Adams’s (Rev. W.) The Shadow of the Cross; an Allegory.
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This Work, for the convenience of Schools, may be had in Two Parts, sold separately, viz.:—
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The Syntax is based upon Donaldson’s, with extracts from the writings of Archbishop Trench, Dean Alford, Dr. Wordsworth, but more especially from Bishop Ellicott, and the work on the Romans by Dr. Vaughan. Considerable use has also been made of the Article in the “Quarterly Review” for January, 1863.
The chapter on Synonyms treats of many words which have not been noticed by other writers. In another chapter attention is drawn to some passages in which the Authorized Version is incorrect, inexact, insufficient, or obscure. Copious Indices are added.
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Sold separately as follows:—
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Wordsworth’s (Archd.) On the Interpretation of the Bible. Five Lectures delivered at Westminster Abbey. 3s. 6d.
Wordsworth’s (Arcbd.) Holy Year: Hymns for Sundays and Holydays, and for other Occasions; with a preface on Hymnology. Third Edition, in larger type, square 16mo., cloth extra, 4s. 6d.
Also an Edition with Tunes, 4s. 6d.; and a cheap Edition, 6d.
Worgan’s (Rev. J..H.) Divine Week; or, Outlines of a Harmony of the Geologic Periods with the Mosaic “Days” of Creation. Crown 8vo. 5s.
Yonge’s (C. D.) History of England from the Earliest Times to the Peace of Paris, 1856. With a Chronological Table of Contents. In one thick volume, crown 8vo. 12s.
Though available as a School-book, this volume contains as much as three ordinary octavos. It is written on a carefully digested plan, ample space being given to the last three centuries. All the best authorities have been consulted.
Practical Introductions to Greek, Latin, &c.
Henry’s First Latin Book. Eighteenth Edition. 12mo. 3s.
The object of this work is to enable the youngest boys to master the principal difficulties of the Latin language by easy steps, and to furnish older students with a Manual for Self-Tuition.
Great attention has lately been given to the improvement of what may be called its mechanical parts. The Vocabularies have been much extended, and greater uniformity of reference has been secured. A few rules have been omitted or simplified. Every thing has been done which the long experience of the Editor, or the practice of his friends in their own schools has shown to be desirable.
At the same time, no pains have been spared to do this without altering in any way the character of the work, or making it inconvenient to use it side by side with copies of earlier editions.
⁂ A small book of Supplementary Exercises is in the press.
A Second Latin Book, and Practical Grammar. Intended as a Sequel to Henry’s First Latin Book. Eighth Edition. 12mo. 4s.
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A Practical Introduction to Latin Verse Composition. Fourth and Cheaper Edition, considerably revised. 12mo. 3s. 6d.
This Work supposes the pupil to be already capable of composing verses easily when the “full sense” is given. Its object is to facilitate his transition to original composition in Elegiacs and Hexameters, and to teach him to compose the Alcaic and Sapphic stanzas: explanations and a few exercises are also given on the other Horatian metres. A short Poetical Phraseology is added.
In the present Edition the whole work has been corrected, the translations being carefully compared with the originals. The Alcaics and Sapphics have been arranged in stanzas, and each kind of verse placed in a separate chapter, the old numbers of the Exercises being preserved for convenience in use. Other improvements have been made which it is hoped will add to its value.
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⁂ A Prospectus, with specimen page, may be had of the Publishers.
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The object of this Work is to supply boys with an easy collection of short passages, as an Exercise Book for those who have gone once, at least, through the First Part of the Editor’s “Practical Introduction to Latin Prose Composition.”
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The object of this Work is to enable the Student, as soon as he can decline and conjugate with tolerable facility, to translate simple sentences after given examples, and with given words; the principles trusted to being principally those of imitation and very frequent repetition. It is at once a Syntax, a Vocabulary, and an Exercise Book.
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In this Edition, the Argument of each Book is divided into short Sections, which are prefixed to those portions of the Text, respectively, which they describe. The Notes (principally from Dübner) are at the foot of each page. At the end of the volume are useful Appendices.
Homer.—The Iliad, Books I. to IV.; with a Critical In-
- troduction, and copious English Notes. Second Edition. 12mo. 7s. 6d.
Demosthenes, with English Notes from the best and most
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The Oration on the Crown. Second Edition. 12mo. 4s. 6d.
The Philippic Orations. Second Edition. 12mo. 4s.
Æschines.—Speech against Ctesiphon. 12mo. 4s.
The Text is that of Bailer and Sauppe; the Notes are by Professor Champlin, with additional Notes by President Woolsey and the Editor.
Sophocles, with English Notes, from Schneidewin. By the
- Ven. Archdeacon Paul, and the Rev. Heury Browne, M.A.
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⁂ In this Edition the objectionable passages are omitted.
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