Alchemical manuscripts offered loan to Elias Ashmole by Sir Thomas Browne in Correspondence dated 25th January 1658 On Arthur Dee.

A manuscript containing these tracts:

1. Take earth of earths mother with some explication.

2. A short worke and true, of half a sheet

3. Cantilena Ripley, de L. phil. seu de phoenice.

4. Verbum abbreviatum Rogeri Bacon a Raimundo Galfrido explicatum, above a sheet.

5. The great worke or great Elixir of Ripley ad Solem et Lunam with an accurtation for shortening of the great work, containing two sheets.

6. A Letter of Ripley sent to a freind subscribed by George Ripley ch. of Bridlington, farmer and curate of Fax Bulburgh.

7. The easiest way in practising the philosophers stone, a sheet & half.

8. Philossium & medulla translated out of Latin by George Higins.

9. A concordance of the Sayings of Guido and Raymund.

10. the worke of Dickinson, about an hundred versees.

An ancient manuscript of Nortons Ordinall.

Dunstanus Episcopus Cantuariensis de lapide philos., a small manuscript.

Theriaca divina Bendicticti MS Lat. Anonym.

A manuscript entitled Investigation of causes writt by a person of these parts about 50 yeares agoe. An Originall and I thinck there is noe coppy of it, about 4 sheets.

Ripleys Emblematicall or Hieroglyphicall Scrowle in parchment, about 7 yards long with many verses somewhat differing from those in your first part next Ripleys vision.

Two small peeces of Garlandus Anglus, Latin and printed.

Dastini Speculum philosoph., MS Lat.

Benjamin Locks picklock unto Ripleys Castle, prose and verse, about 4 or 5 sheets, MS.

This work was published before January 1, 1927, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.

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