< American Syndicalism



Absolutism, the democratic rising against capitalistic, 46.
Adulteration of foods, 132-134.
Agreements in garment-makers' strike, New York, attacked by I. W. W., 89 n.
Agriculture, coöperative work in, in Italy, 199-200.
American Federation of Labor, the, 53, 68-69, 72; members of, held as scabs by I. W. W., 246.
American Railway Union strike (1894), 104.
Amsterdam dockers' strike (1903), 124.
Anarchism, the I. W. W. and, 30, 168 ff.; strength of tendencies toward, in American Syndicalism, 172; French Syndicalists who believe in, 172; element of, peculiar to the I. W. W., 175; in Italy, 176-178.
Anarchy during strikes, 78.
Angel, Norman, The Great Illusion by, 116 n.
Antagonisms, class, 106-114.
Anthracite Coal Commission, 29.
Apart colonies, 51.
Arbitration, 52, 242.
Arbitration acts, rejection of Canadian, by I. W. W., 147.
Atlantic Monthly, 10.
Australian ballot, disappointment in scope of results from, 51.
Australian strike of 1890, 124 n.
Awakener, service of the I. W. W. as an, 225-238.
Awakener, The, English magazine, 226.


Bax, Belfort, opposition of, to sabotage, 153.
Bergson, Henri, 99; as "the philosopher of the unutterable," 169 n.
Bernstein, E., Der Politische Massenstreik by, 126 n.; committed to compensation, 183.
Berth, Edouard, 99; sabotage opposed by, 153; anarchist protest of, 171.
Bohn, Frank, quoted concerning the thirty-three dynamiters, 162.
Bonus systems, 52.
Boston Elevated Railroad strike, 23, 244.
Bourget, Paul, on Sorel, 172.
Boycott, perils of the, 70, 71.
Brewery workers, rejection of Old Age Pension offer by, 54-55.
Briand, 98.
Bryce, James, 48.
Burke, Edmund, quoted, 36.

Burns, John, 98.


Canada, Arbitration Acts in, 147.
Capitalism, disposal of, according to socialist theory, 179-193.
Caruso, trial of, 8 n.
Channing's History of the United States cited, 77.
Chartism, 62-63.
Chicago, packing-house labor unions in, 88-89; American Railway Union strike at, 104.
Class consciousness, force of the deepened, 106 ff.
Class war, the, 101, 106-114.
Cleveland, Grover, 29.
Cobden, Richard, 47.
Collective bargaining, 224, 245.
Colonizing experiments, disappointment in results from, 51.
Colorado miners' strike, 20, 75.
Communes, socialist, 57.
Compensation, attitude of socialism toward question of, 179-190; attitude of the I. W. W. and Socialist Labor Party, 190-193.
Compensation and Old Age Pension, rejection of, by brewery workers, 54.
Compulsory arbitration, 52-53.
Conciliation, hopes fastened on, 52.
Confiscation, the doctrine of, 190-192.
Constructive suggestion, 194-214; lack of, in American Syndicalism, 250.
Coöperation, constructive suggestion based on, 195-198; under the Syndicalist régime, 198 ff.; the ideal level of Syndicalism, 252.
Coöperative groups, work done by, in European cities, 201-202.
Craft autonomy, 67.


Debs, Eugene, 33, 104; quoted on the I. W. W., 86 n.; doubts raised about sabotage by, 153 n.
Delesalle, a believer in anarchism, 172.
Democracy and the Party System, Ostrogorski's, quoted, 48-49.
Denmark, Socialism in, 3.
Dimnet, Ernest, on the term "la grève perlé," 148 n.
Direct action, 128, 129 ff.; vs. the indirect action of capitalism, 129-130; similarity of sabotage and, 132, 134; as illustrated by the ordinary strike, 158.
Direct primaries, 48.
Disraeli, the Sybil of, quoted, 63.
Douglas, Frederick, 138.
Dreyfus, the case of, 131.
Dynamiters, an I. W. W. view of the thirty-three, 162.


Economic basis, need of a broader, to secure a real democracy, 48-49.
Educative agencies, vanity of hopes of results from, 50-51.
England, Socialism in, 3.
Ettor, trial of, 8 n.; references to, 9, 117, 131; trial of, as viewed by French syndicalist reporter, 91; quoted on violence in the code of the I. W. W., 159.


