< A Voyage in Space
- Abbot, C. G., 200
- Adams, J. C., 159-164, 178
- Aerolite, Appley Bridge, 84
- Aeroplanes, 67, 7173
- Air Currents, 143
- Airy, Sir G. B., 161-163
- Aldebaran, 267
- Algol, 131-137
- Alice in Wonderland, 20
- American and English discoveries, 179, 180
- American tourist, 227
- Andromeda, Great Nebula in, 113–115
- Andromeda, Split Nebula in, 255
- Apparatus for Gravity, 22, 45
- Appley Bridge Aerolite, 84
- Approach and recession, effects of, 270-277
- Arcturus, 267
- Argon, 78
- Aristotle, 5, 13
- Astrologers, 157
- Astronomer Royal, 161–163, 180, 237
- "Astronomical Reprobate," 133
- Atmosphere of Earth, 63–81, 143
- Atmosphere of Mars, 138-144
- Atmosphere of Moon, 188
- Atmosphere of Sun, 241-248
- Atwood's machine, 29
- Australian Solar Observatory, 231
- Ball, Sir Robert, 18
- Balloons, 67, 68, 74–78
- Balls falling, 7–10
- Barnard, E. E., 42, 109, 144,180
- Base for measuring distances, 51–57
- Bayeux tapestry, 40
- Bellamy, F. A., 77
- Bellamy, Miss E. F., 283
- Betelgeuse, 267
- Billiard balls, 44, 166, 286
- Birds flying, 281–283
- Black drop, 60
- Bode, 150, 156, 160, 179, 230
- Bolton, Scriven, 147
- Boss, Lewis, 280, 288
- Brahe, Tycho, 14-16
- Bright stars, 251, 252, 261–263
- Brightness of Corona, 243, 244
- British Association, 78
- Britons, Ancient, 193
- Bull-roarer, 274
- Burning-glass, 103, 266
- Calcium Light, 218
- Camberwell Beauties, 79
- Cambridge, 26, 27, 161, 163
- Camera, 91
- Campbell, Elizabeth, 70
- Campbell, W. W., 69, 70
- Canals of Mars, 140
- Cape of Good Hope Observatory, 57, 116
- Carrington, R. C., 198, 199, 215, 224
- Cavendish, Henry, 13
- Cavorite, 3, 87
- Cawthron, J., 231
- Centre of our Cluster, 284–292
- Ceres, 153-155, 178
- Chamonix, 88
- Chinese Sunspots, 197, 204, 206
- Chromosphere, 216, 217
- Cigar, lighting a, 50
- Clark, Alvan, 106-108
- Cluster, Gravity and centre of our, 284-292
- Cluster in Hercules, 259
- Cluster in Taurus, 280
- Cluster in Ursa Major, 282-283
- Coelostat, 119–123
- Coin and Feather, 10
- Cold of space, 68–69, 266
- Collisions of Stars, 287, 288, 296, 298
- Colour, 91, 101–104, 126–130, 273–277
- Colour and musical scale, 273
- Colour change with motion, 273–277
- Colours of Double Stars, 277
- Comets, 19, 35, 42
- Common, A. A., 97
- Convergence of movements, 280, 288–291
- Cook, Captain James, 62
- Corona, 241-248
- Counts of Stars, 256-258
- Coxwell, 75
- Crabtree, 62
- Crawling as effect of distance, 269, 280
- Czar of Russia, 107
- Daily Graphic, 112
- Daily Mirror, 251
- Damping oscillations, 33
- Dark stars, 132–137, 252–257
- Darwin, Charles, 9
- Darwin, Sir G. H., 45
- Davidson, George, 108
- Dawes, Rev. W. R., 106
- Deception in size, 260–263
- Dewar, Sir James, 30, 80
- Diamonds, formation of, 83
- Diffraction, 61
- Discoveries in England and America, 179, 180
- Distance measurements, 49–63
- Distance of Planets, 150
- Distance of Stars, 89, 214, 262-270
- Distance of Sun, 88, 211
- Disturbance on Sun, 199
- Double Stars, 276–279
- Eagle, 268
- Earth seen from Mars, 145, 146
- Echo, 167, 249
- Eclipses, 119, 132–137, 165-169, 235–242
- Eclipse imitated, 235–242
- Eclipse of Moon, 231
- Eclipse of Sun, 232–242
- Eclipse Tracks, 233
- Egypt Eclipse, 248
- Ellipse, 17, 28
- England and America, discoveries, 179–180
- England, next Eclipse in, 234, 235
- Englishman, 38, 267, 268
- Escalators, 229
- Eyepiece, in, 123
- Faraday, Michael, 169
- Field of View in Telescopes, 105, 113
- Fixed Stars, 267, 268
- Flatness of Clusters, 283
- Fog in Space, 265
- Foucault, 29, 32
- Galileo, 7–9, 12, 24–29, 43–49, 77, 81, 123, 179, 196, 197, 295
- Galle, 163
- Gauss, 155
