17Ch'ai Shao 柴紹 (T. 嗣昌). 7th cent. A.D. A military leader who married the Princess P'ing-yang, a daughter of the Emperor Kao Tsu, founder of the T'ang dynasty, and distinguished himself as a general against the Turkic invaders. On one occasion, when he was attacking the Turkic forces which then threatened the frontier, his army was almost overwhelmed by a dense shower of arrows from the enemy's bows. But Ch'ai Shao sent forward some girls to play and dance to the Tartar guitar, which so fascinated the Tartar soldiers that they desisted from the fight to watch. Meanwhile Ch'ai Shao, by a rapid strategic movement, succeeded in surrounding them, and the whole force was cut to pieces. He aided the second Emperor, T'ai Tsung, to consolidate the empire, and in 628 was Governor of Hua-chou in Shensi. Canonised as 襄.