Doane, Augustus Sidney (1808–1852).
Augustus Sidney Doane was born in Boston,
April 2, 1808, and died on Staten Island, New
York, January 27, 1852. He graduated at
Harvard in 1825, took his M. D. from Harvard
in 1828, studied medicine for two years in
Paris, and returned to Boston, but in 1830
settled in New York, where he became a successful practitioner. In 1839 he was appointed
professor of physiology in the University of
New York, a chair he soon resigned. He was
subsequently appointed chief physician of the
Marine hospital, practised again from 1843
to 1850, and was again appointed health officer. He edited "Good's Study of Medicine,"
translated Maygrier's "Midwifery," Dupuytren's "Surgery," Lugol's "Scrofulous Diseases," Baylis's "Descriptive Anatomy," Blandin's "Topographical Anatomy," Ricord's
"Syphilis," Chausier on "The Arteries," and
Scoutetten on "Cholera." He also contributed
to Surgery Illustrated, and to other medical