HELLMESBERGER, a distinguished family of musicians in Vienna. Georg, the father, born April 24, 1800, son of a country schoolmaster, and chorister in the court chapel, entered the Conservatorium of the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde and learnt the violin from Böhm and composition from E. Förster. In 1821 he was appointed assistant teacher, and in 1833 professor at the Conservatorium, where he formed a host of distinguished pupils, including his two sons, until he retired on a pension in 67. In 1829 he became conductor of the Imperial opera, and in 1830 a member of the court chapel. This unassuming man, who lived only for his art, was leader at innumerable concerts, published many compositions for his instrument, and died universally respected at Neuwaldegg on Aug. 16, 1873. His eldest son Georg, born in Vienna, 1828 (?), made a successful concert-tour through Germany and England with his father and brother in 1847, but chiefly devoted himself to composition, which he studied under Rotter. When barely 21 he was appointed concert-meister at Hanover, where he brought out two operas, 'Bürgschaft' and 'Die beide Königinnen.' He died Nov. 12, 1852, leaving numerous MSS. His brother
Joseph, born Nov. 3, 1828 [App. p.671 "the generally accepted date of birth, 1829, is possibly right"], early displayed a great faculty for music, and appeared in public with applause as an infant prodigy. In spite of his youth he was appointed violin professor and director of the Conservatorium, when it was reconstituted in 1852, and professional conductor of the Gesellschaft concerts. He resigned the latter post in favour of Herbeck in 1859, and the professorship in 1877, but still retains the post of director, with signal advantage to the institution. In 1860 he was appointed concertmeister at the Imperial opera, in 63 first violin solo in the court chapel, and in 77 chief capellmeister to the emperor. The quartet parties which he has led since 1849 have maintained their attraction undiminished in spite of all rivalry. The repertoire is large, and his performances were the first to awaken general interest in Beethoven's later quartets. The fine tone, grace, and poetic feeling which mark Hellmesberger's execution as a solo and quartet player, are equally conspicuous in the orchestra, of which he is a brilliant leader. To these qualities he adds perfect familiarity with every instrument in the orchestra, and considerable skill as a pianist. He received the Legion of Honour for his services as a juror in the Paris Exhibition of 1855! and many other orders, both of his own and other countries, have since been conferred on him. On the 35th anniversary of his directorship of the Conservatorium he was presented with the freedom of the city of Vienna. His son Joseph, born April 9, 1855, inherits the family talent, and has played second violin in his father's quartet since 1875. He has been since 78 solo player at the court opera and chapel, and professor at the Conservatorium. [App. p.671 "Add that Joseph Hellmesberger, junior, has recently brought out two operas in Vienna, 'Rikiki' and 'Die verwandelte Katze.'"][ C. F. P. ]