HASLINGER. A well-known music firm in Vienna, originally the 'Bureau des arts et d'industrie,' next S. A. Steiner & Co., and since 1826 Tobias Haslinger. Tobias, born March 1, 1787, at Zell, in Upper Austria, was an energetic intelligent man of business, on intimate terms with the best musicians of Vienna. Beethoven and he were in constant communication, and the numerous letters to him from the great composer, which have been preserved (probably only a small proportion of those which were written), each with its queer joke or nickname, show the footing they were on—Adjutant, or Adjutanterl, or Bestes kleines Kerlchen, or Tobiasserl, or Tobias Peter Philipp, or Monsieur de Haslinger, Général Musicien et Général Lieutenant—such are the various queer modes in which Beethoven addresses him. In a letter to Schott (Nohl, No. 328) he sketches a comic biography of his friend, with illustrative canons. Another canon, 'O Tobias Dominus Haslinger,' occurs in a letter of Sept. 10, 1821; and one of his very last notes contains a flourish on his name, added, with the signature, by the hand of the master:—
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[ C. F. P. ]