1 (K-D 1)
What good man is so learned and so clever
that he can say who drives me forth on my way?
When I rise up strong at times furious,
I thunder mightily and again with havoc
I sweep over the land, burn the great hall,
ravage the buildings. Smoke mounts on high
dark over the rooftops. Clamor is everywhere,
sudden death among men. When I shake the forest,
the trees proud in their fruit, I fell the boles.
With my roof of water, by the powers above10
I am driven far and wide on my avenging path.
I bear on my back what once covered the forms
of the earth-dwellers, their body and soul
together in the waters. Say what covers me
or what I am called who bear this burden.
A storm of wind, rain, thunder, and lightning on land. Ll. 12–14 refer to the Biblical Flood.