Keep fond remembrance of thy brave,
Columbia! Twice by blood redeemed;
Once, from thy foes beyond the wave,
And once from evil nearer outschemed.

Bring forth the banners, faded now,
Reconsecrate each stain and rent
With patriot pledge and solemn vow
To Freedom’s glorious intent.

Thy champions at the call of Fate
Their pleasures and their toil forsook,
They left their firesides desolate,
But wrote their names in Honor’s book.

Heap high the wreaths above their dust!
Sound the war trumpet for their meed,
But keep thee faithful to the trust
Bequeathed in each heroic deed.

Of the shorn beauty of their days
Let Memory her broad blazon make,
And point her lesson, while our lays
Call the land blessed for their sake.

This work was published before January 1, 1927, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.

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