< American Medical Biographies
- Thacher, James
- Thacher, James Kingsley
- Thacher, Thomas
- Thayer, Proctor
- Thomas, Amos Russell
- Thomas, Charles Widgery
- Thomas, James Carey
- Thomas, James Grey
- Thomas, Joseph
- Thomas, Richard Henry, see Thomas, James Carey
- Thomas, Robert Pennell
- Thomas, Theodore Gaillard
- Thomas, William George
- Thompson, Abraham Rand
- Thompson, James Livingstone
- Thompson, Jesse C.
- Thompson, Mary Harris
- Thompson, Robert
- Thomson, Adam
- Thomson, Samuel
- Thomson, William
- Thorndike, William Henry
- Thornton, Matthew
- Thornton, William
- Tiffany, Flavel Benjamin
- Tiffany, Louis McLane
- Tilden, Daniel
- Tilton, James
- Todd, Archibald Stevenson
- Todd, Eli
- Toland, Hugh Hughes
- Tolmie, William Fraser
- Tomes, Robert
- Tomlinson, Harry Ashton
- Toner, Joseph Meredith
- Torney, George Henry
- Torrey, John
- Touatre, Just Charles
- Towles, William B.
- Townsend, David
- Townsend, Solomon Davis
- Townsend, Wisner Robinson
- Trail, Russell Thacher
- Trask, James Dowling
- Treadwell, John Dexter
- Treadwell, John Goodhue, see Treadwell, John Dexter
- Trenaman, Thomas
- Trevett, Samuel Russell
- Trimble, James
- Tripler, Charles Stuart
- Triplett, William Harrison
- Trowbridge, Amasa
- Trudeau, Edward Livingston
- Tryon, James Rufus
- Tucker, David Hunter
- Tufts, Cotton
- Tufts, Simon (1700–1747)
- Tufts, Simon (1727–1786), see Tufts, Simon (1700–1747)
- Tully, William
- Turnbull, Lawrence
- Turney, Daniel, see Turney, Samuel Denny
- Turney, Samuel Denny
- Turnipseed, Edward Berriam
- Tuttle, George Montgomery
- Tuttle, James Percival
- Twitchell, Amos
- Tyler, John
- Upshur, George Littleton
- Vallée, Thomas Evariste Arthur
- Van Buren, William Holme
- Vance, Ap Morgan
- Vance, Reuben Aleshire
- Vander Poel, Samuel Oakley
- Van de Warker, Ely
- Vander Weyde, Peter H.
- Van Gieson, Ira Thompson
- Van Rensselaer, Jeremiah
- Vasey, George
- Vattier, John Loring
- Vaughan, Benjamin
- Vaughan, John
- Vermyne, Jan Joseph Bastianus
- Von Ezdorf, Rudolph H.
- Waddell, John
- Wadsworth, Oliver Fairfield
- Wagner, Clinton
- Wagner, John
- Waldo, Albigence
- Wales, Philip Skinner
- Walk, James Wilson
- Walker, Clement Adams
- Walker, Henry O.
- Walker, Thomas
- Wallace, David Richard
- Wallace, Ellerslie
- Wallace, William B.
- Walter, Albert G.
- Wanless, John
- Ward, Richard Halsted
- Ward, Thomas
- Warder, John Aston
- Ware, John
- Warfield, Charles Alexander
- Warren, Edward
- Warren, John
- Warren, John Collins
- Warren, Jonathan Mason
- Warren, Joseph
- Wasdin, Eugene
- Washington, James Augustus
- Waterhouse, Benjamin
- Waterman, Luther Dana
- Waterman, Sigismund
- Waterman, Thomas
- Wathen, William Hudson
- Watkins, Tobias
- Watson, Beriah André
- Watson, Irving Allison
- Watson, John
- Waughop, John Wesley
- Wayne, Edward S.
- Weber, Gustav C. E.
- Webster, James
- Webster, John White
- Webster, Noah
- Webster, Warren
- Webster, William Bennet
- Weeks, Henry Martin
- Weil, Richard
- Weisse, Faneuil Dunkin
- Welch Family, see Welch, William Wickham
- Welch, William Wickham
- Wellford, Beverly Randolph
- Wellford, Robert
- Wells, Brooks Hughes
- Wells, Ebenezer
- Wells, Horace
- Wells, John Doane
- Wesbrook, Frank Fairchild
- Wesselhœft, Conrad
- West, Hamilton Atchison
- West, Henry S.
- Westmoreland, John Gray
- Westmoreland, Willis Furman
- Wey, William C.
- Wheaton, Charles Augustus
- Wheaton, Levi
- Whelpley, James Davenport
- White, Charles Abiathar
- White, Frances Emily
- White, James Clarke
- White, James Platt
- White, James William
- White, Samuel Pomeroy
- White, William Thomas
- Whitehead, Richard Henry
- Whitehead, William Riddick
- Whiting, Joseph Bellamy
- Whitman, Marcus
- Whittaker, James Thomas
- Whittier, Edward Newton
- Wickes, Stephen
- Widmer, Christopher
- Wiesenthal, Andrew
- Wiesenthal, Charles Frederick
- Wigglesworth, Edward
- Wilbur, Hervey Backus
- Wilder, Alexander
- Wilkins, Edmund Taylor
- Wilkinson, James
- Willard, DeForest
- Willard, Sylvester David
- Williams, Charles Herbert
- Williams, Elkanah
- Williams, Henry Willard
- Williams, Nathaniel
- Williams, Obadiah
- Williams, Stephen West
- Williams, Thomas
- Williams, Thomas Henry
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