< A History of Italian Literature


Adelchi, 346
Adone, 273, 274
Alamanni, Luigi, his Girone, 152; his didactic poetry, 202; his satires, 203
Alberti, Leone Battista, 105–107
Aleardi, Aleardo, 388, 389
Alfieri, Count Vittorio, biography, 316–319; tragedies, 319, 320; minor writings, 321
Algarotti, Francesco, 296
Alphonso, Duke of Ferrara, 240, 244
Amari, Michele, 382
Amicis, Edmondo de, 408
Aminta, 233, 234
Ammirato, Scipione, 173
Andreini, 233
Angioleri, Cecco, 20
Annunzio, Gabriele d', as poet, 402–406; as novelist, 409; on the Italian language, 415
Arcadia, 123, 124
Arcadian Academy, 279–298
Aretino, Pietro, 182; his comedies, 232
Ariosto, Lodovico, biography, 140–143; his Orlando Furioso, 143–154; minor poetical works, 151; satires, 203–5 comedies, 230, 231
Amaboldi, Alessandro, 408
Arnaldo da Brescia, 350
Arnold, Matthew, on Alfieri, 320
Asoiani, Gii, 180
Azeglio, Massimo d', 349, 384

Baccelli, Alfredo, 408
Balbo, Cesare, 383
Ballata, the, 10
Bandello, Matteo, 218, 219
Barberino, Francesco, 21
Baretti, Giuseppe, 297
Barrili, Giulio, 409
Basile, Giovanni, Pentamerone, 221 Bassvilliana, La, 334
Beatrice de' Portinari, Dante's lady, 25, 26, 32
Beccaria, Cesare, 293
Belli, Gioacchino, 368, 369
Bello, Francesco, 138
Bembo, Pietro, his history of Venice, 174, 175; his Asolani, 180; his letters, 183; his poems, 188, 189
Benivieni, Girolamo, 121
Bentivoglio, Cardinal Guido, 269, 273
Beolco, Angelo, 232
Berchet, Giovanni, 386
Berni, Francesco, his humorous poetry, 204, 205; his rifacimento of Boiardo, 206, 207
Bibbiena, Cardinal, 142, 230
Bible, translated into Italian, 113
Biondo, Flavio, 111
Bisticci, Vespasiano da, 107
Boccaccio, Giovanni, his sonnet on Dante, 31; his friendship with Petrarch, 61, 84; his biography, 82–85; his romances, 85–87; his Decameron, 87–90; his poetry, 91–95; his character, 96

Boccalini, Trajano, 270, 271
Boiardo, Matteo Maria, his Orlando Innamorato, 131, 138; his lyrics, 139; his Timone, 230
Bonghi, Ruggiero, 411
Borgia, Girolamo, 172
Botta, Carlo, 380
Bovio, Giuseppe, 408
Bracciolini, Francesco, 209
Bracciolini, Pogio, 111
Bracco, Roberto, 408
Bruni, Leonardo, his life of Dante, 27; translates Plato and Aristotle, 111
Bruno, Giordano, 260–263
Bryant, 339
Buonarotti, M. A., 232
Burchiello, Domenico, 101
Byron, 354

Campanella, Tommaso, 263, 265
Cantù, Cesare, 349, 381
Canzone, the, 8
Canzoniere, Il, 66, 67
Capponi, Gino, 104
Capuana, Luigi, 408
Carducci, Giosuè, sonnet on Dante, 52; his beneficial influence, 328; leading position in modern Italian literature, 396, 397; characteristics of his poetry, 397–401; founder of a school of poets, 402
Carmagnola, 346
Caro, Annibale, 192
Carrer, Luigi, 387
Casa, Giovanni della, 179, 193
Casti, Giovanni Battista, 302, 303
Castiglione, Baldassare, his Cortegiano, 178–180
Cavalcanti, Guido, 17, 18
Cavalieri, Tommaso de', 197
Cavallotti, Felice, 407, 408
Cayley, C B., on Petrarch's Canzoniere, 66, 67
Cellini, Benvenuto, his autobiography, 177, 178
Cerlone, Francesco, 307
Charles V., Caro's sonnet upon, 192
Chaucer, 61, 90, 91, 98
Chiabrera, Gabriello, 276–279, 397
Chiari, Abate, 308
Chiarini, Giuseppe, 411
Chrysoloras, Emanuel, 111
Cielo dal Carno, 7
Cino da Pistoia, 18–20
Ginthio, Giovanni Battista Giraldi, 219, 229
Ciriaco di Ancona, 105
Clement VI., Pope, 58, 69
Clement VII., Pope, 158
Clement VIII., Pope, 246, 257
Clerke, Miss Ellen, translations by, 93, 117, 135, 148, 250, 347
Clough, quoted, 331
Coleridge, S. T., 35, 61, 62, 361, 390
Colletta, Pietro, 380, 381
Colonna, Cardinal, patron of Petrarch, 55,59
Colonna, Francesco, 108
Colonna, Vittoria, her sonnet to Bembo, 191; poems on her husband, 194; Michael Angelo's attachment to her, 197
Commedia dell' arte, 305, 306
Compagni, Dino, chronicle attributed to, 27, 103, 104
Comparetti, Domenico, 411, 413
Conti, Giusto de', 101
Convito, Il, 34
Coppetta, Francesco, 203, 204
Coronal of Sonnets, Tasso's, 255
Cortegiano, Il, 178–180
Cosmo de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany, 166
Cossa, Pietro, 391, 392
Costanzo, Angelo di, his history of Naples, 176; his poems, 193, 194
Courthope, W. J., 146

