< A History of Hungarian Literature
- Address to the King, 163
- After Thirty Years, 279
- Alarm, 151
- Alfonso of Arragon, 22
- András and Andor, 283
- Andreas der Ungarische König mit Bankbano seinem getreuen Statthalter, 125
- Andrew, King, 124
- Anonymus Belae Regis Notarius, 17, 273
- Apáczai Cseri, John, 55
- Apostle, The, 214
- Appeal, 145
- Arany, John, 5, 91, 217 (his biography), 249 (on Madách), 262, 278, 280, 283, 286
- Arany, Ladislas, 276 (biography), 278
- Arcadian Controversy, 86
- Aristophanes, 269
- Árpád dynasty, 12
- Asiatic Society, 276
- Athenæum, The, 270
- Attavantes, 37
- At the End of September, 209
- Attila and Buda, 79
- Aurora, 117
- Ausgleich, 99
- Bacsányi, John, 102
- Bácsmegyei, 107
- Bajza, Joseph, 261 (biography), 270
- Bakócz, Thomas, 28
- Balassa, Valentine, 3, 43 (biography), 46
- Balthazar, Graciano, 75
- Bánk Bán, 124
- Banus Marót, The, 147
- Bards of Wales, The, 241
- Báróczy, Alexander, 166
- Baron's Sons, The, 186
- Basire, Isaac, 56
- Baskirs, 8
- Battle Pictures, 186
- Beatrice, Queen, 26
- Beautiful Ilonka, 139
- Béla III., King, 273
- Béla IV., King, 12, 273
- Bélteky Family, The, 169
- Benyovszky, Maurice, 168
- Beöthy, Zsolt, 285
- Berzsenyi, Daniel, 43, 96, 122
- Bessarion, 32
- Bessenyei, George, 17 (biography), 77
- Bethlen, Gabriel, 41, 55, 56
- Béza, Theodore, 57
- Bird to its Brood, The, 245
- Bird Voices, 142
- Black Sheep of the Village, The, 263
- Blandrata, George, 58
- Blissful Love, 109
- Bloody Nuptials, 149
- Bonfini, Anthony, 33, 273
- Bor, the Hero, 239
- Botond, 151
- Bowring, 109
- Brigadier Ocskay, 289
- Brunelleschi, 37
- Budai Krónika, 35
- Buda's Death, 236
- Budenz, Joseph, 275
- Bürger, 122
- Burns, Robert (translation of), 276
- Byron, Lord, 250
- Byzantium, 284
- Cain (Byron), 250
- Call to the Ordeal, 242
- Calprenède, 166
- Captive Stork, The, 243
- Caradosso, 26
- Carthusian, The, 172
- Catherine of Alexandria, 37
- Centuries of Hungarian History, 174
- Cervantes, 151
- Charles I. of England, 56
- Charles II. of England, 56
- Charles, Prince of Lorraine, 68
- Chateaubriand, 172
- Chronicle of Jason and Medea, 46
- Chronicles, 273
- Clark, Thomas, 157
- Compromise, 99
- Constant, Benjamin, 172
- Coriolanus (Shakespeare), 214
- Corvina Library, 25
- Corvinus, John, 28
- Corvinus, Matthias, 30, 273
- Cosimo di Medici, 31
- Country, The, 196
- Courtier, The, 75
- Csehy, Joseph, 96
- Cserei, Michel, 273
- Csezmiczey, John, 30*Csiky, Gregory, 204
- Csokonai Vitéz, Michel, 84
- Csongor and Tünde, 50, 147
- Cypress Branches, 145
- Czuczor, Gregory, 151
Dalmata, Giovanni, 24
- Dante, 269
- David, Francis, 58
- Deák, Francis, 91, 97, 159, 249
- Dear Captain Mine, 272
- Death of Buda, The, 225
- Death of Pan, The, 280
