< American Medical Biographies
- Dwight, Thomas
- Dyer, Ezra
- Earle, Charles Warrington
- Earle, Pliny
- Eastman, Joseph
- Eaton, Horace
- Eberle, John
- Edebohls, George Michael
- Edwards, Emma Ward
- Edwards, Francis Smith
- Edwards, Landon Brame
- Edwards, William Milan
- Eights, James
- Eliot, Jared
- Eliot, Johnson
- Ellegood, Robert Griffith
- Elliot, George Thomson
- Ellis, Benjamin
- Ellis, Calvin
- Elmer, Ebenezer, see Elmer, Jonathan
- Elmer, Jonathan
- Elsberg, Louis
- Eisner, Henry Leopold
- Elwell, John J.
- Emerson, Gouverneur
- Emlen, Samuel
- Emmet, Thomas Addis, see Emmet, John Patten
- Emmet, John Patten
- Engelmann, George
- Engelmann, George Julius
- English, Thomas Dunn
- Entrikin, Franklin Wayne
- Eskridge, Jeremiah Thomas
- Etheridge, James Henry
- Eustis, William
- Evans, John
- Eve, Joseph, see Eve, Joseph Adams
- Eve, Joseph Adams
- Eve, Paul Fitzsimmons
- Everts, Orpheus
- Ewell, Thomas
- Ezdorf, see Von Ezdorf, Rudolph H.
- Faget, Jean Charles
- Farish, Henry Greggs
- Farrand, David Osborn
- Farnsworth, Philo Judson
- Farrell, Edward
- Fauntleroy, Archibald Magill
- Favill, Henry Baird
- Favill, John, see Favill, Henry Baird
- Fay, Jonas
- Fayssoux, Peter Dott
- Fell, Edward George
- Fenger, Christian
- Fenwick, A. C., see Fenwick, George Edgeworth
- Fenwick, George Edgeworth
- Ferguson, Alexander Hugh
- Ferguson, Everard D.
- Fernald, Reginald
- Field, Edward Mann
- Field, Nathaniel
- Finlay, Clement Alexander
- Firestone, Leander
- Firmin, Giles
- Fischel, Washington Emil
- Fishback, James, see Dudley, Benjamin Winslow
- Fisher, George Jackson
- Fisher, James Cogswell
- Fisher, John Dix
- Fisher, Theodore Willis
- Fiske, Oliver
- Fitch, Simon
- Fitz, Reginald Heber
- Flagg, Josiah Foster
- Fleet, John
- Fleming, Alexander
- Fletcher, Robert
- Fletcher, William Baldwin
- Flint, Austin (1812–1886)
- Flint, Austin (1836–1915)
- Flint, Joshua Barker
- Folsom, Charles Follen
- Foltz, Jonathan Messersmith
- Fonerden, John
- Foote, Elial Todd
- Forbes, William Smith
- Forchheimer, Frederick
- Ford, Corydon La
- Ford, William Henry
- Forster, Edward Jacob
- Fort, George Franklin
- Foster, Burnside
- Foster, Frank Pierce
- Foster, George Winslow
- Foster, John Pierrepont Codrington
- Foster, Thomas Albert
- Fowler, George Ryerson
- Fox, George
- Fox, William Herrimon
- Francis, John Wakefield
- Francis, Samuel Ward
- Franklin, Benjamin
- Frazee, Louis J.
- Freeman, Nathaniel
- Freer, Joseph Warren
- Freer, Paul Caspar
- French, George Franklin
- Frick, Charles
- Frick, George
- Friedenwald, Aaron
- Frissell, John
- Frost, Henry Rutledge
- Frothingham, George Edward
- Fuller, Bridget Lee, see Fuller, Samuel
- Fuller, Samuel
- Fulton, John
- Fussell, Bartholomew
- Fussell, Edwin B.
- Fussell, Linnæus, see Fussell, Edwin B.
- Gale, Benjamin
- Gallinger, Jacob Henry
- Gallup, Joseph Adams
- Galt, Alexander D
- Galt, John Minson (17–1808)
- Galt, John Minson (1819–1862)
- Garber, Abram Paschal
- Garceau, Edgar
- Garcelon, Alonzo
- Garden, Alexander
- Gardiner, Silvester
- Gardner, Augustus Kinsley
- Garlick, Theodatus
- Garnett, Alexander Yelverton Peyton
- Garrigues, Henry Jacques
- Gaston, James McFadden
- Gaultier, Jean François
- Geddings, Eli
- Geike, Walter Bayne
- Gentsch, George Theodore
- Gerhard, William Wood
- Gesner, Abraham
- Gibbes, Lewis Reeve
- Gibbes, Robert Wilson
- Gibbons, Henry (1808–1884)
- Gibbons, Henry (1848–1911)
- Gibbons, William Peters
- Gibson, Charles Bell
- Gibson, William
- Gihon, Albert Leary
- Gilbert, David
- Gilman, Chandler Robbins
- Gilman, John Taylor
- Gilmer, George
- Gilmour, John Taylor
- Gilpin, John Bernard
- Girard, Charles
- Girdwood, Gilbert Prout
- Glasgow, William Carr
- Gleason, Rachel Brooks
- Gleaves, Samuel Crockett
- Gleitsmann, Joseph William
- Gloninger, John Washington
- Glover, Joseph
- Godding, William Whitney
- Godman, John Davidson
- Goforth, William
- Goldsmith, Middleton
- Goldsmith, William Benjamin
- Goodell, William
- Goodhue, Josiah
- Goodman, Henry Ernest
- Goodman, John
- Goodwin, James Scammon
- Gorham, John
- Gorrie, John
- Gould, Augustus Addison
- Gradle, Henry
- Graham, James
- Graham, James Elliott
- Gram, Hans Burch
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