- Geneva, Lake (near Chicago), 110
- George III, King, 95
- George V, King, 115
- Georgium Sidus, 95
Gilbert, W. S., 220, 268
- Gill, Sir D., 261, 269
- Glacier, movement of, 294
- Glaisher, James, 74, 75
- Golf balls, hitting, 296
- Grahame-White, 72, 73
- Grating, 129
- Gravity, 5, 10–13, 21, 45, 153, 278, 284, 288
- Gray, 32
- Great Bear, 282
- Green, Mr. (of Royal Inst.), 174
- Green, N. E., 138, 140
- Greenwich, 57, 161, 162, 180, 195, 230
- Gregory, 82-85
- Griffith, George, 4, 164
- Groups of Stars, 278–284
- Grubb, Sir H., 116
- Gulliver's Travels, 106
- Gyro compass, 32–34
- Gyroscope, 32, 33, 181, 182
- Hagen, J. G., 29
- Haggard, Rider, Sir, 165, 166
- Hale, G. E., 99, 121–126, 137, 221, 222, 230
- Halley, E., 27, 28, 36–40, 162, 267, 268
- Halley's Comet, 19, 38–40, 201–202
- Halos round Star images, 251
- Hamburg, 107
- Hansky, 214–218
- Harvard Observatory, 97, 178
- Heath, J. (of Royal Inst.), 64, 175, 176
- Heat of Sun, 206–211
- Height of Mountains in Moon, 184–187
- Helium, 79
- Hencke, 155
- Herschel, Caroline, 95, 107
- Herschel, William, 93–96, 107, 156, 198
- Hertz, 169
- Hevelius, 91
- Hodgson, R., 198, 199, 215, 224
- Hollis, H. P., 39
- Home Rule, 146, 147
- Honeymoon in Space, 4, 164
- Hooke, R., 25–28
- Horrox, J., 62–64
- Huggins, Sir W., 212, 218, 271
- Hydrogen on Sun, 220–223
- Icaromenippus, 1
- Illustrated London News, 204
- Image in Telescope, 111–113
- Iron filings and magnet, 220
- Japanese Eclipse, 119, 237
- Jerusalem, 40
- Jockey, 111, 112
- Josephus, 39
- Juno, 155
- Jupiter, 147–149, 152, 157, 180, 202, 231
- Jupiter's Satellites, 109, 164–169, 179, 231
- Kapteyn, J. C., 289, 291
- Kelvin, Lord, 210, 211
- Kepler, 16–21, 27, 153
- Kinematograph, 287
- King Solomon's Mines, 165
- Kish-wau-ke-toc, 110
- Kites, 67, 75, 76
- Ladies of Mount Wilson Staff, 124
- Layers of Air, 67
- Lens, 102
- Leonid Meteors, 203–206
- Leverrier, U. J., 159–164, 178
- Lick, James, 107–109
- Lick Observatory, 70, 107, 116, 180
- Life on Planets, 140–146, 187
- Light, Velocity of, 89, 168, 250
- Light-years, 262, 282, 283
- Liquid Air, 140, 188–191, 266
- Los Angeles, 99, 127
- Lowell, Percival, 142–144
- Lucian, 1
- Maelstrom, 222
- Magdeburg Hemispheres, 64, 65
- Magnetic Storms, 228, 229
- Magnetism of Sun, 219–223
- Magnifying power, 111
- Magnitudes of Stars, 257, 258
- Mars, 69, 70, 106, 138–148, 152, 157, 180, 187
- Mars, Moons of, 106
- Matilda, Queen, 40
- Maunder, E. W., 224–230
- Maundeville, Sir J., 54
- Maxwell, J. Clerk, 149, 150, 169
- McClean, Dr. F., 115
- Melotte, P. J., 180, 181
- Mercury, 157, 295
- Meteorological Office, 67, 78
- Meteors, 79–85, 200–206
- Meteors causing Sunspots, 200–206
- Migrating, 284–294
- Milky Way, 251, 291, 292
- Minor planets, 152–156
- Mirror, 92-98, 103
- Momentum, Angular, 176–177
- Mont Blanc, 88
- Moon, 2–4, 13, 21, 47–56, 86, 87, 157, 165, 173–174, 182–188, 225
- Moon, "First Men in," 3
- Mountains in Moon, 184–187
- Mount Whitney, 69, 70
- Mount Wilson, 69, 97-99, 120–124, 221
- Motor-car, 271
- Murray, Sir James, 71
- Nasmyth, James, 213, 218
- Nasmyth and Carpenter, 185
- Nautical Almanac, 186
- Nebula in Cygnus, 256
- Nebula, Great, in Andromeda, 113–115
- Nebula round Nova Persei, 297
- Nebula, Split.in Andromeda, 255
- Nelson, Horatio, 62
- Neon, 79
- Neptune, 160–164, 180, 295
- Newton, Sir Isaac, 12, 20–29, 34–37, 153, 278
- New Zealand, Solar Observatory, 231
- Nicholson, S. B., 180, 181
- Nile floods, 142
- Normans, 40
- North Pole, 34
- Nova Persei, 296–298
- Object glass, 123
- Obscuring patches, 252–257
- Oil in alcohol and water, 174–175
- Origin of planets, 170
- Oxford, 27, 37, 65,71, 268, 292