Faure, Syndicalist veteran, 137.
Favre, Jules, 115.
Fourier, 47, 65, 141.
France, socialism in, 3; Haywood's account of the general strike in, 117-118; reformist parties in, 221-222; advantage to syndicalist experiments in, from weakness of trade unions, 246.


Garibaldi's army, an illustration from, 22.
Garment-makers' strike. New York, 89 n.
General Confederation of Labor, 75.
General strike, the, 71, 86-87, 93, 115-128.
Germany, Socialism in, 3; weakness of Syndicalism in, due to strength of labor unions, 245-246.
Ghent, W. J., on socialism in the Roosevelt programme, 100; on the class war, 108; on sabotage, 154.
Giovannitti, trial of, 8 n.; mentioned, 9.
Girardin, E. de, 115.
Goldfield, Nevada, I. W. W. attacks in, 246.
Gompers, 79.
Government interference in industrial affairs, 28-29; influence of public opinion upon, 31.
Grand Lodge, the, of the Owenites, 61, 62.
Grand National Consolidated Trade Unions of 1834, 93.

"Gréviculture," 135.
Griffuehles, Victor, L'Action Syndicaliste by, 123 n.; quoted, 128, 131; mentioned, 135 n.
Guèsde, 153.
Guild life of Middle Ages, strikes in the, 116


Hardy, Keir, 153.
Harley, J. H., Syndicalism by, 63 n.
Haywood, William D., 69, 82, 85, 91, 178; a production of the Colorado miners' strike, 75-77; Industrial Socialism by, quoted, 80; The General Strike by, quoted, 117-120; lack of consistency in position of, on National Executive Board of socialist party, 239-240.
Henderson, C. H., Pay-Day by, quoted, 187-188.
Hillquit, Morris, quoted on compensation, 186.
Homestead strike, 13.
Hugo, Victor, 115.
Humbert, King, murder of, 176-177.

Hunter, Robert, quoted, 154 a.


Immigrants in the I. W. W., 21, 92.
Independent, article on "Direct Action" in, 136-137, 163 n.
Indirect action practiced by capitalism against labor, 129-130.
Industrial Worker, The, organ of the I. W. W., 85.
Industrial Workers of the World (I. W. W.), first appearance of the, 20; class especially appealed to by, 21; attitude for statesmanship to take toward, 21-22; revolutionary character of movement, 22-23; as a world movement, 25-30; anarchist rôle enacted by, 30-31, 168 ff.; idealism at heart of the movement, 31; forerunners of the, 61-72; attack of, on Socialism, 73 ff.; birth of, in strike of Western Federation of Miners in Colorado, 75; terms demanded of the employing class by, 79-80; inflammatory appeals of, 79-80, 81-82; first convention of (1904), 83-84; second convention (1906), 85-86; appearance of disrupting antagonisms in, 86-89; seventh convention (1912), 90-91; newer immigrants in, 92; youth of membership, 92-93; general characteristics of, 92-105; strength derived by, from fusion of whole body of workers, 120-121; attitude towards compensation, 190-192; effects of responsibility upon, 215 ff.; chief grounds for criticism of ways and means of, 224; services rendered by, as an awakener, 225-238.
Initiative, the, 48.
Intellectuals, the, 108, 109, 111, 112; real indispensability of, to the I. W. W., 112-114; effective formulas for the General Strike furnished by, 115.
International, the, 63, 219, 220.
International Working People's Association, 221.
Irritation strike, the, 158.
Italy, socialism in, 3; strike of railway employees in, 118-119; the anarchist element in Syndicalism shown in, 176-177; possibilities of coöperative industry in, 199-200.


Jaurès, quoted on compensation, 183.
Jefferson, Thomas, faith of, in popular educative agencies, 50.
Judge, Syndicalist's speech to a, quoted, 102-103.


Kautsky, Karl, on the I. W. W., 73-74; mentioned, 151, 153; committed to compensation, 183; quoted on expropriation of the capitalist, 185.
Kenngott, G. F., Record of a City by, quoted, 230-232.
Keufer, A., 216, 222.
Kindergarten, results expected from the, 50.
Knights of Labor, 61; history of the, 64-72; succeeded by American Federation of Labor, 72; causes of fall, 84, 89, 215-216; traces of the I. W. W. in the, 93, 101.