- Demonstratio Idioma Ungarorum et Lapponum idem esse, 8
- Déry, Mme., 123
- Descartes, M., 55
- Deserter, The, 263
- Disappointments, 115
- Dobó, Christine, 47
- Dobó, Stephen, 47
- Dóczy, Louis, 282
- Don Quixote, 151
- Dorothy, or the Dames' Victory over Prince Carnival, 85, 122
- Dugonics, Andreas, 96, 134
- Ehrenfeld Codex, 12
- Ein treuer Diener seines Herrn, 125
- Elaboratior Grammatica Hungarica, 275
- Elizabeth, St., 12
- Elmerick or Justice Triumphant, 125
- Enthusiasts, The, 181
- Eötvös, Baron Joseph, 97, 170
- Ephemerides, 32
- Epilogue, 227
- Erdélyi, John, 106, 270
- Érdi Codex, 14
- Erdősi, John, 81
- Essay on Man (translation of), 80
- Faithful Griseldis, The, 50
- Faludi, Francis, 74 (biography), 75
- Fanny's Memoirs, 167
- Farewell, 178
- Farewell to Rakóczy, 71
- Faust, 250
- Favourite, The, 248
- Fáy, Andrew, 169
- Fazekas, Michel, 86
- Federigo da Urbino, 37
- Ferdinand II., Emperor, 52
- Finnish language, 8
- Flower Tales, 246
- Fogel, Martin, 8
- Francis, Emperor and King, 171
- From the Past of Hungary, 110
- Galeotto, 32
- Garay, John, 151
- Garibaldi, 278
- Gesta Romanorum, 50
- Gibbon, 248
- Gilded Mysery, 265
- Girondins, Les (translations of), 214
- Glance, A, 158
- Godly Man, The, 16
- Goethe, 96 (on Hungary)—250, 268
- Good People of Palócz, The, 282
- Görgey, Arthur, 270
- Greguss, Augustus, 270
- Grillparzer, 125
- Guide to Divine Truth, A, 54
- Gustavus Adolphus, 53
- Gvadányi Count Joseph, 82 (biography), 168
- Gyergyai, Albert, 50
- Gyöngyössy, Stephen, 65
- Gyóry, William, 151
- Gypsy, The, 263
- Gypsies of Nagy Ida, 262
- Gyulai, Pál, 183
- Gyulay, Paul, 156, 234, 262, 269, 270 (biography), 276
- Gyurkovics Girls, The, 282
- Hadik, Andrew, 83
- Hajnóczy, 103
- Hamlet, 156
- Handbuch der Ungarischen Poesie, 209
- Heltai, Gaspar, 273
- Herczeg, Francis, 282, 283 (biography)
- Herder, 95 (on Hungary)
- Hess, Andrew, 35
- Himfy's Love, 97, 108
- History of Budapest, 274
- History of Hungary, 125
- History of Transylvania, 273
- Hoary Gypsy, The, 144, 261
- Honvéd Army, 279
- Horse Herd, The, 263
- Horváth, Michel, 274
- Hunfalvy, Paul, 275
- Hungarian Academy, 94
- Hungarian Encyclopædia, 55
- Hungarian Lifeguard Officers, 88
- Hungarian Nabob, A, 186
- Hungary under Turkish Rule, 274
- Hunyadi, John, 18
- Hunyadi, Ladislas, 27
- Hunyadi, Matthias, 3
- Huss, John, 41
- Hymnus, 123
- Ideen zur Geschichte der Ilfenschheit, 95
- Ildikó, 237
- Imre (St.), 12
- Institutes (Calvin), 57
- Into the Kitchen door I strolled, 205
- Irene, 115
- Iron Man, The, 206
- Istvánffy, Paul, 50
- János Vitéz, 210
- Janus Pannonius, 30
- Jókai, Maurus, 183, 271
- Joseph II., Emperor, 80
- Joseph Palatine, 118
- Jósika, Baron Nicholas, 169
- Judith, 46
