Woodworth, John Maynard (1837–1879)
John Maynard Woodworth was born at Big Flats, N. Y., Aug. 15, 1837. Educated at the University of Chicago, he received his M. D. at Chicago Medical College in 1862, studied in hospitals of Berlin and Vienna in 1865, and settled at Chicago in 1866.
He was a founder of the American Public Health Association in 1872; assistant surgeon United States Army, 1862–3; surgeon in 1863; demonstrator of anatomy, Chicago Medical College, 1866, sanitary inspector Chicago Board of Health, 1868; supervising surgeon-general, Marine Hospital Service, 1871–9.
Editor of the Bulletin of Public Health, he was author of "Hospitals and Hospital Construction," Washington, 1874; "Cholera epidemic of 1873 in the United States," Washington, 1875; "The Safety of Ships and of Those Who Travel in Them," Cambridge, 1877.
He died at Washington, March 14, 1879.