)
Uuob is my name read in reverse. I’m a beautiful thing, shaped for fighting. Whenever I am bent and there flies from my bosom the poisonous dart I am all eager to drive afar off the deadly bale. Whenever my master who shaped me that pain loosens my limb I am longer than before, till I spit forth again the death-blended bane, that very fell poison which erst I swallowed. This that I speak of leaves no man easily if that which flies from me should ever touch him, so that perforce he purchases surely with his life that fatal drink, a full atonement. Unstrung I obey no man, but only when skilfully tied. Tell me my name. |
10 |
Agof is min noma eft onhwyrfed ic eom wrætlic wiht on gewin sceapen þōn ic onbuge ⁊ me of bosme fareð ætren onga ic beom eallgearo þæt ic me ꝥ feorhbealo feor aswape siþþan me se waldend se me þæt wite gescop leoþo forlæteð ic beo lengre þōn ær oþþæt ic spæte spilde geblonden ealfelo attor þæt ic ær geap · neto gongeð þæs gumena hwylcum ænigum eaþe þæt ic þær ymb sprice gif hine hrineð ꝥ me of hrife fleogeð þæt þone mān drinc mægne geceapaþ full wer fæste feore sine nelle ic unbunden ænigum hyran nymþe searosæled Saga hwæt ic hatte |
This is one of the best, and offers several possibilities for expostulation and reply. In l. 1 the original has Agof, which spelled backwards gives foga; and this foga is an older form of boga, ‘bow,’ as the reader is expected to know. (I have tried to suggest this trick by the form uuob.) In l. 9 the original has ealfelo, a word which occurs only here; it means ‘all-fell’ or ‘altogether deadly.’ L. 14 begins full wer. Full might be the noun meaning ‘cup’ (and is so glossed by Wyatt), that is, cup of poison; but it is here the adjective, ‘full, complete.’ Wer, which the reader would naturally take to mean ‘man,’ is actually short for wergeld, the legal payment for homicide. Thus the first word of the riddle, properly understood, reveals the answer, and the reader can then give his attention to the ambiguous description.