< A Chinese Biographical Dictionary

108 Chang Shou-kuei 張守珪. 7th and 8th cent. A.D. A military commander under the Emperor Ming Huang of the T'ang dynasty. When the Turkic tribes were attacking Bishbalik (the modern Urumtsi) about A.D. 715, he distinguished himself so much by his valuable reports and general energy that he was appointed Governor of 瓜 Kua-chou. He had barely time to put the old fortifications into a fit state for defence ere the enemy was upon him, and ready to make an assault. At this juncture he invited a number of his officers to a banquet on the city wall; and the merrymaking which ensued was so uproarious that the Turkic chieftain felt sure that the garrison was well prepared against an attack, and drew off his forces. Thereupon Chang at once gave orders to pursue, and succeeded in inflicting a severe defeat upon the invaders. After further useful services, he was employed against the Kitan Tartars, and won several victories, capturing two of their leaders, whose heads he forwarded to the capital. In 735 he had an audience of the Emperor, and was appointed generalissimo of the empire. Once more in the field against the Kitans, he continued his career of success, until the defeat of one of his lieutenants, 烏知義 Wu Chih-i. This reverse he concealed; but the truth soon leaked out, and he was dismissed as Governor of 括 Kua-chou in Chehkiang, where he died of a carbuncle.

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