- Judith Simon, 284
- Julius Cæsar (Shakespeare), 150
Káldi, George, 41
- Kálmán the Wise, King, 18
- Kármán, Joseph, 167
- Károli, Jasper, 41
- Katona, Joseph (biography), 123
- Katona's Bánk Bán, 272
- Katona, Stephen, 273
- Kazinczy, Francis, 88 (biography), 271
- Kelemen, Ladislas, 113
- Kemény, Baron Sigimund, 180
- Kemény, John, 67
- King Lear, 151
- Kisfaludy, Alexander, 97 (biography), 101
- Kisfaludy, Charles 43 (biography), 111
- Kisfaludy Society, 249
- Kiss, John, 96
- Kiss, Joseph, 284
- Kiss, The, 282
- Kölcsey, Francis, 43, 120 (biography), 123, 127
- Körner, 114
- Körösi Csoma, Alexander, 100, 275
- Kossuth, Louis, 97, 120, 159 (biography), 249, 271
- Kurucz Poetry, 70
- Kotzebue, 114
- Kun Szabó, Alexander, 150
- Kutyakaparó, 209
- Laczkovics, 103
- Ladislas Hunyadi, 79
- Ladislas (St.), 18
- Lapps, 8
- Leibnitz (on the Hungarian Language), 8
- Letters from Turkey, 73
- Lévay, Joseph, 276
- Liliomfi, 263
- Lillo, George, 125
- Lippi, Filipo, 26
- Liszt, Francis, 97
- Living Statue, The, 145
- Lodovico Moro, 21
- Loew (Magyar Poetry), 119, 144, 242, 245
- Lorántfy, Susan, 57
- Lorenzo the Magnificent, 21
- Losonczy, Stephen, 45
- Madách, Imre, 102, 249, biography), 260
- Magyar Nyelvőr, 91
- Majano, Benedetto da, 25
- Mantegna, 37
- Margaret, St., 12
- Maria, Theresa, 77
- Marie Antoinette, 124
- Marot, Clement, 57
- Marsilius Ficinus, 34
- Martinovics, Ignatius, 93
- Matthias Corvinus, 2 1 , 35, 39, 43, 285
- Meinhart Balassa's Treachery, 113
- Metternich, 135
- Midsummer Night's Dream, The, 150
- Mikes, Count Kelemen, 68, 72 (biography)
- Mikszáth, Kálmán, 282
- Mirage Pursuer, The, 278
- Mohács, 118
- Mohács , Battle of, 39
- Mon Oncle Benjamin, 87
- Montecuccoli, 62
- Montefeltre, Federigo, 21
- Morality Plays, 113
- Mysteries, 113
- My Will, 180
- Napoleon, 111
- National School, 82
- National Theatre, 263
- New Landowner, The, 185
- New Zrinyiász, The, 282
- Notary's Journey to Buda, A, 83, 134
- Novel of the Coming Century, The, 187
- Obisidio Szigetiana, 62
- Ocskay's Treason, 71
- October Decree, 102
- Old Mansion's Last Tenant, The, 272
- One Only Thought, 202
- On Immortality, 86
- Onyegin, 278
- Origin of the Hungarians, The, 276
- Pagans, The, 284
- Palatine Bánk, 123
- Palócz Race, 282
- Paradise Lost (translation of), 80
- Pázmány, Péter, 51, 52 (biography)
- Pécsi, Simon, 58
- Peer Codex, 19
- Pesti Napló, 180
- Péterfy, Eugene, 267
- Petőfi, Alexander, 48 , 102, 190 (biography), 243, 246, 280, 286
- Philology, 275
- Philosopher, The, 79
- Phœnix that Sprang to New Life, The, 67
- Pistols, The
- Poetry of the Magyars (Bowring) 109
- Political Fashions, 186
- Pretender, The, 263
- Prince Argirus, 56
- Prince Csaba, 237
- Proletariat, The, 264