Labor unionism. See Trade Unions.
Lagardelle, French Syndicalist, 67, 99; quoted, 151.
Lawrence strike, 10, 69, 239; as showing the I. W. W. to be otherwise than merely a local affair, 27-29; responsibility thrown upon the I. W. W. by the, 217; strength of I. W. W. in, due to stifling of labor unions, 247.
Leone, Enrico, 109.
Le Rossiguol, State Socialism in New Zealand of, 53 n.
Libraries, vain hopes founded on, 50.
Literary organs of socialism, 9-10.
Little Falls, N. Y., strikers, 155.
Lloyd, Henry D., 52.
Lowell, Mass., study of conditions in, 229-232.


Macdonald, J. R., Socialism and Government by, quoted, 108; hostility of, to the I. W. W., 153.
McKees Rocks strike, 105, 246.
McMaster's History cited, 78.
McNamaras, the, 90-91, 162.
Magazines, disclosures in, of capitalistic disorders, 10.
Mann, Tom, 135, 136.
Manual training, disappointment in far-reaching results from, 50.
Marx, Karl, 65, 80; attack of Sorel on, 170.
Mass action, 158.
Mazzini, 47, 53.
Mill, J. S., 47.
Millerand, 98.
Milwaukee, fusion of old political parties and defeat of socialism in, 4-5, 249.
Misconceptions concerning protest of working classes, 33 ff.
Montessori method of child training, 50-51.
Most, Johann, 220.
Moyer, Charles, 76, 85.


New Bedford, Mass., failure of the I. W. W. in, and cause, 247.
New Zealand, compulsory arbitration in, 52-53; strike of 1890 in, 124 n.
Niel, 216.
Noon Hour Chat, socialist leaflet, 191.


One Big Union, Trautmann's conception of industrial life expounded in, 203-206.
On the Firing Line, quoted, 127-128.
Organization, the necessity of, for capital and also for labor, 14-16.
Osborn Judgment, the, 23.
Ostrogorski, cited and quoted, 48-49.
Owen, Robert, 61.
Owenite movement, 61-62.


Pacific coast, the I. W. W. on the, 20, 22, 25-27; anarchy of I. W. W. on, 173.
Packing houses, Chicago, labor unions in, 88-89.
Pareto, Vilfredo, 198.
Pataud, quoted, 123, 129.
Pelloutier, Fernand, founder of French Syndicalism, 63, 177; as an anarchist, 172; character and work of, 234.
Pettibone, 85.
Pittsburg, studies of conditions in, 16-17, 18-20.
Political interference in industrial affairs, 28-29.
Political parties, fusion of old, to withstand encroachment of new forces, 4-5, 249-250.
Por, Odon, quoted, 195, 196-197, 198-200, 211; mentioned, 235.
Portland, Ore., the I. W. W. in, 246.
Post office strike in Paris (1910), 195.
Pouget, Emil, 64, 137, 216 n.; quoted, 138 n.; on sabotage, 140, 144; as an anarchist, 172.
Powderly, Terence V., 66, 70, 71.
Preferential shop, the, 223-224.
Profit sharing, 52, 241.
Progressive participation of labor in management, principle of, 249, 251-252.


Railroad passes as instruments of corruption, 77.
Recall, the, 48.
Record of a City, quoted, 230-232.
Reeves, New Zealand economist, 53.
Referendum, the, 48.
Reform, disappointed hopes in history of, 47-60.
Reformist parties in France, 221-222.
Regulation of capitalistic organizations, 14-16.
Renard, 216.
Representation, the people's vain fight for, 48.
Responsibility, effects of, upon the I. W. W., 215-224.
Roland-Hoist, Henriette, study of general strike by, 125-126.
Roller, Arnold, study of general strike by, 124-125.
Roosevelt, Theodore, 29; socialism in programme of, 99-100.
Russell, Charles Edward, 53.