Crescimbeni, Giovanni Mario, 294, 298

Dacre, Lady, translation from Pulci by, 130
Dante Alighieri, biography, 24–31; Vita Nuova, 31–34; Convito, 34–36; De Monarchia, 36, 37; Divina Commedia, 40–52; Petrarch upon him, 63, 77; Boccaccio upon him, 93,96
Davila, Enrico Caterino, 268
Decamerone, Il, 88–90
De Monarchia, 36, 37
Denina, Carlo, 296
De Vulgari Eloquio, 36
Discorsi sopra Tito Livio, 161
Divina Commedia, La, 40–52

Este, house of, 141, 144

Farini, Luigi Carlo, 383
Farini, Salvatore, 409
Ferrari, Giuseppe, 379
Fiamma, Gabriele, 198
Fiammetta, Boccaccio's inammorata, 83
Fiammetta, La, 86–88
Filangieri, Gaetano, 293
Filicaja, Vincenzo, 283–285
Filocopo, Il, 85, 86
Filostrato, Il, 91, 92
Firenzuola, Agnolo, 182, 217
Fogazzaro, Antonio, 408, 409
Folengo, Teofilo, 207
Folgore di San Geminiano, 20
Fortiguerri, Nicolo, 210
Foscolo, Ugo, life and works, 337–341
Francis of Assisi, St. 16
Frederick II., Emperor of Germany, 6, 7
Frezzi, Frederico, 100

Galiani, Ferdinando, 294
Galileo, 259
Gallina, Giacinto, 408
Gelli, Giovanni Battista, 181
Gemma Donati, Dante's wife, 28, 29
Genovesi, Antonio, 294
Gentili, Alberico, 266
Gerusalemme Liberata, La, 246–253
Giannone, Pietro, 291, 292
Gil Vicente, 225
Ginguené, 77, 143
Gioberti, Vincenzo, 370, 371, 377, 378
Giordani, Pietro, 369, 370
Giorno, Il, 299
Giostra, La, 117
Giovanni Fiorentino, 102, 215, 216
Giovio, Paolo, 172
Giusti, Giuseppe, 365–368
Giustiniani, Leonardo, 102
Classford, James, translation from Sannazaro by, 187
Goethe, on I Promessi Sposi, 348
Goldoni, Carlo, controversy with Gozzi, 308; life, 321–323; comedies, 323, 324
Gosse, Edmund, translation of a sonnet of Redi by, 282
Gozzi, Carlo, life and dramatic writings, 307–309
Gozzi, Gaspare, 297
Graf, Arturo, 408
Gravina, Vincenzo, 298, 310
Grazzini, Antonio Maria, 219
Greene, G. A., translation from D'Annunzio, 405; his Italian Lyrists of To-Day, 408
Grossi, Tommaso, 349
Guarini, Giovanni Battista, Pastor Fido, 234–236
Gubematis, Angelo de, 411
Guerazzi, Francesco Domenico, 391
Guerrini, Olindo, 407

Guerzoni, Giuseppe, 411
Guicciardini, Francesco, his life, 164–166; history of his times, 166, 167; miscellaneous writings, 168, 169
Guidi, Alessandro, 285
Guidiccioni, Guido, 191, 192
Guinicelli, Guido, 15
Guittone di Arezzo, 13, 14

