< A Dictionary of Music and Musicians

VERSCHIEBUNG (Ger. literally shoving aside). The mechanism acted upon by the left pedal of the pianoforte, by means of which the hammers are shifted slightly to the right, so as to strike one or two strings instead of three, thus producing a weaker tone of a peculiarly delicate quality. The word is employed in pianoforte music to indicate the use of this pedal; thus the directions mit Verschiebung, ohne Verschiebung, are synonymous with the Italian ad una corda, a tre corde. [See Pedals; Sordini; U. C.] A charming effect is obtained by Schumann in the slow movement of his Sonata for piano and violin in D minor, op. 121, where he makes the piano play mit Verschiebung, accompanied by the violin am Steg, that is, close to the bridge, thus producing a veiled quality of sound which suits admirably with the refined tone of the pianoforte.

[ F. T. ]

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