Sabotage, 75, 95, 129, 132; practiced by the Knights of Labor, 111; direct action and, 132, 134; origins of, 139-140; variety of practices of, 140-147; essence of, is destruction, 147-148; witlessness and pathos of, 149; compassion of, with insidious poison, 149-150; hostility of leading socialists to, 152-154.
St. John, Vincent, National Secretary of the I. W. W., 79, 91, 155; quoted, 85, 207 n.; on violence in I. W. W. tactics, 160-161.
St. Simon, 47.
San Diego, events at, showing Syndicalism as a world movement, 25-27; Weinstock report on disturbances in, 173.
Scabs, discussion of, 38.
Seidel, Mayor, 4.
Shaw, Bernard, 112; quoted on white slave traffic, 226.
Sliding scales, 52.
Socialism, prevalent skepticism as to growth of, 1-2; undeniable development of, in United States, 2-3; spread of, in European countries, 3; a part and parcel of American political and social structure, 4; fusion of old political parties due to, 4-5; reasons for spread of party, 5-8; influence of capital and labor unionism for and against, 12-13; toward organized labor, 16 ff.; character of the protest that is voiced by, 32; sacrifices of, to carry on the cause, 33-37; vigor and achievement of, resulting from failures of competing attempts, 47; rise of Syndicalism due in part to disappointment in results from, 57-58; penalty due from, for promising too much, 58; hopes carried to the masses by, 58-59; attack of the I. W. W. on, 73 ff.; attitude of, toward compensation to capitalism, 179-193.
Socialist Labor Party, 90; confiscation rather than compensation advocated by, 192.
Social Unrest, The, 12; quoted on the outcome of capital's struggle with labor, 17-18.
Solidarity, lack of real, between different classes of workers, 69-70.
Solidarity, periodical, hostility expressed by, against socialist leaders, 152 n.; quoted on use of violence in tactics of I. W. W., 161; cited and quoted, 206 n., 207 n.
Sorel, George, writings of 9,4, 99; scorching of the "intellectuals" by, 112-113; opposition of, to sabotage, 153; references to, 169, 170, 212-213; support of anarchism by, 172.
Spanish strike in 1874, 124.
Stephens, M. S., originator of the Knights of Labor, 64-66.
Sterner, Der Einzige und sein Eigenttum of, 168 n.
Stewart, W. D., 53 n.
Stockholm strike, the, 126-127.
Strikes, the real significance of, 39-43.
"Survey" of Pittsburg, 19; of Lowell, 229-232.
Sympathetic strike, the, 71-72.
Syndicalism, first appearance of, 20; as a world movement, 25-30; rise of, accounted for in part by disappointed hopes from other methods of reform, 56-57; in its origin the counterpart of our "trade unionism," 57 n.; necessity for differentiating from the roots from which it sprang, 59-60; forerunners of, 61-72; struggle of labor against capitalism directed to gain control at the centers and sources of economic power by, 129. See Industrial Workers of the World.


Taff-Vail Decision, 23.
Technical World report quoted, 144-145.
Thomas, Albert, 216.
Tolstoi, L. N., 112, 116, 170-171.
Trade unions, as educational and conservative forces, 12; recognition of wage system by, 12; adherents of I. W. W. contrasted with supporters of, 21; disappointment in workers' hopes from, 53-54; entrance of I. W. W. where weakness in, exists, 245-246.
Trautmann, W. E., quoted, 81-82, 88-89, 160; Industrial Unionism of, quoted, 107; Direct Action and Sabotage by, cited, 132; pamphlet on One Big Union by, 203-206.
Tridon, André, article on "Direct Action" by, 136-137, 163 n.


Universal strike, the, 158.
Universal suffrage, disappointment in results of, 50.


Violence, question of, and relation to propaganda of the I. W. W., 127-128, 158 ff.
Voluntary arbitration, 52.


Wage system, recognized by trade unionism but an object for destruction to socialism, 12-13; the point of attack for rebellious workers, 44-45; challenge presented by labor to the present working of, 60.
Waiters' strike, 228-229.
Walling, W. E., quoted, 67 n.; Socialism as It Is by, 99; on Roosevelt and socialism, 100; on the war of classes, 111-112; on violence, 166 n.
Webbs, the, 61; hostility of to the I. W. W., 153.
Weinstock, Col., report of, on disturbances in San Diego, 173.
Welfare work, 242.
Wells, H. G., quoted on the class war, 107-108; sabotage opposed by, 153; committed to compensation, 183; Misery of Boots by, quoted, 184.
Western Federation of Miners, 75, 85; origin and constitution of, 76.
White slave traffic, 225-227.
Wilson, Woodrow, quoted, 19-20; mentioned, 32.
World Brotherhood, the, 219.
Wright, Carroll D., 75.


Youngstown, Ohio, I. W. W. outbreaks in, 246.
Yvetot, Georges, definition of "direct action" by, 134; an anarchist, 172.

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