Homeric epic, probable genesis of, 154, 155
Howells, W. H., translation from Giusti by, 367
Hunt, Leigh, translations by, 78, 205, 235; on Pulci, 130; on Tasso's Aminta, 233
Hypnerotomachia Poliphili, 108

Ippolito d'Este, Cardinal of Ferrara, 141

Jacopino de' Todi, 21
Jacopo da Lentino, 8
Jacopo Ortis, 338, 339

Lanzi, Luigi, 296
Latini, Brunetto, 21, 22
Laura, Petrarch's innamorata, 55, 67–73
Lee, Vernon [Miss Violet Paget], 280, 297, 307, 309, 392
Leo X., Pope, 142, 158, 165, 175
Leonora d'Este, sister of the Duke of Ferrara, 241
Leopardi, Giacomo, his commentary on Petrarch, 81; his Paralipomeni, 210; biography, 354–357; as philosopher, 357, 358; as poet, 359–362; his prose works, 362, 363; as moralist, 363, 364
Leti, Gregorio, 269, 270
Lippi, Lorenzo, 209
Lorenzo de' Medici, his poetry and patronage of literature, 113–116
Luigi d'Este, Cardinal of Ferrara, 240

Macgregor, Major, translation from Petrarch by, 58
Machiavelli, Niccolo, his life, 157–159; his Prince, 159–161; Discourses on Livy's Decades, 161; History of Florence, 162, 163; his poems, 203; his comedies, 231
Maffei, Scipione, Marquis, 295, 315
Magno, Celio, 198
Mamiani, Terenzio, 379
Mandragola, La, 231
Manzoni, Alessandro, life and character, 342–344; lyrical poetry, 345; dramas, 346; I Promessi Sposi, 348, 349
Marini, Giovanni Batlista, 273–275
Marini, Giuseppe Ambrogio, 287
Marradi, Giovanni, 408
Massuccio Salernitano, 216
Mazzini, Giuseppe, 370-374
Mazzuchelli, Giovanni Maria, 295
Meli, Giovanni, 301, 302
Menzini, Benedetto, 285
Merope, 315
Mestica, Giovanni, commentator on Petrarch, 74, 80, 379
Metastasio, Pietro, biography, 310–312; works and literary characteristics, 312–315
Micali, Giuseppe, 382
Michael Angelo, as a poet, 197
Mie Prigioni, Le, 351
Milton, compared with Dante, 49, 50; indebtedness to Sannazaro, 187; study of Italian models, 199; on the decay of Italian literature in

his time, 238; influence of Tasso on his versification, 245; compared with Tasso, 248, 249
Molière, 323, 324
Molza, Francesco Maria, 189, 190
Mondo Creato, Il, 245
Montanelli, Giuseppe, 384
Montemagno, Bonaccorso da, 102
Monti, Vincenzo, life and works, 333–337; a reviver of Dante, 344
Morgante Maggiore, Il, 128–131
Muratori, Lodovico Antonio, 295

Napoleon, the true founder of Italian unity, 353
Nardi, Jacopo, 172
Navagero, Andrea, 172
Negri, Ada, 408
Nencioni, Enrico, 411
Niccolini, Giovanni Battista, 350
Nicholas V., Pope, 112
Niebuhr, 376
Nievo, Ippolito, 391
Nolhac, Pierre de, Pétrarque et l'Humanisme, 65
Novellino, Il, 85

Ojetti, Ugo, 325, 412
Ongaro, Francesco dall', 387
Opera, the, 313, 314
Ophelia, 124
Orfeo, 233
Orlando Furioso, 143–15 1
Orlando Innamorato, 132–138
Ottonieri, Filippo, pseudonym of Leopardi, 364
Ovid, 145

Pallavicino, Cardinal Sforza, 267, 258
Palmieri, Matteo, 101
Panizzi, Antonio, 11, 129, 130, 138, 139, 143
Panzacchi, Enrico, 408
Parini, Giuseppe, 299–301
Paruta, Pietro, 174, 175
Pascoli, Giuseppe, 408
Pastor Fido, Il, 234, 235
Paterno, Lodovico, 203
Patmore, Coventry, 97, 148, 403
Paul III., Pope, 175, 237
Paul v., Pope, 267
Petrarca, Francesco, biography, 53–61; his Latin poetry, 61–63; other Latin writings, 63, 64; epistles, 64, 65; classical scholarship, 65; his passion for Laura, 66–73; his Canzoniere, 73–79; his character, 79, 80
Pellico, Silvio, 351
Piccolomini, Alessandro, 181
Pindemonte, Ippolito, his sonnet on Petrarch's Laura, 72; his life and writings, 341, 342
Pius II., Pope [Enea Silvio Piccolomini], 105
Pius IV., Pope, 237
Placci, Carlo, 409
Pletho, Gemistus, 111
Poliziano, Angelo, his poetry and scholarship, 116–119; his Orfeo, 227, 233
Polo, Marco, 105
Pontano, Giovanni, 107, 108
Porto, Luigi da, 217
Prati, Giovanni, 387, 388
Principe, Il, 158–161
Promessi Sposi, I, 348, 349
Provençal literature, 4–6
Pulci, Luca, 121
Pulci, Luigi, his Morgante Maggiore, 128–131

