Little Tube of mighty Pow’r,
Charmer of an idle Hour,
Object of my warm Desire,
Lip of Wax, and Eye of Fire;
And thy snowy taper Waist,
With my Finger gently brac’d;
And thy pretty swelling Crest,
With my little Stopper prest;
And the sweetest Bliss of Blisses,
Breathing from thy balmy Kisses.
Happy thrice, and thrice agen,
Happiest he of happy Men;
Who when agen the Night returns,
When agen the Taper burns;
When agen the Cricket’s gay,
(Little Cricket, full of Play)
Can afford his Tube to feed
With the fragrant Indian Weed:
Pleasure for a Nose divine,
Incense of the God of Wine.
Happy thrice, and thrice agen,
Happiest he of happy Men.

This work was published before January 1, 1927, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.