- Psalms (translation of), 80
- Puskin, Alexander, 278
- Quentin Durward, 33
- Rákóczy, Francis II., 5, 70
- Rákóczy, George II., 3, 56
- Rákóczy, March, 72
- Rákosi, Eugene, 282
- Rape of the Lock, 85
- Rebels, The, 115
- Reformation, 39
- Regiomontanus, 32
- Révay, Nicholas, 275
- Reviczky, Gyula, 278, 280 (biography)
- Rhymed Chronicles, 3
- Richelieu, 53
- Rontó, Pál, 168
- Rudolph II., Emperor and King, 46
- Sachs, Hans, 125
- Sajnovics, John, 7
- Salamon, Francis, 274
- Satirical Plays, 113
- Sermons, 54
- Shakespeare, 147, 150, 271
- Siege of Szigetvár, The, 62
- Sigray, 103
- Silvio Pellico, 94
- Spartacus, 204
- Stadium, The, 156
- Stormy Times, 181
- St. Peter's Umbrella, 282
- St. Stephen (King), 12, 98
- Suitors, The, 115
- Sylvester, John, 81
- Szalay, Ladislas, 274
- Szántó, 52
- Szarvas, Gabriel, 91, 275
- Szász, Charles, 262, 276, 277
- Széchenyi, Count Stephen, 44, 88, 105, 152, 261, 285
- Széchy, Countess Maria, 65
- Székely race, 237
- Szenczy Molnár, Albert, 57
- Szentjóbi Szabó, Ladislas, 102
- Szentmarjay, 103
- Szigligeti, Edward, 105, 282 (biography)
- Szlágyi and Hajmámtúisi, 50
- Szondy, George, 45
- Szózat (Appeal), 5
- Talpra Magyar, 198
- Tartars in Hungary, The, 112
- Tasso, 62
- Teleki, Count Ladislas, 248
- Thibetan Grammar, 276
- Tököly, Imre, 70
- Thomas (Franciscan Monk), 41
- Thoughts, 178
- Thoughts in a Library, 146
- Tinódi, Sebastian, 3, 44 (biography), 45
- To Juliet, 225
- To Kings, 200
- Toldi, 196, 223
- Toldi, Francis, 103, 296 (biography)
- Toldi's Eve, 223, 230
- Toldi's Love, 227
- Tompa, Michael, 243, 244 (biography), 262
- Török, Valentine, 45
- To the Magyars, 96, 119
- To the Stork, 242
- Tóth, Edward, 263
- Tóth, Kálmán, 280
- Tragedy of Agis, The, 76
- Tragedy of Man, The, 162, 249, 253, 258
- Travels of Trasimenes, The, 80
- Treasure Seekers, The, 147
- Turkish Opium, 4
- Two Castles, The, 138
Urania, 167
- University of Budapest, 275
- Vajda, John, 378
- Valentine (Franciscan Monk), 41
- Vámbéry, Arminius, 10, 275
- Vanitas Vanitatum, 121
- Venus of Murány, The, 64
- Vérnász, 149
- Verocchio, 27
- Verseghy, Francis, 102
- Vespasiano, 31
- Vigny, Alfred de, 122
- Village Notary, The, 175
- Vinci, Leonardo da, 27
- Vintage Day, 277
- Vírág, Benedict, 81, 273
- Virgil, 62
- Vitéz, John, 31
- Voltaire, 77
- Vörösmarty's Biography, 280
- Vörösmarty, Michel 5, 97, 133 (biography), 280
- Wesselényi, Baron Francis, 65
- Winter Evenings, 76
- World, The, 156
- Yearning Love, 109
- Ypsilanti, 94
- Zalán's Flight, 135, 243
- Zoltán Kárpáti, 186
- Zrinyiász, 62
- Zrinyi, Count George, 59
- Zrinyi, Ilona, 60, 70
- Zrinyi, Nicholas, 4, 43, 60 (biography), 282
- Zrinyi, Peter, 59
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