< American Medical Biographies
- Langmaid, Samuel Wood
- LaRoche, Réné (1755–1819), see LaRoche, Réné (1795 1872)
- LaRoche, Réné (1795 1872)
- Larsh, N. B.
- Latham, Henry Grey
- Latimer, Henry
- Latimer, Thomas Sargent
- Lawrence, Jason Valentine O’Brien
- Lawson, Leonidas Merion
- Lawson, Thomas
- Lazear, Jesse William
- Leaming, James Rosebrugh
- Leavenworth, Melines Conklin
- LeConte, John
- LeConte, John Lawrence
- LeConte, Joseph
- Lee, Arthur
- Lee, Benjamin
- Lee, Charles Alfred
- Lee, Charles Carroll
- Le Fevre, Egbert
- Lefevre, John M.
- Leidy, Joseph
- Leigh, John
- LeMoyne, Francis Julius
- Leonard, Charles Lester
- Lett, Stephen
- Letterman, Jonathan
- Levis, Richard J.
- Lewis, Dio
- Lewis, Eldad
- Lewis, Francis West
- Lewis, Samuel
- Lewis, Winslow
- Liebermann, Charles H.
- Lincoln, Benjamin
- Lincoln, David Francis
- Lincoln, Rufus Pratt
- Linde, Christian
- Lindsly, Harvey
- Lining, John
- Linn, Lewis Fields
- Linsley, John Hatch
- Littell, Squier
- Little, James Lawrence
- Little, Timothy
- Litton, Abram
- Livingston, Robert Ramsey
- Lloyd, James
- Lloyd, Zachary
- Locke, John
- Logan, Cornelius Ambrose
- Logan, George (1753–1821)
- Logan, George (1750?–1800?), see Logan, Thomas Muldrup
- Logan, George (1778–1861), see Logan, Thomas Muldrup
- Logan, Samuel
- Logan, Thomas Muldrup
- Long, Crawford Williamson
- Long, David
- Longworth, Landon Rives
- Loomis, Alfred Lebbeus
- Loomis, Henry Patterson
- Loomis, Silas Lawrence
- Loring, Edward Greely
- Lovejoy, James William Hamilton
- Lovell, Joseph
- Loving, Starling
- Lowell vs. Faxon and Hawkes, see Hawkes, Micajah Collins
- Lozier, Clemence Sophia
- Luckie, James Buckner
- Luedeking, Robert
- Lundy, Charles J.
- Lusk, William Thompson
- Lutz, Frank J.
- Luzenberg, Charles Aloysius
- Lyman, Henry Munson
- Lynah, James
- Lyster, Henry Francis
- Macbride, James
- McBurney, Charles
- MacCallum, Duncan Campbell
- MacCallum, John Bruce
- McCann, James
- McCaw, James, see McCaw, James Brown
- McCaw, James Brown
- McCaw, James D., see McCaw, James Brown
- McClellan, Ely
- McClellan, George (1796–1847)
- McClellan, George (1849–1913)
- McClintic, Thomas B.
- McClurg, James
- McCosh, Andrew James
- Macrae, Donald
- McCrae, John
- McCreery, Charles
- McCurdy, John M.
- McDermont, Clarke
- McDill, Alexander Stuart
- Macdonald, Alexander
- MacDonald, James
- Macdonald, W. H., see Macdonald, Alexander
- McDowell, Ephraim
- McDowell, Joseph Nash
- McDowell, William Adair
- Macgill, William D.
- McGuire, Hugh Holmes
- McGuire, Hunter Holmes
- McHenry, James
- McInnes, Thomas R.
- Mackall, Louis (1802–1876)
- Mackall, Louis (1831–1906), see Mackall, Louis (1802–1876)
- McKay, William Morrison
- McKechnie, John
- McKeen, James
- Mackieson, John
- McKinley, John
- MacLaren, Laurence
- McLaughlin, James Wharton
- Maclean, Donald
- MacLean, John
- Macleane, Laughlan
- MacLeod, James
- McLoughlin, John
- MacMonagle, Beverly
- MacNaughton, James
- Macneven, William James
- McRuer, Daniel
- McSherry, Richard
- McWilliams, Alexander
- Maddin, Thomas LaFayette
- Magruder, Ernest Pendleton
- Magruder, George Lloyd
- Mall, Franklin Paine
- Mallett, William Peter
- Manigault, Gabriel Edward
- Mann, Cyrus Sweetser, see Mann, Edward Cox
- Mann, Edward Cox
- Mann, James
- Manson, Otis Frederick
- March, Alden
- Marion, Otis Humphrey
- Markoe, Thomas Masters
- Marks, Solon
- Marshall, Moses
- Martin, Ennalls
- Martin, George
- Martin, Henry Austin
- Martin, Henry Newell
- Martin, Solomon Claiborne
- Marvin, Joseph Benson
- Mastin, Claudius Henry
- Mathers, George Shrader
- Matthews, James Newton
- Matthews, Washington
- Maury, Frank Fontaine
- Maxwell, George Troupe
- May, Frederick
- May, Frederick John
- May, James
- Mayo, Robert
- Mayo, William Worrell
- Mays, Thomas Jef
- Meacham, Frank Adams
- Meachem, John Goldsborough
- Mease, James
- Meigler, Marie J.
- Meigs, Arthur Vincent
- Meigs, Charles Delucena
- Meigs, James Aitken
- Meigs, John Forsyth
- Mellichamp, Joseph Hinson
- Mendenhall, George
- Mercer, Alfred
- Mercer, Hugh
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