Ranieri, Antonio, 356
Rapisardi, Mario, 408
Rappresentazione Sacra, 22
Reali di Francia, I, 128

Redi, Francesco, 281, 282
Reeve, Henry, 81
Ridella, Franco, 357
Romagnosi, Giovanni Domenico, 378
Rosa, Salvator, 286
Roscoe, William, 189, 196
Rosmini-Serbati, Antonio, 378
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel, translations by, 7, 8, 9, 15, 19, 20, 22, 34, 95, 100, 102
Rossetti, Gabriel, 386, 387
Rossi, J. V. [Nicius Erythræus], 269, 277, 287
Rousseau, 329
Rucellai, Giovanni, 202

Sabadino degli Arienti, 217
Sacchetti, Franco, 102, 214, 215
Sade, Abbé de, his theory respecting Petrarch's Laura, 68–71
Sannazaro, Jacopo, his life, 122; his Arcadia, 123, 124; his Latin and Italian poetry, 187
Sarpi, Pietro, 267, 268
Savonarola, Girolamo, 121
Secchia Rapita, La, 208, 209
Senuccio del Bene, 101
Sepolcri, I, 339
Serao, Matilda, 409
Settembrini, Luigi, 124, 219, 243, 274.344
Sewall, Frank, translation from Carducci, 401
Shakespeare, Othello, 219; Measure for Measure, 219, 229; Timon of Athens, 230; sonnets, 255
Shelley, 17, 27, 35, 41, 144, 360
Sicilian octave, the, 10
Sidney, Sir Philip, 124, 262
Sixtus v., Pope, 270
Solerti, 243
Song of Roland, 128
Sonnet, the, 9, 284
Spenser, 134, 146, 329, 403
Speroni, Sperone, 229
Staël, Madame de, her Corinne, 333, 354
Stampa, Gaspara, 195
Stigliani, Tommaso, 275
Straparola, his Notti Piacevoli, 220
Swinburne, quoted, 373
Symonds, J. A., cited, 26, 44, 48, 106, 118, 190, 197, 232, 234, 260, 309. 323, 414; translations by, 120, 265

Tansillo, Luigi, his life and poems, 195–197
Tasso, Bernardo, his Amadigi, 152; his sonnets, 191; his misfortunes, 239
Tasso, Torquato, his Rinaldo, 152; Torrismondo, 229; Aminta, 233, 234; his life, 238–246; Jerusalem Delivered, 246–254; minor poems, 254, 255; his dialogues, 266; his sonnet to Stigliani, 275; his patriotic feeling, 352
Tassoni, Alessandro, 208, 209
Telesio, Bernardo. 260
Teseide, La, 91, 92
Testa, Giovanni Battista, 381
Testi, Fulvio, 279, 280
Tiraboschi, Girolamo, 295, 296
Tomlinson, C., 81
Tommaseo, Niccolo, 384, 385
Trissino, Giovanni Giorgio, his Italia Liberata, 153, 154; his Sophonisba, 228
Troya, Carlo, 382, 383
Turpin, Archbishop of Rheims, 127

Uberti, Fazio degli, 99, 100

Valla, Lorenzo, 111
Valle, Pietro della, 271

Vanini, Giulio Cesare, 265
Varchi, Benedetto, 172
Vasari, Giorgio, his lives of Italian artists, 176, 177
Verga, Giovanni, 410
Verri, Alessandro, 303
Vico, Giovanni Battisia, 290, 291
Villani, Giovanni, 104
Villari, Pasquale, on Guicciardini, 167, 168; his writings, 411
Vita Nuova, La, 32–34

Wells, C, 215
Whitman, Walt, and Carducci, 401
Wordsworth, 200, 277, 402

Zanella, Giacomo, 389–391
Zappi, Faustina, 299
Zappi, Felice, 298
Zeno, Apostolo, 310
Zuccoli, Luciano, 409


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