- Oxford Radcliffe Observatory, 183
- Oxford University Observatory, 119
- Pallas, 155
- Pan, Peter, 31
- Parabola, 35-38
- Parallax (see distance)
- Paris Observatory, 164
- Parsons, Hon. C. A., 83, 96
- Pasadena, 99, 127
- Patience (operetta), 220
- Pearson's Magazine, 47, 48
- Pendulum, 29–31, 43, 44, 285, 290, 295
- Perrine, C. D., 180, 181
- Perturbations, 158–164, 202
- Petrograd, 107
- Phoebe, 177–182
- Photography of Stars, 117, 118
- Piazzi, 152, 154, 178
- Pickering, W. H., 178
- Pisa, 7–9, 26, 43
- Pleiades, movements of, 279
- Plumb-line, 33
- Polarization of Corona, 244–248
- Poles of Mars, 139, 145
- Police, Astronomical, 152, 156
- Pressure of Air, 64–71
- Prism, 101, 129
- Proctor, R. A., 280, 281
- Prominences, 216, 217
- Ptolemy, 267
- Pulkovo, 107
- Punch, 133
- Puppets, 260, 261
- Radium, 210, 211
- Ramsay, Sir W., 79
- Range-finder, 55
- Rapid Stars, distances of, 269
- Rayleigh, Lord, 72, 78
- Reed, E. J., 133
- Refraction, 99–102
- Repsolds, 107
- Retrograde Satellites, 180–182
- Ribbons, coloured, 130
- Riffelberg, 88
- Roemer, O., 168, 169
- Rosse, Lord, 96, 104, 115
- Rotation, effects of, 170–177
- Rotation of Earth, 29–34, 116
- Rotation of Sun, 195–198, 228 230
- Royal Astronomical Society, 21, 184
- Royal Institution, 169
- Royal Society, 26, 28
- Russell, John, R.A., 183
- St. Andrews, 296
- St. John, C. E., 222, 224
- San Francisco Earthquake, 108
- Satellites, formation of, 175, 208
- Saturn, 149, 157, 178–180, 202–206, 275–277
- Saturn, Ring of, 275–277
- Saturn, Satellites of, 165, 178, 181
- Saunder, S. A., 183-184
- Scale and colour compared, 273
- Selenium, 134
- Shadows of Lunar Mountains, 185
- Shakespeare, 24
- Shrinking of Sun, 174–177, 208–211
- Sights for observing, 15
- Sirius, 128, 262, 267, 282
- Sizes of Stars, 260–264
- Snow Horizontal Telescope, 120
- Sodium lines, 128
- Somersaults of Planets, 181, 182
- Sound, 85, 86, 167, 249
- Southern Cross, 251
- Spectroheliograph, 131, 216 223
- Spectroscope, 126–130,275–277
- Spider for balloons, 69, 77, 78
- Spreading of light, 264, 265
- Squint, 49–57, 262, 270
- Stars, distance of, 89
- Stars, streaming of, 284–291
- Stebbins, Joel, 134–137
- Stonehenge, 193, 194
- Stratton, F. J. M., 182
- Sun, 157, 192–248, 292–295
- Sun, distance of, 57–63, 88, 211
- Sun, movement of, 292–295
- Sun, photograph of, 195–196
- Sunrise, 193
- Sunspots, 195–198, 200–206
- Sun worship, 194
- Surface of Sun, 212–216
- Swift, Dean, 106
- Sykes, G., 144
- Taurus, Stream in, 280
- Telescope, 87–137
- Tennyson, A., 106, 268, 269, 297
- Theoria Motus, 155
- Tides, 226, 227
- Titius, 151
- Totem posts, 65, 66
- Tower Telescope, 121–126, 137
- Tracks of Eclipses, 233
- Train whistling, 271
- Tramp Abroad, 88, 294
- Transit of Venus, 57-63
- Trinity College, Cambridge, 26
- Trouvelot, 114, 115
- Turn-table, 177
- Twain, Mark, 88, 294
- Uraniborg, 15
- Uranus, 95, 156, 158–164, 180
- Vanishing Point, 281
- Vatican Observatory, 29
- Venus, 157
- Venus, Transit of, 57–63
- Verne, Jules, 2, 3, 11–13, 86, 87, 138, 183
- Vesta, 155
- Vesuvius, 185
- Victoria Telescope, 115
- Voyage in Space, 1, 266, 294
- Wallace, A. R., 141
- Waltzing of Stars, 277–279
- Washington Observatory, 106
- Water on Planets, 140–146, 188–189
- Watts, Dr. I., 116
- Week, Days of, 156
- Wells, H. G., 3, 87, 183, 188, 189
- Westminster Abbey, 164
- Whitworth Planes, 65
- Windmills, 72
- Wireless Telegraphy, 170
- Wireless Vibrations, 250, 293
- Wolf's Sunspot numbers, 201
- Xenon, 79
- Yerkes, C. T., 109
- Yerkes Observatory, 42, 104, 109, 110, 116
- Zodiac, 117, 153, 250
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